UK Changing Law To Islam


Well-Known Member
Well fuck, i guess i am wrong, i would not have thought that 100 percent of the Islamic world were unintelligent, degenerate, mean hearted people. They do make some damn good Persian Carpets though and it seems as though we cant get enough of there oil


New Member
This is not about hating on 1 religion ,race or colour of skin , or who did what years ago its about now 2008

The problem is that the muslim religion teaches that any 1 from out side there faith is unholy that isent uncommon the born again think this also , The religion that the follow is also the law with some strange Shit in it and the are demanding that law to be put in place in areas were they have moved to in the uk and if no 1 listens its mass murder on the cards

the blacks polish rominans jews cathloics prods no 1 else over hear makes a fuss or even cares how 1 choses to live there lives but them they what to make the uk like asia with medievil laws that we already had in oliver cromwells time 1700 and b4

Check out inside haman if u want to see how a state run by islamic law works


New Member
Geeze HV, you could always move to Amerika and hate everyone equally. It's a fact that we do much damage to Islamic countries, Join in, grab an M-16 and join up. There are a few free fire zones left, Afghanistan for one. Hell, think of how much fun it would be to lock and load and actually pop a muslim and watch his head expolde, great fun in the military, but watch out for incoming,~LOL~, that always got my attention.


Well-Known Member
Geeze HV, you could always move to Amerika and hate everyone equally. It's a fact that we do much damage to Islamic countries, Join in, grab an M-16 and join up. There are a few free fire zones left, Afghanistan for one. Hell, think of how much fun it would be to lock and load and actually pop a muslim and watch his head expolde, great fun in the military, but watch out for incoming,~LOL~, that always got my attention.
That's true. If it wasn't for evil america, the middle east would be a real contender in the global market. I mean, they are so 'progressive' and forward thinking. Islam has just done wonders for the people over there. All hail islam!


New Member
That's true. If it wasn't for evil america, the middle east would be a real contender in the global market. I mean, they are so 'progressive' and forward thinking. Islam has just done wonders for the people over there. All hail islam!
Maybe not, but who cares. At least they wouldn't be trying to kill Americans or other people. If we had left them alone and just paid them a fair price for their oil, kept our military out of their countries (Except for when Sadam invaded Kuwait), but no, we had to put in military bases in Saudi-Arabia, then the oil companies in their never-ending greed jacked the price of oil to the consumer without cutting them in and caused a huge rift that sent OPEC into overdrive creating an ever increasing upward spiral of oil pricing and creating an ever widening gap between The US and the oil producing countries. Now the US had to secure the oilfields in Iraq and want to secure those in Iran, the pipeline going through Afghanistan from the north to the south will produce a few million barrels a day to supply the SUVs of the US, so now we have War in 2 out of three of those countries, and the govt. really wants Iran also. So again I say, had we treated those islamic people fairly, we wouldn't be targets now. as for the crap in the UK, mstand up to them. They shouldn't be allowed to stone their women in a modern society. Someone should teach them about divorce.


New Member
Geeze HV, you could always move to Amerika and hate everyone equally. It's a fact that we do much damage to Islamic countries, Join in, grab an M-16 and join up. There are a few free fire zones left, Afghanistan for one. Hell, think of how much fun it would be to lock and load and actually pop a muslim and watch his head expolde, great fun in the military, but watch out for incoming,~LOL~, that always got my attention.

Take it your high medicineman becouse it doesent say once in this thread that i hate or want to kill anny one in fact i says the oppiset buddy i dont hate any one not even you

If your angry becouse u join the army and got left in your tin hut caravan like a used condom thats not my fault man take it up with your own


New Member
Take it your high medicineman becouse it doesent say once in this thread that i hate or want to kill anny one in fact i says the oppiset buddy i dont hate any one not even you

If your angry becouse u join the army and got left in your tin hut caravan like a used condom thats not my fault man take it up with your own
What is up with this tin hut baloney. You are sniveling about having to deal with muslims, so if you are that upset do something and quit sniveling like a little coward.


New Member
What is up with this tin hut baloney. You are sniveling about having to deal with muslims, so if you are that upset do something and quit sniveling like a little coward.

