UK Changing Law To Islam


New Member
Parts of the uk are in the making of changing the law to the muslim law of islam

sounds crazy the local shp lifters will be getting stoned to death and all them cheating wifes too haha .............

But seriously it seems crazy the uk is a cristian country and has been for years ( not that that matters) it seems the terrorists have won and as a nation the uk is bending backwards to suit terriosts ?

They are lookin to change parts of the uk,s law to muslim islamic law
Cristmas has been destroyed and are childrens notivity plays now the 3 little pigs lol when does it stop

The law we have years have been fixed over thousands of years to have people treated with equality and with civil rights (could be better) But to bring in laws from a religion from another country to suit imergrents or terrorists is just crazy
u cant just change parts of a nation and have it like its own coutry in the middle of england with diffrent laws

it has the making of war, mybe even a civil war in years to come like the case in north of ireland


Well-Known Member
Parts of the uk are in the making of changing the law to the muslim law of islam

sounds crazy the local shp lifters will be getting stoned to death and all them cheating wifes too haha .............

But seriously it seems crazy the uk is a cristian country and has been for years ( not that that matters) it seems the terrorists have won and as a nation the uk is bending backwards to suit terriosts ?

They are lookin to change parts of the uk,s law to muslim islamic law
Cristmas has been destroyed and are childrens notivity plays now the 3 little pigs lol when does it stop

The law we have years have been fixed over thousands of years to have people treated with equality and with civil rights (could be better) But to bring in laws from a religion from another country to suit imergrents or terrorists is just crazy
u cant just change parts of a nation and have it like its own coutry in the middle of england with diffrent laws

it has the making of war, mybe even a civil war in years to come like the case in north of ireland
Did you know Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? And why do you assume(when you assume you make an ass out of u and me) that terrorist are associated with Islam? I know more terrorist that are Christians(George Bush anyone?). And are you so sure that those laws are correct? if you remembered anything from history class you would recall the main reason for America was because people were fed up with the church of england, among other things turning shitty. I would really get you facts straight, why do you think it is the fastest growing religion? You just have the wrong image that western media puts on the whole Muslim nation. Its really sad.


Well-Known Member
I guess the UK could learn alot from the Netherlands(the mighy dutch)huh?
No more visas(or very hard to come by) for muslim countrys.
No burgas in public,has legislation to expel thoes who -might- be a danger.

god save the queen!


New Member
Did you know Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? And why do you assume(when you assume you make an ass out of u and me) that terrorist are associated with Islam? I know more terrorist that are Christians(George Bush anyone?). And are you so sure that those laws are correct? if you remembered anything from history class you would recall the main reason for America was because people were fed up with the church of england, among other things turning shitty. I would really get you facts straight, why do you think it is the fastest growing religion? You just have the wrong image that western media puts on the whole Muslim nation. Its really sad.

The religion has nothing 2 do with it !!!
britian is a multi culture socitey So the religion has nothing 2 do with it we all get along

Its that medievil law that they want in place and its there religion that practices these laws like the uk did 400 years ago (they also burnt women then and called them witchs)

so dont be getting this confused with rasis the people here all get along but they want there laws from asia from here to the uk and yes the reson they are getting what they want is becouse the same laws say its ok 2 kill in the name of ALLA to none believers so to me the religion/law/culture = terrorists

and if ya like them and think are socitey would be better if we followed islam go and look at them mess were they came from in the 1st place


Active Member
Im english and this makes me angry, the poice are more bothered about people who grow a plant that whebn smoked makes people happy than they are about catching illegal immigrants, there was a story in the paper the other day about a muslim man who is married to 11 women and he claims social security for himself and his 11 wifes, he married tham all here to legally he is a bigamist, for which he should be arrested and trhrown in jail, but no, he gets paid for having 11 wifes, a bit like henry the 8th did many many years ago!:roll:


