
the ones spraying what beardo well that is called humanity and sacrifice
they are giving their lives so that others may live

I am, I feel horrible for those people and I don't think anyone should be subjected to these horrors. I have been watching and listening 18 hrs a day since it happened. I am thinking of those being exposed to radiation as we speak , those we know of like the ones spraying water on reactors and those we don't know of, like the kid who will pour radiated milk on his breakfast ceral tomorrow. don't you think something needs to be done and someone held accountable?
are governments who can't even figure out if a certain plant is illegal or not, really capable of such plot twisting, nefariously crafted agendas?

i'm amazed most elected officials can even tie their own shoes to be quite frank.
are governments who can't even figure out if a certain plant is illegal or not, really capable of such plot twisting, nefariously crafted agendas?

i'm amazed most elected officials can even tie their own shoes to be quite frank.
It's not really the elected officals for the most part, the elected officals are dumb for a reason, it's easier to manupilate them if their dumb.
Not just unfortunate. It was an attack, It's from nerds, their evil. they make stupid inventions that we become hooked on and have to pay for. who makes nukes? and clones sheep? and makes space ships and robots? all that stuff is bad. I think we should be mad they nuked us

Hey now not all nerds are bad sure some of the creations are bad but doesn't mean they are evil as you put it could ya imagine a world without certain inventions? Why would ya want to fight them over this? Be mad but why spread more hate and destruction? imo people need to chance their outlook on life stop dwelling on the negative and look around at the beauty that does still exist in this world..its out there people just need to find it...
Tread lightly, Beardo, Fab One and Weed-Smoking Panda think that fags are a race. You're not dealing with very high IQs here.

Just had to jump in with your 2cents huh are you able to form a sentence that isn't derogatory? Your mama should have taught ya some manners..every heard the saying if ya don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all?
Tread lightly, Beardo, Fab One and Weed-Smoking Panda think that fags are a race. You're not dealing with very high IQs here.

Normally I just let shit like this slide because I know deep down inside you're an insecure human being dealing with several personal issues that cause you to strike out ANONYMOUSLY. I can imagine you sitting there in the same clothes for the last week smelling of urine and last night's pizza. Your pimply face reflects back from the computer screen showing the excess 300 lbs you gained in the last year or so. You live in your mom's basement sharing utilities and codependency. You curse and scream at the computer all day trying to assert your dominance on the internet but in real life you cower at the very thought of face to face confrontation. You hate you boss. You hate your job. Yet you are too much of a coward to do anything about it so you sit around planning and implementing passive aggressive attacks against your co-workers making their lives ALMOST as miserable as your own.

So now that I got that out of the way. Let me clear up that little lie you've been propogating for the last 13 fucking pages.

My original quote was: "So you're a racist and a homophobe... good to know."

Let me break that down for you since you don't have the intelligence to do it yourself. So, you're a racist (referring to the plethora of posts previously attesting to that fact) and a homophobe (referring to your latest rant and hate rhetoric). I already knew you were a racist. The homophobia was an added bonus. Thanks for that. The only reason I wish to clarify this is because when you tell a LIE often enough and long enough, people start to believe. Just look at your hero Fuhrer Bush and his weapons of mass distraction.

I'm done now. Continue with your ranting. It amuses me. :)
Hey now not all nerds are bad sure some of the creations are bad but doesn't mean they are evil as you put it could ya imagine a world without certain inventions? Why would ya want to fight them over this? Be mad but why spread more hate and destruction? imo people need to chance their outlook on life stop dwelling on the negative and look around at the beauty that does still exist in this world..its out there people just need to find it...
I'm just saying we should go after all the people who make that crap and have the knowledge to do so and keep them from making their crap or spreading their knowledge and we shouldn't teach that crap in school. kind of like acid, that's why no one makes acid, they got rid of the people who did. I think life would be better without inventions...
I'm just saying we should go after all the people who make that crap and have the knowledge to do so and keep them from making their crap or spreading their knowledge and we shouldn't teach that crap in school. kind of like acid, that's why no one makes acid, they got rid of the people who did. I think life would be better without inventions...

