• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

"Extinction Threat to Religions" Hope for the World yet?


Well-Known Member

while some parts of the western world are holding tenaciously onto their religious dogma other parts are barely looking back as they distance themselves from the contagious childhood disease that causes its victims to lose rationality and reason

for certain one day we will have eradicated this primitive plague just imagine an entire planet "Enlightened" by empirical evidence a place where people make moral judgments true to their own hearts rather than doing what they think their book tells them to do

its not going to happen quickly but could you see a world in say 200 years that has finally taken control of itself?

how would the remaining theistic countries react to an ever increasing atheist world?

are we soon to see true religious vs atheist wars as part of that change?


Well-Known Member
you can never escape religion cuz people well treat anything as religion just like evolution or atheism some act like science is a religion either way they will always be religion cause people need something to believe in the one true way to get rid of it is to not give a fuck who gives a fuck how it started whats more important how it started or how its going to end we shouldn't feel threaten from what some one belive that is worse than racism which to me all seems just like the cooties people should just worry bout the better meant of the world and survival but today people are smug and have to much pride which coincidentally is a sin


Well-Known Member
actually atheism and or free spirituality seems to go hand in hand with higher intelligence.

intelligence is on the rise. religion is down.

but, then again, religion,has Nothing to do with faith.

its always struck me funny, and right, that the only thing named "organized"

is organized crime and religion.


Well-Known Member
you can never escape religion cuz people well treat anything as religion just like evolution or atheism some act like science is a religion either way they will always be religion cause people need something to believe in the one true way to get rid of it is to not give a fuck who gives a fuck how it started whats more important how it started or how its going to end we shouldn't feel threaten from what some one belive that is worse than racism which to me all seems just like the cooties people should just worry bout the better meant of the world and survival but today people are smug and have to much pride which coincidentally is a sin
less and less people are entering adulthood believing in fantasy's i know the usa is very much stuck in its ways but else where the religious crowd is aging and decreasing all the time. people are being taught to question and not to believe blindly

one day in not too distant future there will be many countries where religion has been marginalized to the point of irrelevance but i fear the countries that do not experience such enlightenment to feel incredibly threatened by an emergent atheist world


Well-Known Member
i think religion or not the world i still gonna be fucked up and to me i think people have a problem with religion cuz they take to literal even if the don't believe it or not


Well-Known Member
isnt the underlying feeling that the world is "gonna be fucked up" deeply rooted in religious dogma? they all have their own versions of apocalypse and its is invariably the religious who hold "the end is nigh" veiw

atheist = theres a problem in the world how can we fix it
religious dogma = theres a problem in the world our holy book predicts it the end is inevitable


Well-Known Member
In all honesty as an atheist I'm glad to see a decline in religion in my lifetime and the thought of it becoming extinct sometime in the future makes me happier.


Well-Known Member
no the bible finishes by the world having eternal peace, love, happiness,harmony, after the apocalypse so basically after all the bullshit in the end it will be true nirvana now im not a christian or a catholic or anything ive only been baptized and refuse to conform to one religion for i look at the world and all religion as one and i love science but to say theirs is no god out their is like saying theirs is no life in space no one really knows but im just gonna stop i hate discussing religion cuz you either get it or you dont


Well-Known Member
no the bible finishes by the world having eternal peace, love, happiness,harmony, after the apocalypse so basically after all the bullshit in the end it will be true nirvana now im not a christian or a catholic or anything ive only been baptized and refuse to conform to one religion for i look at the world and all religion as one and i love science but to say theirs is no god out their is like saying theirs is no life in space no one really knows but im just gonna stop i hate discussing religion cuz you either get it or you dont
It's funny because it was religion that brought most of the fighting to the world we know now. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
It's funny because it was religion that brought most of the fighting to the world we know now. Just saying.
yes true and that was from people taking it to literally or feeling threaten from others belief like atheist some feel threaten by religion cause they say religion kills and what not but it also saves ive know people who were real hell raisers change their whole life round when the found religion.......... damn it i said was going to stop


Active Member
I absolutey love these discussions on religion, because there are a lot of thinkers on RIU. Myself I am constantly on a discovery trip, to understand, I am also a Christian. Organized religion in my opinion is not what God wants. Man has taken his word and twisted it for his own good, much the same way as the pharosies did. Every person should have a personal connection with God, and not have someone telling them how it should be done. Does what your believing bring you closer to peace or not. I don't discount other people for what they believe. Does a buddihist monk have it wrong, I don't know and it is not for me to say. I do know that some parts of it I believe, meditation brings me closer to peace. Many people just want to cram something down your throat, my way is correct, so you should change, that is crap. Find Peace for youself, search for it, and happiness is sure to be there.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You won't get rid of religion unltil you get rid of weak minded people. Apparently it works as some kind of viable insurance for your life, no, that's like convincing yourself you crash helmet will save you from this accident at 200mph, it may all sound convincing and appealing, but it's all tosh and everyone else knows it.