Well-Known Member
The religion has nothing 2 do with it !!!
britian is a multi culture socitey So the religion has nothing 2 do with it we all get along

Its that medievil law that they want in place and its there religion that practices these laws like the uk did 400 years ago (they also burnt women then and called them witchs)

so dont be getting this confused with rasis the people here all get along but they want there laws from asia from here to the uk and yes the reson they are getting what they want is becouse the same laws say its ok 2 kill in the name of ALLA to none believers so to me the religion/law/culture = terrorists

and if ya like them and think are socitey would be better if we followed islam go and look at them mess were they came from in the 1st place

Well have you ever traveled over to a Islamic country? or are you just going by what you have heard one the television and the internet? they are very peaceful people and they live by good morals. Yes there punishment is far fetched and some of there rules are a little over flexed but to be fair you should not mix church and state. The only reason there is a 'mess' over there is because we in the west wont leave anybody alone to let the live in peace. The Americans created that mess. They kicked the Shah out of Iran and tried to put in a mock democratic government. The people of Iran did not want it, Americans forced our ways on them. It was really sad, they finally were able to kick the Americans out. You should really do some research, the Islamic faith is more like Christianity then you think.


Well-Known Member
If I understand things correctly, in the UK the "problem" is also the "solution". This the result of no Constitution, like we have in the USA. It is easier to change public policy in the UK.

My solution is this, the Queen is still the chief magistrate of the Royal Government. She has loads of powers that she and father ever used. The Royals need to exercise their lawful powers or abdicate. They need to see that all the bloody, illegal foreigners leave the Kingdom, by gum!

Pip pip, tallyho!


New Member
Well have you ever traveled over to a Islamic country? or are you just going by what you have heard one the television and the internet? they are very peaceful people and they live by good morals. Yes there punishment is far fetched and some of there rules are a little over flexed but to be fair you should not mix church and state. The only reason there is a 'mess' over there is because we in the west wont leave anybody alone to let the live in peace. The Americans created that mess. They kicked the Shah out of Iran and tried to put in a mock democratic government. The people of Iran did not want it, Americans forced our ways on them. It was really sad, they finally were able to kick the Americans out. You should really do some research, the Islamic faith is more like Christianity then you think.
Your missing the point ......... the uk is not a islamic country and dont live by them laws peacful or not We have are own laws that have been fix over thousands of years and people are treated equaily every 1 lives togeather ,
its there choice to come live here in the uk a cristian country tho most people dont care to much about religon now days thats just how it is we celebrate easter cristmas ect its are tradation not the 3 little pigs lol .

But they demand to have laws they have on the other side of the world from accient beliefs were the beliefs have long gone here and its just law not law from the holy bible just modern life

Ive also full respect to people that are true to there belifes but if i went 2 an islamic state and dident live by there rules never mind demand new laws to suit my beliefs id be stoned to death ..fact

It just doesnt make scence how the goverment can be sitting talking about this who controls the contry ???


New Member
Your missing the point ......... the uk is not a islamic country and dont live by them laws peacful or not We have are own laws that have been fix over thousands of years and people are treated equaily every 1 lives togeather ,
its there choice to come live here in the uk a cristian country tho most people dont care to much about religon now days thats just how it is we celebrate easter cristmas ect its are tradation not the 3 little pigs lol .

But they demand to have laws they have on the other side of the world from accient beliefs were the beliefs have long gone here and its just law not law from the holy bible just modern life

Ive also full respect to people that are true to there belifes but if i went 2 an islamic state and dident live by there rules never mind demand new laws to suit my beliefs id be stoned to death ..fact

It just doesnt make scence how the goverment can be sitting talking about this who controls the contry ???
Well, I guess I'll remove England from my list of countries I might move to.


