Short stocky plants


Active Member
I started all 4 about the same time, I have this one plant its about 3 inches tall. The nods are less then 1/4 inch away from each other. And out of the crack thre is leaves growing out of them already and there getting tall. Question is how is this one doing so much better, then the other ones? There both in the same soil, Ocean forest. I have not give them any nuts yet. This plant is kinda need really I never seen one that was bushy already. But this is MY first grow, I did see others, but theres didnt look like this. Is ocean forest this good, I know he dont use it.
Yes 3 of the seeds are the same one is a white widow, But this one is just acting different would this be a male? I heard you would tell a male b4 female but I dont know thats why im asking?100_9563.jpg
It's too early to tell sex. Just have patience man, sometime the ones that act like their not gonna make it will be the ones that hit a growth spurt and out grow the rest of your plants.
I have similar probs with mine. Just as dude said though Patience is key. When their this young its all about waiting and proper care. If you rush it, your almost certainly going to hate yourself later. These shorter stockier ones tend to be the ones with the thickest shoots and stems. Thos make for good support of heavy buds. Keep them on a good watering regiment and slowly begin to introduce nutes. Some seeds just have more food in them to help them along in the infant stages. Just like animals, theres always a runt in the litter. Good Luck homes
Well I dont know really what to do for water, The soil under neath is still nice and damp not soaked or nothing just there is water there. I plane watering once a week, I think there good for now with the ocean forest soil. When would you start to add nuts to the water? They say every other watering but chart tells me once a week, Just skip a week? do the every other like they say?
Many times when I have started seeds of the same kind and one is way stockier than the others it turns out to be a male.
Not always but most of the time.
Ya it wouldn't surprise me. Do male plants show there sings first? I guess what I could do is wait till I can clone it and stick it in the flower room to see if it turns male.
Hey, males will sometimes start to grow asymmetrical in veg, after about 6 weeks in veg pre-flowers may start.
I don't know what nutes the ocean forest has in it already but I don't think you will need nutes for a while.
As far as watering it is funny how something you think would be so simple actually takes some time to get dialed in. Right now I would say keeping your soil moist not wet is the key, the top layer might even look dry and the plant will still have plenty of water depending on the size of the container. One reason to keep the soil just moist is the roots will develop better by looking for more moisture. Over water your plants and the leaves will be droopy and stiff, under water droopy and limp from my experiences.
Hope this helps some.
If they are all the same strain, then if I had to guess I would just say its genetically superior than its sisters. That is if the light is as close as the others and watering is the same... etc... Same place.

6 weeks is the standard before you start flowering, you wont know the sex until you put it on 12/12 lights. That's when she starts producing the hormones, you cant say that its a male, just because its growing bigger. There is so much horse shit on this site, I suggest you carefully consider what people say.
well I cant grow it to tall I dont have enough room for it to veg for 6 weeks. How tall will the plant grow after you switch?

I just measured my grow closet I have a 39 inch tall, Pot is 9 inches So how tall would you start to bud the plants?
From Cervantes' grow bible he states MJ can double to triple during flowering so keep that in mind. I've read on these sites that general rule of thumb is double for indica's and nearer to triple for sativa's. Cervantes' also states that you can start to flower when your plant has reached 6" minimum in height with at least 4 sets of "true" leaves (not cotyledons).
Well I dont know really what to do for water, The soil under neath is still nice and damp not soaked or nothing just there is water there. I plane watering once a week, I think there good for now with the ocean forest soil. When would you start to add nuts to the water? They say every other watering but chart tells me once a week, Just skip a week? do the every other like they say?

If it's nice and damp, no water till it dries out. Once/week is about right for seedlings. Water only when the plant needs it, NOT when YOU think it needs it.

Males are usually tall and lanky, not short and bushy. They want to be taller than the females so the pollen can drift down.

NO NUTES!!!!! For now anyway. There is more than enough in the soil for a month at least.

What it sounds like is that you have a very nice phenotype with those super tight internodes. This is very desirable, more bud sites.

I wouldn't 'experiment' with this particular plant. It sounds like an excellent candidate for a mother and clones for future grows.

If you must play, play with the other ones. You have something special with that plant, don't fuck it up.

Ya thanks man, I cant wait to see this really, I think I will keep the male and use it later. I dont know. Check out in one day of growth, I take a picture everyday to see the difference.100_9563.jpg100_9568.jpg

Its less then 3 inches tall.
Its very similar to my first plant. Looks great man, keep it up.
What did you call it? This came from some bud I got at the dispensary There was 4 seed in a 1/4. They called it m-22 but that was the street there store was on. So do people just make names up?
If they are all the same strain, then if I had to guess I would just say its genetically superior than its sisters. That is if the light is as close as the others and watering is the same... etc... Same place.

^^^^I totally agree^^^^^^

6 weeks is the standard before you start flowering, you wont know the sex until you put it on 12/12 lights. That's when she starts producing the hormones, you cant say that its a male, just because its growing bigger. There is so much horse shit on this site, I suggest you carefully consider what people say.

This is not entirely correct. 'Most' plants will show pre flowers regardless of the light cycle when they reach sexual maturity, usually ~5-8 weeks from seed, not long after alternating nodes. The 12/12 deal is not an absolute. Some strains won't, but very few.

No, you cannot say that it's a male just because it's growing bigger. Not at that small size and not with your experience level. Given experience and a LOT of growing, you can usually pick males out. Still, it takes a lot of observation of a lot of plants.
