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#9, #9, #9, #9. #9, #9, #9, #9, #9, #9, #9, #9.
do you really think that the big bad corporations are out there to control us and are controlling the government? You need to lay off the weed you are getting paranoidWhether the government did it or not is really not the fundamental issue. The real issue is that so many people actually believe they did. That tells volumes about the state of our representative government. The people just don't trust them, they feel, (rightly so), that the government doesn't represent them any more, that the government is owned by corporations, (Rightly so), that we live in an oligarchic plutocracy, (Amen). This kind of government is the best that money can buy, and you and I, well we are paying the bills while the rich are stealing the country, Ahhh, they've already stolen it and now are just enjoying their plunder.
what's up dick? I have a magnifying device for reading their tiny font doesn't bother me....Bongspit, where do you get newspapers in such giant font....LOL, legally blind but you can still get through 3 papers a day. I am assuming it takes the entire day to do that cause newspapers are so discriminatory to the legally blind...Those bastards and there tiny font
Do you care to prove this or are you just laying pipe. Tell me those rejected procedures by the medical HMOs were bogus, tell Me that that dickhead Bush didn't sit for 7 minutes reading some lame kindergarten book while the country was under attack, In fact please point out the fallacies point by point, that's right, in fact you cant.ALL of Michael Moore's work is pure fiction. He likes to take true facts and twist them around and take them out of context to suite what ever sensational propaganda he is trying to promote at the time to make a buck. He is no different than any other slimy yellow journalist. His work is not even considered a documentary according to the film industry. His work is at the level of the National Enquirer or the Sun. If you believe that 911 is this big conspiracy and that the USA did this to its own people then you are sucker. Just like all the other people that believe Elvis is still alive and pumping gas in Ohio some where. If the Muslim people never would hurt a fly then why are they trying to get there hands on nukes to vaporize you and everyone around you!! US Intel Links Iran With Nuke Bomb Bid , Diplomats Say U.S. Has Shared Intelligence That May Show Iran Trying To Make Nuclear Bomb - CBS News
I guess I'm like everyone else, well maybe not like you, but I always take these diatribes with a little grain of salt, If there were 59 deciets, I'll wager there were a lot more facts. Plus these debunkers have an agenda and their "Facts" are just as suseptable to deciet as Moores, so I guess you'll just have to believe what you will and I'll believe what I will. There is no secret on this site that I despise Bush-Cheney and all the foul things they've done in the last 7 years, and no amount of biased cut and paste is going to change my mind.If i were the President and i was in that position i would have waited a few minutes to grasp the situation in my mind and try not to panic anyone, especially children in front of the media. 7 minutes so what!! What did you want him to do, run out of the room screaming we are under attack like a little girl in a panic?? And as far as Michael Moore you are really gullible to believe his bullshit Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911, Dave Kopel, Independence Institute and Spinsanity - One Moore stupid white man and Canadian doc-makers take on Michael Moore - CBC Arts | Film. All he cares about is $$$$$ not the truth.
I mean, you actually need a list of the Bush atrocities. Have you been asleep for the past seven years., I can see that this conversation is going nowhere. You just believe what you want and I'll do the same. BTW I think the clinton years were the best 8 years since I've been an adult, so I don't see any positive energy in this exchange, Bye-Bye.explain what they have done that you dont like in the last seven years. I personally know that most politicians are hypocrites. I despised bill clinton during his terms because despite what everyone thinks about his terms he didnt do shit. In fact information was released a while ago saying that the attack of 911 was planned and known about during the end of clintons second term. Any one remember when that bastard blew up a factory in the middle east saying there were weapons of great consequence meanwhile when they actually investigated it, found out that it was just a normal everyday production factory. A very good public speaker and funny (seen him speak) he took credit for alot of things that he really had nothing to do with. Such as the economy. Anyone who knows a little bit about it knows that a prosperous economy comes from cutting interest rates. whose in charge of that......Well during clintons days it was the same man since nixon. Greenspan. people have to understand decisions are deeper then the figure head behind them. All politicians are corrupt. If politicians were honest people who would we have to hate.... Corruptions everywhere but i dont think conspiracy is.
I don't have time for BC haters like you, grow the fuck up.your obviously close minded. One of those the media hates bush i hate bush the media loves clinton i love clinton. offer some things that clinton did that were succesful. I mean giving his wife the job of reworking healthcare was such a success (actually its known as one of the clintons biggest failures, no one even attempted to put it into affect cause it was such a failure just on paper.
here is a vid of your favorite person respecting one of the USA's greatest civil rights activist YouTube - Bill Clinton Falls Asleep During Martin Luther King Speech
.No it gives me a headache when I deal with Dumbfucks!! And You my friend have all the qualities. Bill Clinton haters are sexually repressed puritanical mopes, and I won't waste my time on those types of people. Did Clinton make some mistakes, sure, but he was not the evil bastard you haters make him out to be, and compared to bush, he was almost Christlike.your really that close minded that you cant respond ive done nothing to attack you and you say i should grow the fuck up. You got to be kidding me. Its ignorant people like you who make our society dumb. try using what little brains you may have left to offer any opinion. Your just a big bull shitter cant back up your own thoughts. lay of the tree boy, you need a while to clear the shit out of your head. Also i like how you say you cant waist time dealing with BC haters, why cause your busy schedual requires you post on a different thread
Nah, you've insulted me enough for one day, come back tomorrow and try again. BTW I don't smoke weed, makes me paranoid, something happened when I got into Coke, it changed my high on weed. I used to love weed, but it just doesn't work for me now. BTW my intelligence is just fine, I just don't like wasting it on haters.Lol, wow intelligent remarks. You cant back up anything you say, all you got are insults lol. I try to avoid those remarks cause i know what i am talking about is my own opinion thats why i dont rely on what one may consider a cheap shot to get a point across. Your definitely one of those people who cant talk about politics because you know nothing about it. I take your comments like any other narrow minded persons comments. As a indicator of your intelligence. seriously lay of the weed for a while. you will be able to remember other words that are used to communicate, rather then the curse words. Hey you may even remember why you think Clinton was a good president. In doing so you may even find yourself sounding intelligent, and able to make the remarks you do and have the means to back them up. enough of the verbal vomit![]()