Advice for new growers


agree^^ am i really the only one thats trying this naked thing lol....bummer....i was hoping for some pics by now...
I will try and provide pictures tomorrow. I am at a remote location at the moment, so I have an inability to post any pictures at the time being.


Well-Known Member
had to interrupt my daydream of cowell for this....i cant wait to see those pics......back to my daydream....well its nighttime so....back to my dream.......


Well-Known Member
send me more pics....i hear ppl have like a million dreams while they sleep and i could sure use a good nights sleep.....


Well-Known Member
need more chicks around here so i can share the wealth.....unless you dont want me to boys let me know


Well-Known Member
ahh...silence....whats a girl gotta do to get a rise outta you guys.....get naked....


Well-Known Member
i'm married.
...naked women is as bad as the BMW sales lot to me...

no fun looking at stuff i can't have...ya know?


well post pic of it at least....other than that.. it's all fiction.
This method may seem silly but I can assure you that it is entirely non-fictitious. Plants work differently than humans do, but after hundreds of years of artificial cultivation, they've learned to adapt to the human species.
Have you seen the movie 'The Happening'? It's relatively the same thing.


Well-Known Member
This method may seem silly but I can assure you that it is entirely non-fictitious. Plants work differently than humans do, but after hundreds of years of artificial cultivation, they've learned to adapt to the human species.
Have you seen the movie 'The Happening'? It's relatively the same thing.
Wasn't talking to you..Just cause this is your thread.. can't you see I'm working here...


Wasn't talking to you..Just cause this is your thread.. can't you see I'm working here...
I sincerely apologize my friend. I have seen you on the television multiple times, I never knew that you were a fellow grower. It's a small world... :).


Well-Known Member
I sincerely apologize my friend. I have seen you on the television multiple times, I never knew that you were a fellow grower. It's a small world... :).
Have to do something to afford my jeans.
But seriously.. this is the worst thread I've seen all season.. Paula..... Paula... oh hell.. she's knee deep in coke again.. hang on....


Well-Known Member
o lame....hey now whats his name started it not me....not my fault we are talking about being naked


Well-Known Member
You still need to prove YOU'RE naked.. I think it'll help your plants... you should MSN me your pics so I can see what you're doing wrong.... then I can help "direct" you..look at my rep.. would I lie :P