Well-Known Member
Did you know Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? And why do you assume(when you assume you make an ass out of u and me) that terrorist are associated with Islam? I know more terrorist that are Christians(George Bush anyone?). And are you so sure that those laws are correct? if you remembered anything from history class you would recall the main reason for America was because people were fed up with the church of england, among other things turning shitty. I would really get you facts straight, why do you think it is the fastest growing religion? You just have the wrong image that western media puts on the whole Muslim nation. Its really sad.

Are you fucking delusional? It's the fastest growing religion because you're not allowed to leave the religion. If you do, you are killed if they can get a hold of you.

I dislike religion, but I hold a very special dark place in my heart for the cancer you call islam. Matter of fact, starting now, I am going to put my contempt for islam in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Well have you ever traveled over to a Islamic country? or are you just going by what you have heard one the television and the internet? they are very peaceful people and they live by good morals. Yes there punishment is far fetched and some of there rules are a little over flexed but to be fair you should not mix church and state. The only reason there is a 'mess' over there is because we in the west wont leave anybody alone to let the live in peace. The Americans created that mess. They kicked the Shah out of Iran and tried to put in a mock democratic government. The people of Iran did not want it, Americans forced our ways on them. It was really sad, they finally were able to kick the Americans out. You should really do some research, the Islamic faith is more like Christianity then you think. - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World
Yes, lovely religion it is. So loving and peaceful.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you the dutch have it right,kick these crazy mofos out before some shit happens.
I understand why in ww2 the american goverment rounded up anyone who even looked to be asian and stuck em in camps intill the war was over! cruel or smart?


Well-Known Member
some of you are ignorant,,,,look back at history and tell me whos reponsible for most of the evil acts that have taken place!youll find its not asians or blacks!and to cod4,,,look at the evil christian ppl have done in the past!proper muslims are kind caring ppl,,,,,the extremists do NOT represent the majority of muslims!i do however believe that if you live here in this country you should obey the laws of the land(with exception to some)regardless of where your from!if you dont like the laws in the country you live in then move to a country which has laws that suit your way of life!


Well-Known Member
some of you are ignorant,,,,look back at history and tell me whos reponsible for most of the evil acts that have taken place!youll find its not asians or blacks!and to cod4,,,look at the evil christian ppl have done in the past!proper muslims are kind caring ppl,,,,,the extremists do NOT represent the majority of muslims!i do however believe that if you live here in this country you should obey the laws of the land(with exception to some)regardless of where your from!if you dont like the laws in the country you live in then move to a country which has laws that suit your way of life!
Muslims have a long history of war, kidnapping, thievery, and mayhem. Have you ever heard about the Ottoman Empire?


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking delusional? It's the fastest growing religion because you're not allowed to leave the religion. If you do, you are killed if they can get a hold of you.

I dislike religion, but I hold a very special dark place in my heart for the cancer you call islam. Matter of fact, starting now, I am going to put my contempt for islam in my sig.
I really cant believe im hearing this. You do not know how stupid you sound. You can leave the religion, in fact half of my family is Islamic, by choose not because they have to be, also you can leave the religion you are not forced. You may be right the governments that are associated with Islam are a little overboard, but that should be noticed when any country trys to mix church and state.

HippyVibes i see your point and i too would be mad. You have every right. It just makes me made when people associate Islam and terrorism. That is MISINFORMATION!

Im not trying to defend Islam, i am not a religious person, in fact i do not believe in this one called 'god'. But you should not judge a person by there religion if you have not walked a mile in there shoes.


Well-Known Member

you know you can post as many bias websites as you like, but until you go and meet and talk with some Muslims and then you find out there are much the same as you and me, you may feel stupid. You know we should not be looking at how we are different but how we are alike.

Do you know that what you are doing is called 'divide and conquer'. It works like this, you divide the people up so they all think they are different and one is better then the other. Then slowly the world will kill itself.

But in reality we are all the same, so what they want to practice Islam, what if one of them grew some bomb buds would you not smoke with that person because there Islamic? or how about most of the worlds opium supply comes from an Islamic country.

