2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

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I♥BUD;5349985 said:
I really wanted to look up to Sub. Hell, traded my Greenhouse seed & Barney's seed addiction, and dedicated a full grow to TGA(Vortex & Dairy Queen).
But ever since I joined this thread a few weeks ago, seems like there's a lot of rudeness, and cockiness in here.
When I first asked a ? in this thread, I was sort of attacked. I was told to go back, and read the first page because the info I asked was there. Sub even like the persons sorta rude comment to me, because he was defending or answering for Sub(which seems like many people do here).

I actually was very cool & respectful with this person, gave them rep, and went on to read about my ?....... About 10 pages in, NO ANSWER TO MY ? BUT A LOT OF RUDENESS! From ALL different PARTIES!
Here it is a few weeks later, and it seems like this is getting repetitive now. Someone will ask a ?, that MOST SUB FOLLOWERS will rudely answer, followed by Sub liking their rudeness.

Also I have stumbled unto MANY thread from other websites, where Sub isn't even active anymore. Ppl talking about the rudeness. I read some of the rudenss with my own eyes. Makes me think if eventually RIU will be one of those Sub-abonded sites.

As much of a Guru any1 can be, I'll be damned if ANYONE is gonna talk down to me, or make me feel uncomfortable about asking a question.
I understand that 1 might be too busy to answer ALL dumb ?, but why not ignore the ? instead of feeding into negativity by liking rude coments, even if they are to ur "benefits".
It's definitely a turn off from TGA products. Yes I'm 1 customer, boo-hoo! u'll still be making $$$$ from ppl, even if I stop purchasing TGA, but at least I don't have to sit at home knowing that I help pay ur freakin mortgage!!!!!!!

There were KILLER breeders before, and as long as cannabis is around, other breeders with Dank Hybrid strains will come. As a matter of fact C-99, wasn't that Brother Grimms? So as I said........ Dank breeders will always be around. Some will survive, others will fade away! Best wishes, and save ur rude comments for urself.

Hopefully someone can learn from wat I have said! No need for all this Dick Swinging! I might be a famous musician, and u guys might buy my albums. Does that mean I can be rude to ppl? Because I have some clout in a certain "lifestyle" or watever u wanna call this. U don't see Ron Jeremy yelling at ppl because they have a 8" cock, is wat I'm trying to say!

Peace to everyone!

P.S. I really wish wat I had read on other sites were BS. I had to experience, or rather see it for myself.

Whatever man, dont get so butt hurt... All the information you need is right here in this thread or in the forum. if you take the time and read it, you wont have to ask questions. So many people want everything done for them these days. Figure it out for yourself, Figure out what works for you.
I♥BUD;5349985 said:
I really wanted to look up to Sub. Hell, traded my Greenhouse seed & Barney's seed addiction, and dedicated a full grow to TGA(Vortex & Dairy Queen).
But ever since I joined this thread a few weeks ago, seems like there's a lot of rudeness, and cockiness in here.
When I first asked a ? in this thread, I was sort of attacked. I was told to go back, and read the first page because the info I asked was there. Sub even like the persons sorta rude comment to me, because he was defending or answering for Sub(which seems like many people do here).

I actually was very cool & respectful with this person, gave them rep, and went on to read about my ?....... About 10 pages in, NO ANSWER TO MY ? BUT A LOT OF RUDENESS! From ALL different PARTIES!
Here it is a few weeks later, and it seems like this is getting repetitive now. Someone will ask a ?, that MOST SUB FOLLOWERS will rudely answer, followed by Sub liking their rudeness.

Also I have stumbled unto MANY thread from other websites, where Sub isn't even active anymore. Ppl talking about the rudeness. I read some of the rudenss with my own eyes. Makes me think if eventually RIU will be one of those Sub-abonded sites.

As much of a Guru any1 can be, I'll be damned if ANYONE is gonna talk down to me, or make me feel uncomfortable about asking a question.
I understand that 1 might be too busy to answer ALL dumb ?, but why not ignore the ? instead of feeding into negativity by liking rude coments, even if they are to ur "benefits".
It's definitely a turn off from TGA products. Yes I'm 1 customer, boo-hoo! u'll still be making $$$$ from ppl, even if I stop purchasing TGA, but at least I don't have to sit at home knowing that I help pay ur freakin mortgage!!!!!!!

There were KILLER breeders before, and as long as cannabis is around, other breeders with Dank Hybrid strains will come. As a matter of fact C-99, wasn't that Brother Grimms? So as I said........ Dank breeders will always be around. Some will survive, others will fade away! Best wishes, and save ur rude comments for urself.

Hopefully someone can learn from wat I have said! No need for all this Dick Swinging! I might be a famous musician, and u guys might buy my albums. Does that mean I can be rude to ppl? Because I have some clout in a certain "lifestyle" or watever u wanna call this. U don't see Ron Jeremy yelling at ppl because they have a 8" cock, is wat I'm trying to say!

Peace to everyone!

