Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
Lmao umm why does everyone think I'm an idiot I used a dome but nobody asks just tells me to..but its under control for the time being we will see when I get home how they did today :)


Well-Known Member
Looks like things are going good for you. You thought about getting some more seed for more plants?
I have thought about but I think I will just see how mine turn out and if I like it then I will just do more breeding cuz I can't afford to buy seeds lol


Well-Known Member
so this is kloe the other one that went with my 12/12 from seed experiment anyway i didnt like the results i was getting like i said so tossed both kloe and maria in the veg cab...kloe was topped took her awhile to get going but now she is shaping up to be quite a little monster....the last pic was taken on 3/12 i do have more but i will introduce them all first as promised :)

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Well-Known Member
ok this is samatha when i chopped the one i used for breeding i dropped some seeds.. i was going to try to rejuvenate but i didnt wait to try to be patient on the day i was going to throw her out i found this little one in the pot i quickly moved it to its own home this was the 3rd surprise i found in that pot but sam just took off faster than the others:weed:



Well-Known Member
Flower to reveg? I would harvest the top part. Just my opinion esp. if you are going to veg it longer.
Lol well I did harvest it as the pics go ya can see when I clipped them towards the beggining of those pics I really hadn't decided if I wanted to keep growing or now..


Well-Known Member
ok this is samatha when i chopped the one i used for breeding i dropped some seeds.. i was going to try to rejuvenate but i didnt wait to try to be patient on the day i was going to throw her out i found this little one in the pot i quickly moved it to its own home this was the 3rd surprise i found in that pot but sam just took off faster than the others:weed:

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I think you showed me pics of Sam before, but it looks like a few I haven't seen! She is purty!

I'm really worn out again. I'm jetlagged and I still have not made it to Japan yet! :cuss:

We should get in sometime tomorrow morning. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think you showed me pics of Sam before, but it looks like a few I haven't seen! She is purty!

I'm really worn out again. I'm jetlagged and I still have not made it to Japan yet! :cuss:

We should get in sometime tomorrow morning. :leaf:
Yes doc ya seen sam and tons of pics ya haven't seen I have a whole other sd card somewhere with around 50 pics of all them...I take pics pretty much daily it helps me because I can see minor changes and it helps me keep track of things since I never remember to write shit down! And man that's a long trip I'd drive me nuts! Now for annie.....


Well-Known Member
this is annie she was the second surprise i i said ive been messing around with this grow trying new things so annie has ben fim'd



Well-Known Member
this is nicole she was the first surprise i found i had some nute burn..opps! anyways nicole had a hard time after but is now starting to take off again..i havent mess with this one just kinda letting her do her thing she is the first heathers hope to exsit

nicole.jpgView attachment 1503428nicole3-2.jpgnicole2-26.jpgnicole3-12.jpgnicole3-5.jpg


Well-Known Member
ok so here are some group shot some from early stages of the grow and the others now..heres a summery of the grow..
maria and nicole are bagseed all i was told went given the seeds its a strong indica... maria was first lst attempt i damn near killed her and now she is back from the dead so to speak, kloe was topped and reveg...
all the rest are my own creation im calling it heathers hope (thanks gogrow) anyways there is nicole who is still trying to shake the nute burn, annie which i chose to try fim, sam who i think ill be using as my mom,4 other small hh and 2 cuttings from sam. also i have one purplelights going as well...
im using a mix of fox farms ocean forest and coco and for nutes currently ff grow big these plants have only been fed twice as i fucked up and fed them when i was way exhausted and read it as tbls n ot tsp!
ive tested my npk and my n is a bit high , p is dificent, and k is adequate havent tested this bedore so im not really sure what to make of it if anyone can help i would greatly appriciate it! ok enough ramble heres some more pics:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
they look thirsty especially annie
Actually your right about that..think the most recent pics I put up were from 3/12 and I'm getting better about being more attentive to them and thanks cuz I knew I needed to water earlier and didn't so ya reminded me its time again! See another reason to take so many pics others can see what I'm doing and help


Well-Known Member
Yeah I tried to kill them I swear lol I really just had way too much going on but now I'm just getting organized again and it seems to be paying off need to get home and water them..


New Member
sweat it off buddy when u go to bed pile on blankets and turn heat on

Pretty good, got a cold so I'm pretty high and trying to drink it off.

Yeah she does, from being brought from the thought of trash and back they're looking alright.