Short stocky plants


Well-Known Member
What did you call it? This came from some bud I got at the dispensary There was 4 seed in a 1/4. They called it m-22 but that was the street there store was on. So do people just make names up?
I named mine Kennedy just because I don't like assigning numbers to my plants. I'm pretty sure people usually just sell the budd as the seed was named, though if it is a strain they bred them selves then they probably do make names up.
*disclaimer I don't buy from dispensaries and other people so I don't really know what people generally do, I'm just assuming.

Would you top this plant or just let it go?
I would FIM(look it up) it, its similar to topping but either works. Top it when it gets its 4th or 5th set of fan leaves, some wait even for 6th or 7th but that's up to you.
Im currently on my first grow and I too am growing white widow. I planted 10 feminized seeds. Within the first week I had 2 of the plants that were lagging behind severely as opposed to the rest of the plants and I too was a bit worried. But from some of the research that I did, I read tthat you can't worry too much about uneven vegative growth by some plants. Now my plants are about 3 1/2 weeks old and for the most part they have evened out. You can tell that the ones I were worried about arent the biggest ones in the group, but they are now very close in size and very healthy. So just give it time.
i had the same, planted 10 cheese and 2 of them shot up and really bushy, was worried about a few but put them to flower and they all had a growth spurt, the former runt is now the tallest one and looking good for most bud


It's too early to tell sex. Just have patience man, sometime the ones that act like their not gonna make it will be the ones that hit a growth spurt and out grow the rest of your plants.
This statement couldn't be too true. My plants looked like death. Everyone on RIU told me they were headed for the grave. Suddenly! They snapped out of it and took off, growing so so much in just a short time. The plant that was the worst of my four is now a foot taller then the rest and the most healthy.