fuck nukelar energy and oil


Well-Known Member
plus FDD, I love ya man, but I think that analogy is a bit of a cop out (the best way to fix a "problem" is to not be a part of it.
....the best way to fix it is to get involved (as involved as you can taking into consideration you life circumstances) and have your voice heard...if a 100 people make a noise it's not much but when that 100 turns into 1 000 000, we've got something to go on...ya know
you can't complain about something while you continue to do it.

there are many ways you can separate yourself. you just chose to blame others instead.

how come everybody thinks bitching on a pot forum is "getting involved"? :roll:
lol what ignoriance! Yes the levees did handle 99% of what mother nature threw at them, NOTHING is perfect, not even alt energy. You have no idea what long term risks may be involved because it is untested. You IMAGINE that it's a perfect solution! As far as waste is concerned, we deal with it. It's the compromise for the amount of energy they produce. By your logic, we should eliminate cattle because they produce methane gas from their asshole causing global warming. Like I said your opions are based on he sais she said media driven fear mongering and are baseless because in truth you don't have the education to soeak on it. Is nuke power perfect, hell no but we need it. Funny, those of you who decided to quote me in an attempt to mock or rebut me failed to man up & shut down your power to prove that you mean what you say. Nope you use your nuke/fossil fuel to spew your ignoriance. If by chance you went as far as to be 100% self sustaining on clean energy, post the pics of your setup to prove it & you can slam me all you want. Then & only then will you get any respect for any argument presented in your reply.


Well-Known Member
and oil is NOT MADE FROM DEAD DINOSAURS!!!!! fucking ridiculous. it's the planet's natural lubrication for the tectonic plates & we keep suckin it right on out like it's all gonna be ok when it's gone. take the lubricants outta your car & see how far it drives.

what do they cook french fries in? :?


Well-Known Member
?? don''t quite understand you there, some elses responsibility, wha?? If I had a hand in building the system under which we reside to I could understand, but I don't I was born into it same as you...again change can only be made with voice and action...but just because I don't want to not drive to work anymore doesn't mean that I agree with or am not doing what I can to first enlighten the problem and be a part of the resolution...so I take it I should quite my job to....let me ask you this...are you completely happy with the current status of how we use and create power on earth...do you think the creators of energy are working in the best interest of the people and planet...and that the government boards commissioned to do the same are also working effectively?....
so your way of life is someone else's responsibility?

i think i see the problem. :)


Well-Known Member
Oil should naturally renew itself over time, but you can compress carbon based stuff and make oil, we can also make synthetic oil and we have plant oils

I think history has answered that for you and if synthetic oils could replace crude I think they would have developed it further yet it does not stand as an alternative. Is this where the hemp argument comes in?


Well-Known Member
?? don''t quite understand you there, some elses responsibility, wha?? If I had a hand in building the system under which we reside to I could understand, but I don't I was born into it same as you...again change can only be made with voice and action...but just because I don't want to not drive to work anymore doesn't mean that I agree with or am not doing what I can to first enlighten the problem and be a part of the resolution...so I take it I should quite my job to....let me ask you this...are you completely happy with the current status of how we use and create power on earth...do you think the creators of energy are working in the best interest of the people and planet...and that the government boards commissioned to do the same are also working effectively?....
i was born unto myself. it is up to ME to decide what i do with my life. i blame no one.

apparently, you wouldn't understand.