I would hate to say it but you are no better the the motherfuckers behind the kkk masks.


Well-Known Member
Do you know that what you are doing is called 'divide and conquer'. It works like this, you divide the people up so they all think they are different and one is better then the other. Then slowly the world will kill itself.

your answer is- religion based groups
small group of muslims who are "overboard"? like um 10 or 20?..or 10s of millions?hell maybe 100 million..maybe more!!
dude, wake the fuck up, you are at war-like it or not.
doesnt fell like war does it?
the millions of muslim who have died/been hurt and the 50k plus americans... but nothing huh?
good vs bad- right vs wrong-sides-its all moot.
why? because you/we/me are paying for the war-we are responsible.


Well-Known Member
your answer is- religion based groups
small group of muslims who are "overboard"? like um 10 or 20?..or 10s of millions?hell maybe 100 million..maybe more!!
dude, wake the fuck up, you are at war-like it or not.
doesnt fell like war does it?
the millions of muslim who have died/been hurt and the 50k plus americans... but nothing huh?
good vs bad- right vs wrong-sides-its all moot.
why? because you/we/me are paying for the war-we are responsible.
Yes i am paying for the war, but if i could choose where my tax dollars where spent it would not be on 'defense'. Your right it is all moot, the war on terror has created more terror that done good, but i have no need to talk about that. I am sure the intelligent majority of you already know that. Also those millions maybe billions? of Muslims don't want this war either. I think they love peace time just as much as we do. You do enjoy peace right?


Well-Known Member
you know you can post as many bias websites as you like, but until you go and meet and talk with some Muslims and then you find out there are much the same as you and me, you may feel stupid. You know we should not be looking at how we are different but how we are alike.

Do you know that what you are doing is called 'divide and conquer'. It works like this, you divide the people up so they all think they are different and one is better then the other. Then slowly the world will kill itself.

But in reality we are all the same, so what they want to practice Islam, what if one of them grew some bomb buds would you not smoke with that person because there Islamic? or how about most of the worlds opium supply comes from an Islamic country.

I would hate to say it but you are no better the the motherfuckers behind the kkk masks.
you know you can post as many bias websites as you like
What's bias about it? Did you look and read the news on it? The news is from legit sources, the news is real. Weather or not you choose to accept it is your problem.

but until you go and meet and talk with some Muslims and then you find out there are much the same as you and me, you may feel stupid. You know we should not be looking at how we are different but how we are alike.
Unfortunetly for your argument, I do know muslims. The more "moderate muslims" are still raving lunitics behind closed doors. Especially if they think you're a fellow jew or america hater. I am YET to meet a TRULY loving muslim.

Do you know that what you are doing is called 'divide and conquer'. It works like this, you divide the people up so they all think they are different and one is better then the other.
You know what you're doing? It's called sticking your head in the sand. And we are different, western civilization is nothing like muslim society. We don't treat our women like fucking cattle, we dont cut off hands for stealing, and we dont hang homosexuals. Our countries offer people the freedom to practice whatever religion they choose. We are nothing like islamic societies.

I would hate to say it but you are no better the the motherfuckers behind the kkk masks
Complete and epic FAIL


Well-Known Member
I really cant believe im hearing this. You do not know how stupid you sound. You can leave the religion, in fact half of my family is Islamic, by choose not because they have to be, also you can leave the religion you are not forced. You may be right the governments that are associated with Islam are a little overboard, but that should be noticed when any country trys to mix church and state.

HippyVibes i see your point and i too would be mad. You have every right. It just makes me made when people associate Islam and terrorism. That is MISINFORMATION!

Im not trying to defend Islam, i am not a religious person, in fact i do not believe in this one called 'god'. But you should not judge a person by there religion if you have not walked a mile in there shoes.
Mohhamed said to his four sons, when you meet an infidel you try and convert him. If you cannot convert him, try to make him a slave. If you cannot make him a slave, kill him.