I was talking with me mam about something laong these lines a short while back. It'# my opinion t ath if god is as real as all these people claim, such as theiur experiences and such, then why is there any need for a book, the answers shold surely be given to you by said god who is real. She then stated (she is a vicar now lol) that when she was younger, she kept an open mind but never found a SINGLE INDICATION THAT THERE WAS A GOD, UP UNTIL SHE CHATTED WITH FRIENDS ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES AND THEN POOF, SHE HAS ONE, sorry, hit capslock somewhere there. It kinda defeats the point of an experience, if you can only experience one after you've been told how it shuold go do, it doesn't really hold any validity or credibility. I mean nowadays the only answer you seem to get is "he spoke to me", well what the fuck, last i read, god was showing his existence by drowning the world and dividing seas and setting fire to bushes and then spekaing from them, what happend to all of those experiences? I think i might know that one :lol: they made fantastic stories, little more.

I in no way think that everything is as flat and ordinary as it seems, as i've said before, a few very simple and short reiki excersizes can be all the proof you need that there's more going on than you know, but i flat refuse to accept "god" and "allah" and all these different religions deities, i mean as far as i'm concerned, christians are all worshiping the muslim god, except that somewhere along the line someone got pissy that his village didn't do things his way so he moved on and changed it slightly, it's my thinking that all religions are praying to the same "thing" and somewhere along the lines there were simply factions. I mean look at the factions of christianity (CoE especially, let's create a denomination purely because in this one i can't et a divorce lol), it certainly stands to reason that christianity could have branched off from something itself a while back because it didn't agree.


Well-Known Member
Yes Religon may be the cause of wars but its more the PEOPLE of a religon ,interprting 'scritps' / religious text and using it to justify a war. Im not trying to say religons good/bad, I saying its not really the reilgon which causes the war, its always been the people of /leaders of /reader of the religion that cause the wars.

On a different note I think we can learn some form of morals from religion, and if it wasnt for these 'codes' of conduct we wouldnt have the mordern day model of good and bad or right and wrong.
For instance, If it didnt say in lots of different reilgions to be toloarant of each other there would be more war and strife.(the fact that its not really the reiligons fault,,its the people who inturpt the text that make reiligon a bad thing,,examples include al-queada,,the crusades,,)

Im not trying to defend reiligon,,but I think that over all the thousands of years we have been around people have taken these beliefs and no doubt they have been change and edited and bits left out of reiligous text, so that has an effect on how the people react to it...
I mean the mordern bible was mainly re-writien by the Romans, so we know they for all there wisdom(there great buildings and inventions like concrete) they would of had an ajender for the way it would of read back then. Not forgeting they were not very tolorent of christains or anyone really even after the empire conversion to chritainty.

Take it easy...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
With regard to learning morals from religion based on their teaching of acceptance and tollerance, it's a kinda hit and miss statement, i mean look at the christians, last i checked they murdered and tortured a whole bunch of people for not conforming to their religion, such as the portugese in India. They even assasinated the emporer dude in the thinking that everyoine would lose moral and convert to christianity :lol: Then there are the crusades. and that's just two examples from 1 religion :/


Well-Known Member
Yes Religon may be the cause of wars but its more the PEOPLE of a religon ,interprting 'scritps' / religious text and using it to justify a war. Im not trying to say religons good/bad, I saying its not really the reilgon which causes the war, its always been the people of /leaders of /reader of the religion that cause the wars.
You contradicted yourself in the first sentence.


Well-Known Member
sorry should of read that back,,,

anyway,,I mean as in you know killing/murder of another human is wrong,its illeagl,,that law comes from reiligon. Having an 'affair' is wrong,even though evolution would really want a male to try and mate with everyone. Thats from reiligon. Do you think its right to have 5 wives? see thats an example of religon gettin it wrong(in my veiw) ha and thast from reiligon,,


Well-Known Member
With regard to learning morals from religion based on their teaching of acceptance and tollerance, it's a kinda hit and miss statement, i mean look at the christians, last i checked they murdered and tortured a whole bunch of people for not conforming to their religion, such as the portugese in India. They even assasinated the emporer dude in the thinking that everyoine would lose moral and convert to christianity :lol: Then there are the crusades. and that's just two examples from 1 religion :/
yea and i can defiantly see atheist start killing people who believe in a god in the future damn alright seriously im going to stop


Well-Known Member
With regard to learning morals from religion based on their teaching of acceptance and tollerance, it's a kinda hit and miss statement, i mean look at the christians, last i checked they murdered and tortured a whole bunch of people for not conforming to their religion, such as the portugese in India. They even assasinated the emporer dude in the thinking that everyoine would lose moral and convert to christianity :lol: Then there are the crusades. and that's just two examples from 1 religion :/
yes it is hit and miss,,that why I gave the cursades as an example of people inturpting reiligon to do bad things. ,,,


Well-Known Member
sorry should of read that back,,,

anyway,,I mean as in you know killing/murder of another human is wrong,its illeagl,,that law comes from reiligon. Having an 'affair' is wrong,even though evolution would really want a male to try and mate with everyone. Thats from reiligon. Do you think its right to have 5 wives? see thats an example of religon gettin it wrong,,
But it's ok in some religions, who's right? Now you just started a war because your beliefs are different.

No persons beliefs should be pushed onto another, no person has that right to say what's better because they're opinion differs. That what religion does.