No deal with muslim the deal is other than u tryin to get your knickers in a twist over me lol is that parts of the uk is possibly changing its law to islam to suit muslim extremest and there break away terrorists groups demanding are law changed to islam thats the deal man ....... Now if im a coward what do u say i do go and attack muslims ????


New Member
No deal with muslim the deal is other than u tryin to get your knickers in a twist over me lol is that parts of the uk is possibly changing its law to islam to suit muslim extremest and there break away terrorists groups demanding are law changed to islam thats the deal man ....... Now if im a coward what do u say i do go and attack muslims ????
First I say, go back to school and learn the english language, the written part. Then write to your representative(s) and demand an accounting of these things of which you snivel.


New Member
First I say, go back to school and learn the english language, the written part. Then write to your representative(s) and demand an accounting of these things of which you snivel.


New Member
Been there done that, got one, in fact a very good one. You must be jealous, hang in there, when you grow up maybe you'll get lucky too.


Well-Known Member
WTF are you talking about??? The USA kicked out the Shaw of Iran out of Iran??? The Iranian people were going to kill him if he did not flee the country. The USA gave him asylum when he fled the country. The Iranian people put these religious Ayatollah crazies into power when he left. They were a semi-democratic country when the Shaw of Iran was in power. They had a good relationship with the west until the Iranian religious extremists took power and ran the Shaw out of the country and started taking hostages and blowing shit up. The people in the middle east have been fighting each other for hundreds of years and the British Empire was the the one's meddling in the middle east not the USA, until recently with Iraq. The USA was a very big supporter of the Shaw of Iran. Why is it that any time something is wrong in the world the USA is to blame. And when a country is in deep shit they expect the USA to help everyone out?? Yet everyone wants to come to the USA and have the same freedoms we do but no one was to pay the price of freedom. You should really get your facts straight.


New Member
WTF are you talking about??? The USA kicked out the Shaw of Iran out of Iran??? The Iranian people were going to kill him if he did not flee the country. The USA gave him asylum when he fled the country. The Iranian people put these religious Ayatollah crazies into power when he left. They were a semi-democratic country when the Shaw of Iran was in power.They had a good relationship with the west until the Iranian religious extremists took power and ran the Shaw out of the country. The people in the middle east have been fighting each other for hundreds of years and the British Empire was the the one's meddling in the middle east not the USA, until recently with Iraq. The USA was a very big supporter of the Shaw of Iran. Why is it that any time something is wrong in the world the USA is to blame. And when a country is in deep shit they expect the USA to help everyone out?? Yet everyone wants to come to the USA and have the same freedoms we do but no one was to pay the price of freedom. You should really get your facts straight.
Maybe because it was the CIA that installed the shaw in the first place, check your facts your self, Mate:

An Anti-Democracy Foreign Policy: Iran

When Iranians took U.S. officials hostage in the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979, Americans were mystified and angry, not being able to comprehend how Iranians could be so hateful toward U.S. officials, especially since the U.S. government had been so supportive of the shah of Iran for some 25 years. What the American people failed to realize is that the deep anger and hatred that the Iranian people had in 1979 against the U.S. government was rooted in a horrible, anti-democratic act that the U.S. government committed in 1953. That was the year the CIA secretly and surreptitiously ousted the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, a man named Mohammad Mossadegh, from power, followed by the U.S. government’s ardent support of the shah of Iran’s dictatorship for the next 25 years.


New Member
Its becouse of people like you that clears the path for these people to come into are country and have them tell you how to control you own land and how to live your life by there medievil laws


Well-Known Member
Maybe because it was the CIA that installed the shaw in the first place, check your facts your self, Mate:

An Anti-Democracy Foreign Policy: Iran

When Iranians took U.S. officials hostage in the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979, Americans were mystified and angry, not being able to comprehend how Iranians could be so hateful toward U.S. officials, especially since the U.S. government had been so supportive of the shah of Iran for some 25 years. What the American people failed to realize is that the deep anger and hatred that the Iranian people had in 1979 against the U.S. government was rooted in a horrible, anti-democratic act that the U.S. government committed in 1953. That was the year the CIA secretly and surreptitiously ousted the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, a man named Mohammad Mossadegh, from power, followed by the U.S. government’s ardent support of the shah of Iran’s dictatorship for the next 25 years.
The CIA??? The Shaw was from a royal family who ruled Iran much like the British royal famly used to rule England.


