New Member
Thats like compairing Mike tyson to a care bareThey do follow UK law, they just have separate civil courst for arbirition. Mormon peope have the exact same thing in the states. This is a silly thing to get so worked up about.
i think its plenty to get worked up about to be honest how they can bomb the shit out of the world and have the world at stand still at times then demand the law to be change to a law from a accient holy book and lets be honest if they dident do them bombs the goverment wouldent be sitting down talking about bending the law to suit 1 rase and its not just that thats only 1 think they want change they also want any cristian holidays to be renamed and not even cristmas films on tv becouse its rasis the childrens c,mas play also rasis that seems m0re rasis t0 me fr0m them ,,,