P.S. I really wish wat I had read on other sites were BS. I had to experience, or rather see it for myself.
I already raised 4 kids of My Own I really dont have time to baby sit, the rudeness you feel from my friends here is because they know I have answered these queries hundreds of times and I have devoted my life to helping others both with tutoring and with free genetics to many. I am under no obligation to even be here.
You dont like it go pound sand :)

I♥BUD;5278398 said:
Sooooo wat would be a good mix for anyone to run from seed prior to using the Super Soil mix? Would just feeding BioBizz or something like that work in early stages? And when would anyone recommend to start using this mix(what week/stage of the plants life) if growing from seed?

Sorry if Im askin too many dumb questions. Never have done a soil mix. Always used soilless and hydroponic methods. doin my first TGA run( Vortex & Dairy Queen day 2 of flowering, and looking good) so, I'm thinking about doin 1/2 my next TGA run(Plush Berry hopefully if u would release it already! LOL. J/K)but as I was saying... I wanna do 1/2 my next TGA run in Subcool's Super Soil, so any help explaining steps from seed would be grand!

Thanks my bros and sis!

Pretty typical the answer to your question has been answered by me possibly one hundred times even in Print in High times, skunk, treating yourself and on Cannabis Culture.

Yes I tend to be rude to lazy growers who cant be bothered to use the info I have been providing for 2 decades.

The Answer is Roots or Biobiz or Happy Frog and the people being rude to you know this cause they payed attention.

If it works why question it??? Like sub said when he tested his soil all it did was confuses him and make his question the recipe BUT IN THE END IT WORKS RIGHT??? So leave it be and grow some dank If you dont want to trust the recipe make your own and stop bitching

chill man chill. questioning things helps us become more knowledgable, it helps us understand why things work. If we rely on what we don't know, then yes we may be successful but we won't be able to improve or even replicate consistently. I don't believe what i'm doing is bitching, I have made no claims or arguements against anyone, just asking what we know about it.

" I use your dirt reciepe BUT I did have it tested and remixed to my needs.."Well apparently the "Tweaks" You made fucked it up
On To More important Matters I'm starting to see soil webbing on the top of my SS seems to be moving along nicely
you really need to chill out. I think we are all here to be better at what we like to do.
While people are busy testing I am busy growing Dank.
As posted I have no confidence in myself but this recipe is used world wide and seems to work incredibly
I spent 2 years testing and making modifications because Dioxide like you needed to know why and how, in the end we wasted 2 years only to use the recipe as is with great results.


I like the reciepe, i've said that in other threads and i'll say it here. but that should't take away from a general curiosity in how and more importanly why does it work. If I know these things maybe I can help hassen the uptake of nutrients; maybe how to better support my mychro colonies.. Anyways, I can understand not sitting around waiting for test results, especially when you have such great results but i cringe at any thought that we should stop working at being better, at anything really.
I was where you are at some 3 decades ago now.
Any discussion by me on dirt is just redundant at this point.
I gave the basics I expect people to try and improve on it
This recipe has been tweaked and changed hundreds of times to improve performance.

So thats all I have to say on soil
I like the reciepe, i've said that in other threads and i'll say it here. but that should't take away from a general curiosity in how and more importanly why does it work. If I know these things maybe I can help hassen the uptake of nutrients; maybe how to better support my mychro colonies.. Anyways, I can understand not sitting around waiting for test results, especially when you have such great results but i cringe at any thought that we should stop working at being better, at anything really.

if you really want to know how it works, start by getting a degree in biology or horticulture, then search all the electronic data bases for soil information, due a research review article and then have it published. then you will know. or better yet, buy a botany book, read it and start there, all the information you want is already published in books and the internet, so its up to you to find it and connect the dots.
SUBCOOL, I subscribed to your thread today because I am on the hunt for the best organic soil recipe possible!! I feel that Las Vegas is just getting our foot in the door when it comes to high quality organics, I get alot of finished product grown with your methods in california, because it is all commercial here.

Soo to start off THANK YOU SUBB!
thank you for all the hard work put into all questions and answers!
I found the ingredients hard to find but when I looked at Down To Earth's product line, I realized they carried almost everything I needed. everything except the dolomite lime and epsom, even tho they might have had them.
When I noticed this, I also noticed they didnt have one retailer in Las Vegas!!
My buddy at Best hydroponic supply ordered the whole line of product.
I got my AZOMITE, Humic acid, blood meal, fish bone meal, and bat guano through them.

QUESTION, Im wondering is the guano, at 0. 7. 0. gonna be too strong at the same levels? or should i use less?

If anybody is growing in las vegas, please check out Best Hydroponic Supply, its one of 2 places in town that carry azomite now, and almost everything else as well!! Is right behind olive garden on cheyenne and the US95. U will be happy with prices i promise, and they will order anything for you for good prices. trust me ive been to every shop in town!!!!!!!! and there are a lot!
happy growing all and thanks again SUB!!:clap::bigjoint:
SUBCOOL, I subscribed to your thread today because I am on the hunt for the best organic soil recipe possible!! I feel that Las Vegas is just getting our foot in the door when it comes to high quality organics, I get alot of finished product grown with your methods in california, because it is all commercial here.

