fuck nukelar energy and oil


New Member
Guys I cannot believe you have not seen what is happening in Japan right now with 2 reactors exploding their out shells in Fukushima post the tsunami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not saying having them is bad but is has implications that are VERY HARD TO CONTAIN once breached.
And Japan already knows all about nuclear explosions.


Well-Known Member
edit - you ever suck on your cars exhaust?

true nuf....hence the need to get offa fossil fuels as well as nuclear..notice the thread title, the title, fuck nuclear and OIL..i don't agree with either....plus there is ton's of energy in the unseen planet..we just have not learned how to harness and use it!


Well-Known Member
Anybody else see the 60 Minutes segment last year on Bloom Energy? They are working on fuel cell generators that will essentially put a power plant in your basement. No more grid. It's called the Bloom Box..check it out.


Well-Known Member
We are doomed..............waste products or dumped all the time in the ocean......alot of em are leaking and been leaking..........lakes.......rivers.............we have pretty much fucked everything up..............blasting nuke bombs in space just to see what would happen..........look to the frogs............they tell the tale..................What would Joe Piscapo do........................woa is me............


Well-Known Member
Anybody else see the 60 Minutes segment last year on Bloom Energy? They are working on fuel cell generators that will essentially put a power plant in your basement. No more grid. It's called the Bloom Box..check it out.
My Bloom Box yielded a nice grow this last go around.


Well-Known Member
edit - you ever suck on your cars exhaust?

true nuf....hence the need to get offa fossil fuels as well as nuclear..notice the thread title, the title, fuck nuclear and OIL..i don't agree with either....plus there is ton's of energy in the unseen planet..we just have not learned how to harness and use it!
you don't agree with it, yet dive right in?

the best way to fix a "problem" is to not be a part of it. ;)


Well-Known Member
I've seen a couple of these docu's, not this one in particular....there is an awesome on out there on Tesla...he had created an energy source that transmitted wirelessly, was created for the army and shut down because they weren't able to track and charge for usage, there is also a religious community in Eroupe that has been off the grid with full for for quite a few years now, decades actually...ill see if I can find them....i watched them on ninja which was shut down by the US govt so it'll take some trackin down...THE TECHNOLOGY IS OUT THERE!
Anybody else see the 60 Minutes segment last year on Bloom Energy? They are working on fuel cell generators that will essentially put a power plant in your basement. No more grid. It's called the Bloom Box..check it out.


Well-Known Member
what about the waste byproduct and its affect on the planet(true'r ingonance)...or did we forget about that? and people bitching is what lets others know that you feel the same way....a great way for groups with the same iedeology to get together and make a change!
More and more Scientists are agreeing that carbon emissions are worse than ever before in history but they are still not damaging the planet like was first assumed. Global warming is a tax, a tax for the NGO's that manage it and eventually stream up to the pockets of globalists.

When will people realise that the media is a tool of the globalists and they should be taken with a pinch of salt. Are we that stupid to just accept the governments word and doctors and scientists like they are the authority. This ain't the 50's where our parents gobballed up what ever government said.


Well-Known Member
well at this point, i don't have much of a choice, i do have to survive don't I....maybe I wont eat anymore either cause growing crops and transporting them to the grocery takes oil....even if I wanted to grow my own, I would only eat two months outa the year here in canada....so again...bitching and letting those in power know that the general public feel like its time for a change is the strongest option we have.....if I had millions...I would definitely try to make a change....as Im sure other have....but when you have billions...im sure its easy to throw up some walls...it's not that i want to live off the grid as others do....thats not my preferred lifestyle...but I think those in charge so be more accountable and open to change
you don't agree with it, yet dive right in?

the best way to fix a "problem" is to not be a part of it. ;)


Well-Known Member
plus FDD, I love ya man, but I think that analogy is a bit of a cop out (the best way to fix a "problem" is to not be a part of it.
....the best way to fix it is to get involved (as involved as you can taking into consideration you life circumstances) and have your voice heard...if a 100 people make a noise it's not much but when that 100 turns into 1 000 000, we've got something to go on...ya know


Well-Known Member
well at this point, i don't have much of a choice, i do have to survive don't I....maybe I wont eat anymore either cause growing crops and transporting them to the grocery takes oil....even if I wanted to grow my own, I would only eat two months outa the year here in canada....so again...bitching and letting those in power know that the general public feel like its time for a change is the strongest option we have.....if I had millions...I would definitely try to make a change....as Im sure other have....but when you have billions...im sure its easy to throw up some walls...it's not that i want to live off the grid as others do....thats not my preferred lifestyle...but I think those in charge so be more accountable and open to change
so your way of life is someone else's responsibility?

i think i see the problem. :)


Well-Known Member
and oil is NOT MADE FROM DEAD DINOSAURS!!!!! fucking ridiculous. it's the planet's natural lubrication for the tectonic plates & we keep suckin it right on out like it's all gonna be ok when it's gone. take the lubricants outta your car & see how far it drives.


Well-Known Member
well at this point, i don't have much of a choice, i do have to survive don't I....maybe I wont eat anymore either cause growing crops and transporting them to the grocery takes oil....even if I wanted to grow my own, I would only eat two months outa the year here in canada....so again...bitching and letting those in power know that the general public feel like its time for a change is the strongest option we have.....if I had millions...I would definitely try to make a change....as Im sure other have....but when you have billions...im sure its easy to throw up some walls...it's not that i want to live off the grid as others do....thats not my preferred lifestyle...but I think those in charge so be more accountable and open to change
I saw somewhere last year a report on a bill that was passed either before senate or congress, not sure which but this bill represented a ban on growing your own for personal use, I mean veggies not weed. Maybe someone who knows more can come in to clarify but the guy being interviewed was 4th generation farmer who would essentially apply to the government to grow his crops, they would even decide what he could grow etc.