Well-Known Member
By reading the title of this thread you may have assumed that al-Qaeda was trying to destroy our rights to know what is going on since we all know terrorists are bad.. But, you would be wrong.
A free and open democracy depends on an informed citizenry and that free and open part is under attack.
As George Orwell wrote in his book 1984 "He controls the past controls the future."
Well we are seeing the first steps in eliminating Public Broadcasting as a federally funded program. Funding for Public Broadcasting provide things like Sesame Street and Nova as well an the Nightly Business report and the News Hour.
I for one have been enriched by the programming that Public Broadcasting provides especially National Public Radio which has the very best morning news.
Two Republicans announce the bill to de-fund public broadcasting
The truth is we are not broke nor on the verge of bankruptcy since record profits are being reported by our large corporate citizens and the banking industry in general. Even historic profits are being announced.
So again it looks like an attack on what you and I know and when we know it.
I for one think we get a lot more out of Public Broadcasting then we do out of Nuclear Bomb. One the Republicans want to cut spending on and the other they want increase spending for.
I believe we are being lied to at a rate unseen before at the same time we are basically running the Middle East at taxpayers expense.
Remember we have not started to pay for the war yet and that credit card has no limit so far at leas no Republicans will cut that spending.
Jobs for people.. Not important.. Independent media so we have a well informed voter base not important and now we will see no reproductive rights for woman again when we already settled that 30 years or more ago.
Check out for the news and listen to National Public Radio.
Well your other, post you talk about how you liked Al Jareeza tv maybe that is your calling? Cut off that BS American TV.