UK Changing Law To Islam


Well-Known Member
some of you are so ignorant,,muslims will not be killed if they leave the islamic faith,,i know muslims who are married to christians,and there kids follow no religion,,,saying all muslims are terrorists is the same as saying,all priests are child molestors or all northern irish ppl are ira terrorists,,,also america and britians history is terrorism,,the enslavement,rape,murder and torture of black ppl,christopher columbus was a racist and murderer and hes respected in america,,,,,,,,if you believe what those lieing polititions tell you then you really are gullable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
Mrskitz: Those people are not devout practicing Muslims then.

In my experience, the only nice Muslims I have met have been those who have westernized. They aren't as strict about their religion, they drink, etc... Not unlike 90% of our so called "Christians." Then you meet one of their cousins fresh off the boat and you swear he wants to put a bullet straight into your head for saying hi. 6 months later though he's as cool as the rest of them. Living with Muslims like these is no problem.

However, cater to fundamental Muslims, and you're fucked. It is part of their religion to kill or convert everyone else in the world who is not a Muslim. That is a core component of their religion. There is no getting around it or hiding it, that's just the fact of it. No other mainstream religion has that component. Islam is not a peaceful religion, it's just not built that way. Anyone who says otherwise isn't fully informed.

So modern Muslims basically come down to the people who still believe they need to kill everyone else, and those who have found they can tolerate a little Jesus and Buddha in their communities. I think making peace with the latter is great, but for the former, fuck em before they fuck us.


Well-Known Member
oh fuck islam let them kkep their fucking cult over in the middle east. they are a bunch of fucking barbarians. look at how they treat women. those motherfuckers still live in the dark ages . you wanna live by their laws then go to their country but don't expect people to bow down to their petty laws. and don't tell me they aren't a violent people hell they think all non islamics are infidels and should be killed.