New Member
Its becouse of people like you that clears the path for these people to come into are country and have them tell you how to control you own land and how to live your life by there medievil laws
People like me. please, don't flatter me. I have no such power. I am just a lowly taxpayer. What I pay may buy one magazine of m-16 ammo, but thats about all.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not, but who cares. At least they wouldn't be trying to kill Americans or other people. If we had left them alone and just paid them a fair price for their oil, kept our military out of their countries (Except for when Sadam invaded Kuwait), but no, we had to put in military bases in Saudi-Arabia, then the oil companies in their never-ending greed jacked the price of oil to the consumer without cutting them in and caused a huge rift that sent OPEC into overdrive creating an ever increasing upward spiral of oil pricing and creating an ever widening gap between The US and the oil producing countries. Now the US had to secure the oilfields in Iraq and want to secure those in Iran, the pipeline going through Afghanistan from the north to the south will produce a few million barrels a day to supply the SUVs of the US, so now we have War in 2 out of three of those countries, and the govt. really wants Iran also. So again I say, had we treated those islamic people fairly, we wouldn't be targets now. as for the crap in the UK, mstand up to them. They shouldn't be allowed to stone their women in a modern society. Someone should teach them about divorce.
So if everyone would either cater to them, or ignore them, they would just float away with the wind? We wouldn't hear a peep from them if it wasn't for evil America? What the fuck did Madrid ever to to the wonderful religion of peace besides cater and bend to its every need? What did they get in return? What about France? France is in a fucking stranglehold by this religion, I don't think there is any saving France at this point.

It will never cease to amaze me how many liberals get their panties in a twist over these people. These are the same motherfuckers that execute homosexuals and treat women like fucking cattle, but not a god damned word from anyone about that...not a fucking PEEP.

BUT! The CIA water boards some of the worst pieces of shit on Earth? Now THATS something the libtards can get pissed off about, that's a REAL fucking tragedy. Ahmed the holy warrior gets water boarded because he was caught in a busy market with C4 strapped to his body, lefties are up in arms over that.
3000 americans die on 9/11 after the first WTC bombings had failed, and it's an inside job carried out by Bush, CIA, Jews, or some other faction of the right wing? Because there is simply NO FUCKING WAY that a peaceful mooooozlem could ever harm another human being, and even suggesting otherwise is certainly an expression of racism and bigotry. We all know, out of all the religions, islam is the LAST group of people you would ever suspect on committing mass murder. Well, unless they had seen a picture of mohammad or something, but that's such an outrage, how can we blame them for killing and rioting?

No seriously, I'm so fucking sick and fed up with this politically correct bullshit that surrounds islam I could fucking puke on myself. Is America fucked up? Fucking right it is, so is every other country, get over it.

With the power America has, the military mite, together with a couple of our better allies, we could have global domination. But we dont...why? If we really are so evil, why wouldn't we just TAKE the middle east oil? You don't think we have the power to go over and kill everyone and simply steal the oil? Of course we do. But we don't because we are not as bad as you wish we were.

What do you think the world would be like if a country such as say...Saudi Arabia had the power we have? How about Pakistan? Iran? Syria? Any muslim nation? What the fuck do you think the would would be like? The entire would would be living under some type of sharia law. You think a world government run by muslims would be a nice place to live? You think there would be freedom of religion? Freedom of sexuality? Hmm?

Stop being a fucking asshole and standing up for what you know deep down is a dark and evil fucking religion. Political correctness is rotting your brain.

I don't like any religion for that matter, but islam is on a another level of evil. If you hate America so much(or whatever country you live in), then why don't you pack your fucking prayer rug up, and go live a pure life in Saudi Arabia where you can devote your soul to Allah.


