Persian White Poppy Late Harvest + Other Poppy Growing and Heroin Production Info


Well-Known Member
I know alkaloids in mushrooms are destroyed if burned..don't know about opiate use consisted of injecting white or oxy 80s.(I DON'T RECCOMEND EITHER)


Well-Known Member
yea i wont iv or sniff... just pop shit or puff opium. been tempted to burn some dope but im afraid of what people cut it with! will never fuck around unless its from a chemist or myself...

i grabbed some 30s one time and they were fake! my "boy" said he could feel em nice but as soon as it touched my tounge i said dude your boy got us...turned out after threatening my boys boy they let me know about my "boy". i knew instantly in the dark. so im not one for the placebo effect...

also made my boy pay a fucked me over tax, the original connect was fucking shook! im the nicest fuck you will meet til you fuck me!


Well-Known Member
Those who actually place real opium on their bud are usually wasting their o. Some of the active ingredients can be vaporized but they are also flamable so one is burning off a portion of what it is they are looking to inhale. unless an O pipe, used the correct way (there is a reason they are designed that way), or a decent oil pipe is used, one is wasting something precious.


I miss the opiated hash out of Afghanistan in the mid 70's We also had opiated cannabis too... where do you find the seeds (for the poppies)? I love to try this again.

cancer survivor

Active Member
not seeds, afghan black hash mixed with opium, i prefer those two drugs seperate! black hash in bekaw valley is best in afghanistan! been there several times! peace


Well-Known Member
I know alkaloids in mushrooms are destroyed if burned..don't know about opiate use consisted of injecting white or oxy 80s.(I DON'T RECCOMEND EITHER)
Morphine vapor will combust, leaving you with nothing. Those who smoke opium learn to heat the bottom of the bowl and then, slightly lap the flame up over the side, if it is done right you won't get anything in your opium actually glowing, at least until it has turned to dross. Some people burn the dross but it wont do anything. Others save the dross and eat it or make a tea out of it, there is some effect from this. Those people who put opium in with their bud tend to make the mistake of putting a patty or ball on the top of the bud, wrong. Put a tiny bit of pot at the bottom, then put your patty on, then cover that with more pot. This isn't the best way to do it, but it will tend to cook off the morphine before everything is finally actually burning.

I like the taste of opium far more than the taste of pot so I would not mix them. Opium has a flowery, greenish pleasant taste to it and the smoke it gives off has a lush rich feel to it that is disguised when it is smoked with anything else. Beyond that, there is a reason that many of the older traditional opium pipes are made with removeable and replaceable bamboo tubes. The vapor condenses in the tube and when it is collected and smoked is far more potent than the original opium.