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Thanks, but I was going to plant them in another area. Just wondered if it would hurt anything
if they were budding for a little first. Rep for the reply!

I really don't know if flowering would reverse and kick back into veg, have never had plants out so early, i do know that a volatile lighting schedule can mess them up and potentially turn them hermaphrodite, which would suck. Also, it's pretty cold out still. Nutri+ nutes makes product that apparently stops vertical growth and rounds them out
Thanks, but I was going to plant them in another area. Just wondered if it would hurt anything
if they were budding for a little first. Rep for the reply!

found this at

Preventing Flowers

Manipulation of the photoperiod can also prevent the plants from flowering until a desired time. For example, in Hawaii the weather is mild enough to grow winter crops. The normal summer crop is harvested anytime from September to mid-November. The winter crop is generally planted from October to December. Because the winter days are so short, the plants flower almost immediately, usually within two month. The plants are harvested in their third or fourth month and yield about 1/4 the yield of summer plants.

A large Hawaiian female can yield a pound of buds. Most of the plant's overall size is reached while it is vegetatively growing. By interrupting the night period with light, you can keep these plants vegetatively growing for another month, yielding plants of about twice the size.
The amount of light needed to prevent flowering is quite small (about .03 foot candles95 - on a clear night the full moon is about .01 foot candles). However, each plant mist is illuminated fully, with the light shining over the whole plant.

This might be accomplished with either electric light or a strong flashlight. The easiest way is to string incandescent bulbs, keeping them on a timer. The lights need be turned on for only a flash at any time during the night period, from about 9:00 PM to about 3:00 am. The interrupts the long night period to less then nine hours. Start these night treatments each night or two, until you want the plants to flower.
I'd like to know this as well. Summers in my neck of the woods can get over 100 degrees on a bad day.

ive had plants exposed to high temps during veg(outdoors), as long as i keep them watered, they lap up the sun and love it, and grow like weeds, but i'm sure this is dependent on the strain, some strains prefer hot and dry.
I am 1 week into flowering, my plants are 30" high, they have gotten so dense that is is very dark on the bottom and hardly any light gets to these leaves. There is massive yellowing and drying leaves, but only on the bottom. Is this normal because of the density or is there something else wrong?? I am growing in Hydro with an Ebb and Grow system for the medium I am using SuretoGrow and 1000W lights. The pants all look healthy and have no fungus or pests. This is my first growing experience. Help!!!
I have a question thats totally out of subject, n im sorry. I wanna know if I could start using co2 when vegging, or is it only used when flowering can ya help me out? Thanks in advance
need help 6 weeks into flowering and i found a seed and some pods this is my first grow and i am not sre what i should be doing if i should pull them out and throw them away... most of the hairs are white and yellow supposed to harvest the first week of april! here are some photos i am currently growing under 2 1000wt hps
Hi, I am new to the forum and also new to growing. I'm waiting on my first order of seeds to come in and decided to try my luck with some bag seed while waiting, you know, for practice. I planted my bag seeds in some peat pots filled with 1 part miracle grow potting soil, one part perlite and a handfull of vermiculite. My problem is that my seeds just sprouted, and when I looked close the soil had some kind of white fibers (almost like spider web) on the top of the soil. The peat pots appeared to have this as well. I'm kind of freaking out because I'm planning on growing indoors and now I'm worried there's some kind of mold in here or something! If somebody could please help I would really appreciate it! I will try to upload some pictures soon. Thanks!
Whats the proper amount of light you need in flowering stage for 4plants if your using cfl's and leds at the same time? Oh and my leafs on the botton of the olant the sides are curling what does that mean?
Do plants growing outdoors use co2 yr round? YES!! It would be great for your plants if you use co2. I hope you likek to read because i think you need to get a book and do some reading.
I have a question thats totally out of subject, n im sorry. I wanna know if I could start using co2 when vegging, or is it only used when flowering can ya help me out? Thanks in advance
need help 6 weeks into flowering and i found a seed and some pods this is my first grow and i am not sre what i should be doing if i should pull them out and throw them away... most of the hairs are white and yellow supposed to harvest the first week of april! here are some photos i am currently growing under 2 1000wt hps

somebody's pollen got to them, I wouldn't throw them away, buds on them are still good, and now you have a few seeds, although you don't know who the daddy is unless you had males that popped before they were removed
Hello. I'm 6 1/2 weeks into flowering and iv been having dark spots on a lot of my leaves but not all. Couldn't find anything on it so far so thought id ask. Heres a pic to show you. Thanks!


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I am about to begin my first grow. I have a couple things I'd love some help with though. It would be an indoor grow, in the back of a closet basically. First, how do I set up an exhaust system and an air circulation system? I'm having a lot of trouble getting a good grow room set up basically so any info you have to offer on that would be greatly appreciated. Similarly, how succesful will I truly be using CFLs during both the veg. and flowering stages (different CFLs of course). I can make a homemade carbon filter very easily but can I just basically put it into any airduct running through the house?
Thanks for the help!
I just got 4 cuttings of some medical buds, im still putting together a solar set up to grow them. My buddy gave me these cuttings in half a water bottle with some water. Whats the best way to store these cuttings and keep them alive, while i get my set up together?
HI, i wanted to know can a plant show signs of being a hermie in the veg stage? or does it show sex in flower only. thanks for your help. very informative site. first grow and just loving it.