Well-Known Member
Its becouse of people like you that clears the path for these people to come into are country and have them tell you how to control you own land and how to live your life by there medievil laws
WTF are you on about people like me is clearing the way to let extremist tell you how to run your country?? It is the British Empire that had colonies the the middle east and that is why the are so many of them in your country. It is not the USA's fault the British Empire had colonies and allows them a free pass into your country. You should be pissed at your own law makers on this issue. Great Briton is still a democratic country isn't it?? Complain to your law makers and government or the Queen.


Well-Known Member
Your missing the point ......... the uk is not a islamic country and dont live by them laws peacful or not We have are own laws that have been fix over thousands of years and people are treated equaily every 1 lives togeather ,
its there choice to come live here in the uk a cristian country tho most people dont care to much about religon now days thats just how it is we celebrate easter cristmas ect its are tradation not the 3 little pigs lol .

But they demand to have laws they have on the other side of the world from accient beliefs were the beliefs have long gone here and its just law not law from the holy bible just modern life

Ive also full respect to people that are true to there belifes but if i went 2 an islamic state and dident live by there rules never mind demand new laws to suit my beliefs id be stoned to death ..fact

It just doesnt make scence how the goverment can be sitting talking about this who controls the contry ???
I couldn't agree more . You are exactly right. The problem is that the west has become too politically correct and is too worried about hurting the feelings or beliefs of those poor muslims. Give me a brake it makes me want to puke. Everyone needs to wake up. Their goal is to have a one world muslim government and they want to make all non-muslims there slaves. The extremist are even telling everyone this and no one wants to believe it. Wake the fuck up people. The extremist are not your friends they want to kill you and enslave you, that is their goal. Ask the president of Iran!! They are all still living in the seventh century.


Well-Known Member
So if everyone would either cater to them, or ignore them, they would just float away with the wind? We wouldn't hear a peep from them if it wasn't for evil America? What the fuck did Madrid ever to to the wonderful religion of peace besides cater and bend to its every need? What did they get in return? What about France? France is in a fucking stranglehold by this religion, I don't think there is any saving France at this point.

It will never cease to amaze me how many liberals get their panties in a twist over these people. These are the same motherfuckers that execute homosexuals and treat women like fucking cattle, but not a god damned word from anyone about that...not a fucking PEEP.

BUT! The CIA water boards some of the worst pieces of shit on Earth? Now THATS something the libtards can get pissed off about, that's a REAL fucking tragedy. Ahmed the holy warrior gets water boarded because he was caught in a busy market with C4 strapped to his body, lefties are up in arms over that.
3000 americans die on 9/11 after the first WTC bombings had failed, and it's an inside job carried out by Bush, CIA, Jews, or some other faction of the right wing? Because there is simply NO FUCKING WAY that a peaceful mooooozlem could ever harm another human being, and even suggesting otherwise is certainly an expression of racism and bigotry. We all know, out of all the religions, islam is the LAST group of people you would ever suspect on committing mass murder. Well, unless they had seen a picture of mohammad or something, but that's such an outrage, how can we blame them for killing and rioting?

No seriously, I'm so fucking sick and fed up with this politically correct bullshit that surrounds islam I could fucking puke on myself. Is America fucked up? Fucking right it is, so is every other country, get over it.

With the power America has, the military mite, together with a couple of our better allies, we could have global domination. But we dont...why? If we really are so evil, why wouldn't we just TAKE the middle east oil? You don't think we have the power to go over and kill everyone and simply steal the oil? Of course we do. But we don't because we are not as bad as you wish we were.

What do you think the world would be like if a country such as say...Saudi Arabia had the power we have? How about Pakistan? Iran? Syria? Any muslim nation? What the fuck do you think the would would be like? The entire would would be living under some type of sharia law. You think a world government run by muslims would be a nice place to live? You think there would be freedom of religion? Freedom of sexuality? Hmm?

Stop being a fucking asshole and standing up for what you know deep down is a dark and evil fucking religion. Political correctness is rotting your brain.

I don't like any religion for that matter, but islam is on a another level of evil. If you hate America so much(or whatever country you live in), then why don't you pack your fucking prayer rug up, and go live a pure life in Saudi Arabia where you can devote your soul to Allah.
Amen brother!!!