Well-Known Member
lol what ignoriance! Yes the levees did handle 99% of what mother nature threw at them, NOTHING is perfect, not even alt energy. You have no idea what long term risks may be involved because it is untested. You IMAGINE that it's a perfect solution! As far as waste is concerned, we deal with it. It's the compromise for the amount of energy they produce. By your logic, we should eliminate cattle because they produce methane gas from their asshole causing global warming. Like I said your opions are based on he sais she said media driven fear mongering and are baseless because in truth you don't have the education to soeak on it. Is nuke power perfect, hell no but we need it. Funny, those of you who decided to quote me in an attempt to mock or rebut me failed to man up & shut down your power to prove that you mean what you say. Nope you use your nuke/fossil fuel to spew your ignoriance. If by chance you went as far as to be 100% self sustaining on clean energy, post the pics of your setup to prove it & you can slam me all you want. Then & only then will you get any respect for any argument presented in your reply.
How can I ever possibly express my overwhelming contrition and shame over my previously held views...? thank you for opening my eyes to my utter ignorance in the face of your obviously superior intellect and education.


Well-Known Member
It is not contradictory to take part in, use the power grid that we have today and also wish for it to be supplied differently out of concern for the environment. Not everyone who espouses change and protection for the environment needs to go build a cabin in the woods.
How can ever possibly express my overwhelming contrition and shame over my previously held views...? thank you for opening my eyes to my utter ignorance in the face of your obviously superior intellect an education.
like I said, baseless rebuttle. You are a hypocrite


Well-Known Member
I don't think bitching on a pot forum is getting involved...it a discussion...nothing more that finding others who are like minded and other who you can learn form.....or event just entertainment when you stoned at home on a monday at 11:45 am....as for blame...well...I'm not personally blaming others..but those in charge are to blame...it not na na boo boo its your fault....its this is not working as well as something else could and we should think about making a change, come together and discuss possibilities....maybe reading these posts will spark the imagination of someone out there who does come up with a resolve....should I not talk about my opinions or how I feel on a subject because I am not a CEO of a oil or hydro company, or don't have a degree in scientific engineering...i don't think that's fair.....and if I am wrong or misguided in some way I would be the first to accept and rectify my ignorance and not argue a mute point/
you can't complain about something while you continue to do it.

there are many ways you can separate yourself. you just chose to blame others instead.

how come everybody thinks bitching on a pot forum is "getting involved"? :roll:
It is not contradictory to take part in, use the power grid that we have today and also wish for it to be supplied differently out of concern for the environment. Not everyone who espouses change and protection for the environment needs to go build a cabin in the woods.
To be part of the problem & complain about it makes you the definition of a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
It is not contradictory to take part in, use the power grid that we have today and also wish for it to be supplied differently out of concern for the environment. Not everyone who espouses change and protection for the environment needs to go build a cabin in the woods.
how about just "cutting back a little" then?

when someone comes off with, "once THEY offer me something else i'll use it, until then it's THEIR fault", it shows a HUGE lack of responsibility.


Well-Known Member
I don't think bitching on a pot forum is getting involved...it a discussion...nothing more that finding others who are like minded and other who you can learn form.....or event just entertainment when you stoned at home on a monday at 11:45 am....as for blame...well...I'm not personally blaming others..but those in charge are to blame...it not na na boo boo its your fault....its this is not working as well as something else could and we should think about making a change, come together and discuss possibilities....maybe reading these posts will spark the imagination of someone out there who does come up with a resolve....should I not talk about my opinions or how I feel on a subject because I am not a CEO of a oil or hydro company, or don't have a degree in scientific engineering...i don't think that's fair.....and if I am wrong or misguided in some way I would be the first to accept and rectify my ignorance and not argue a mute point/

you're the one who said shouting about it would cause change. i am replying to your claims. now you are denying them.

contradict yourself much? :roll:


Well-Known Member
When I die then Ill be free..........othewise Im getting the biggest gas guzzlers I can and waste as much as I can and have fun.........I really dont give a shit what happens........like I will know when Im dead that I saved the world or not????? yea right.......die and be happy............


Well-Known Member
Not when the problem is global and you as one individual, by not participating, truly are doing nothing to help....I'm sure the groups that use discussion forums to build groups to protest these things such as power, judicial and the G20 would have a much different view...and still drive
To be part of the problem & complain about it makes you the definition of a hypocrite.