Well you raise a good point certain things it would be good to prevent but inventions in general I disagree what about the ones that make people better like for instance my 22yr old client who was hit by a semi the guy was drunk docs said she wouldn't live but she pulled through and she needs those inventions those nerds make I helped her stand for the first time in over a year the other day it was amazing but not possible without all the inventions it took to get her there...like I said you have a valid point but I'm just saying not all is bad also I'm a nerd as well :)
The pacemaker they put in my mother has improved her quality of life quite a bit. She is gardening and berating my father again with gusto. :D

There is nothing more cute than watching an old couple interact with each other. It's a series of grunts, barks and the occasional expletive.
I'm just saying we should go after all the people who make that crap and have the knowledge to do so and keep them from making their crap or spreading their knowledge and we shouldn't teach that crap in school. kind of like acid, that's why no one makes acid, they got rid of the people who did. I think life would be better without inventions...

typed on your keyboard infront of your lcd moniter sent by wireless to your cable internet
The pacemaker they put in my mother has improved her quality of life quite a bit. She is gardening and berating my father again with gusto. :D

There is nothing more cute than watching an old couple interact with each other. It's a series of grunts, barks and the occasional expletive.

Phhheww!! For a second there I was afraid weed-smoking Panda was going to let it slip he was the progeny of a same-sex marriage. Good for you and your parents! It warms my heart to learn, even though you think butt-humpers constitute a race, and even though you are NOT, your parents ARE heterosexual. Give 'em a patty-pat on the back-back for me!:clap:

Oh, and I am glad she's doing better. I pray she lives a long, full and healthy life.:hug:
"Phhheww!! For a second there I was"

Holy SHIT! This guy is STILL yappin? Obviously he doesn't grow SHIT because he has all the time in the world to sit on a computer. I'd sit here and argue with ya, but SOME of us have productive and potent gardens to tend to. The funny thing, is that most of us peaceful, well-mannered folks would probably make "queefmeister" shit in his pants and do some real quick back-peddling. IN REAL LIFE. The ole entranet sure makes people feel tough! But he's probably some little suburban white kid with an eminem poster and a Daddy that just doesn't love him enough :(

yeah some things should be left on the drawing board the plans for a nuclear power station on a fault zone and tsunami zone should be one of them ;)

all the bad feelings about nuclear power it still is magnitudes safer for our health than fossil fuels its just it strikes more fear in peoples hearts
death toll from nuclear accident = 1 worker got crushed i think
death toll from fossil fuel power generation since quake = 14000+ (and that doesnt even touch the deaths from wars)
yeah some things should be left on the drawing board the plans for a nuclear power station on a fault zone and tsunami zone should be one of them)

That was Hubris at its worst. They assumed an earthquake would never be that strong nor a tsunami that large. They paid a terrible price for that assumption. The same hubris and assumptions we are exhibiting with our nuclear reactors.
yeah i think the idea behind the storage tanks was highly flawed too who on earth thought it would be a good idea to gather enough nuclear fuel for criticality in an uncontained structure utterly beggers belief
i remember after 911 there were experts on tv saying that nuclear powerstations were safe from attack from jumbojets as the outer concrete walls were strong enough yet if most of them have got these storage pools at the top of their building with only the roof structure as defense then what the fuck protects them attack?

even with their amazing shortsightedness that 40+ year power plant survived (even if only just) a 9.0 earthquake and a 10+meter wave the only problem was the 40yearold design of it

modern nuclear reactors you can walk away from without the risk of meltdown if it had been a pebble bed reator at fukishima then nothing would have happened
"Phhheww!! For a second there I was"

Holy SHIT! This guy is STILL yappin? Obviously he doesn't grow SHIT because he has all the time in the world to sit on a computer. I'd sit here and argue with ya, but SOME of us have productive and potent gardens to tend to. The funny thing, is that most of us peaceful, well-mannered folks would probably make "queefmeister" shit in his pants and do some real quick back-peddling. IN REAL LIFE. The ole entranet sure makes people feel tough! But he's probably some little suburban white kid with an eminem poster and a Daddy that just doesn't love him enough :(


Queefmeister-very good!!

Dear Mr. Bushmeister:


"Phhheww!! For a second there I was"

Holy SHIT! This guy is STILL yappin? Obviously he doesn't grow SHIT because he has all the time in the world to sit on a computer. I'd sit here and argue with ya, but SOME of us have productive and potent gardens to tend to. The funny thing, is that most of us peaceful, well-mannered folks would probably make "queefmeister" shit in his pants and do some real quick back-peddling. IN REAL LIFE. The ole entranet sure makes people feel tough! But he's probably some little suburban white kid with an eminem poster and a Daddy that just doesn't love him enough :(

Kinda like this???? I know he has a 2-Pac poster but the rest is probably accurate. :blsmoke:



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