Advice for new growers


Well-Known Member
Any advice????? Don't follow the OP's advice.

Humans don't sweat in the winter.....I used to sweat like a motherfucker under 8 x 1000 w lights....dead winter.

Plants pick up polarized light, and magically shake......then POOF, you got a fucking bonzai tree.

Dude's either off his rocker, or is fuckin with everyone.

I'll stick with tried and true methods of MJ growing. I suggest anyone wanting to try this, do it with tomatoes or something similar. NOT your MJ plants.

Just my two cents, but what do I know.


Well-Known Member
Any advice????? Don't follow the OP's advice.

Humans don't sweat in the winter.....I used to sweat like a motherfucker under 8 x 1000 w lights....dead winter.

Plants pick up polarized light, and magically shake......then POOF, you got a fucking bonzai tree.

Dude's either off his rocker, or is fuckin with everyone.

I'll stick with tried and true methods of MJ growing. I suggest anyone wanting to try this, do it with tomatoes or something similar. NOT your MJ plants.

Just my two cents, but what do I know.
is being naked in the room with my pants gonna hurt them or something? what wrong with naked sitting in the plant room?


Well-Known Member
is being naked in the room with my pants gonna hurt them or something? what wrong with naked sitting in the plant room?
You wanna be naked, by all means. Done it myself....I am saying the results that he claims are fucking ridiculous.

In fact, I guess you could say that unwittingly I actually have done as my room, naked or close, wearing shades.......never over the years seen my plants "violently shake" then magically they have a growth spurt.

I'm out......


Well-Known Member
thanks hun i was hoping youd like that;)
it`s not whether I liked it or not.. it just is what it is.. could have been due to tidal pools.. I`m not sure though.. I`ll study the pics you sent and get back to you:fire:


Well-Known Member
You wanna be naked, by all means. Done it myself....In fact, I guess you could say that unwittingly I actually have done as my room, naked or close, wearing shades.......
cheers to nakedness lol........still waiting for more pics btw


Well-Known Member
Just happened to come across that on one screen as I'm reading this on the other.......

The OP is yankin your chain people.......