Soo to start off THANK YOU SUBB!
thank you for all the hard work put into all questions and answers!
I found the ingredients hard to find but when I looked at Down To Earth's product line, I realized they carried almost everything I needed. everything except the dolomite lime and epsom, even tho they might have had them.
When I noticed this, I also noticed they didnt have one retailer in Las Vegas!!
My buddy at Best hydroponic supply ordered the whole line of product.
I got my AZOMITE, Humic acid, blood meal, fish bone meal, and bat guano through them.

QUESTION, Im wondering is the guano, at 0. 7. 0. gonna be too strong at the same levels? or should i use less?

If anybody is growing in las vegas, please check out Best Hydroponic Supply, its one of 2 places in town that carry azomite now, and almost everything else as well!! Is right behind olive garden on cheyenne and the US95. U will be happy with prices i promise, and they will order anything for you for good prices. trust me ive been to every shop in town!!!!!!!! and there are a lot!
happy growing all and thanks again SUB!!:clap::bigjoint:
I dont think your Bat Guano is gonna be that different from the 0.5.0 version. You should be fine key word SHOULD
If you people are having a hard time finding items to make super soil at the HYDRO shop try your local nursery for those backyard outdoor garden plants need the same love & nutrients as our lovely little Mrs C plant

Try it & you will be surprised

I get some a real nice compost from one about 10 minutes from the house & use it in all of my soil and in conjunction with super soil & my Roots soil as a base


If you people are having a hard time finding items to make super soil at the HYDRO shop try your local nursery for those backyard outdoor garden plants need the same love & nutrients as our lovely little Mrs C plant

Try it & you will be surprised

I get some a real nice compost from one about 10 minutes from the house & use it in all of my soil and in conjunction with super soil & my Roots soil as a base



Yah I've been to all the nursery's here in las vegas and only one has "some" of the ingredients, Im only putting my info out for people in my area, because I research everything I buy out here.
My buddy just happens to have everything you need in one place and I thought it would be nice to share that with locals.:-P
If YOU are in vegas plant world is the best nursery and Best Hydroponic supply is bust place for all the ingredients.
I would recommend AdvancedGardens or Igrowhydro as well for other great deals in las vegas. You wont find any of the ingredients in your average home depot or lowes here.
if you really want to know how it works, start by getting a degree in biology or horticulture, then search all the electronic data bases for soil information, due a research review article and then have it published. then you will know. or better yet, buy a botany book, read it and start there, all the information you want is already published in books and the internet, so its up to you to find it and connect the dots.

orr.. take some soil classes (agreed 1 or 2), go to your local mycho and mushroom compost club meetings, but here is the real jem.. test your soil threw your loal garden center/state agg dept. test it before you start growing, test a sample when you flip and test again after it is all said and done.. now see what was lost and when.. go back to your club friends, see what they think.. maybe email up that old proff. see what he thinks..
that said, as sub posted this is general sluething for better stuff. if your happy where you are thats cool. no one is dogging staggnation or holding ground.. keep on keeping on and all that jazz...

p.s. I don't believe anyone (at this point) is asking for old info. I think we are now disscussing how we have seen it work what we know about it and what we can improve.
i had mixed up a batch last week . i watered it, stored it in a bin, covered. i haven't mixed it every day but i have done it a few times. i now notice a mildew smell like a dirty towel. is this bad? is this normal? thanks in advance to anyone with any insight.
Went out and got my stuff today, for the SS. When I got home the Bat Guano was expired. So when I return it, they only other Guano(since I'm sure all the Peace of Mind Bat Guano on their shelf is expired). The ratios are as follows.

Indonesian 0.5-12-0.2
Jamaican 1-10-0.2
And they tried offering me dry Budswell, and said it would work cause it was 0-7-0 but it consists of High-phosphorus Bat Guano, Seabird Guano, and Worm castings, and the recipe calls for Bat Guano!!. So I'm not trying to change the recipe.

Also they didn't have powdered Humic Acid(only liquid), BOTH STORES TRIED TELLING ME THERE WAS NO DRY HUMIC ACID THOUGH I FOUND IT BY DOWN TO EARTH DIST. INC ON A WEBSITE!DTE%20Granular%20Humic%20Acids%2025%20lb.jpg

What one of the stores did was give me a big bag of

AncientForest® GO-AncForest.jpg
soil amendment

Ancient Forest is a natural product consisting of 100% pure forest humus. It is derived from thousands of years of naturally decomposed forest litter that contains a wide spectrum of organic compounds. An incredibly high diversity of microorganisms, with more than 35,000 species of bacteria and over 5000 species of fungi, make Ancient Forest and ideal amendment for gardening and potting soils. Ancient Forest also aids in the retention of water and nutrients, creating stable, long lasting soil for your garden. The immense biological activity also makes Ancient Forest the ideal inoculum for actively aerated compost teas.

They dude told me that this was a good source of Humic Acid. I don't know if it is or isn't? It was free so I took it, in case it would be of ANY use to me.

Also they didn't have Fish Bone Meal, but they had Steamed Bone Meal(1-13-0) which was organic. I know its not the same NPK that was listed for the FBM but I figured that ratio wouldn't hurt. Plus I saw ur old recipe used Steamed Blood Meal. If it will mess things up, please let me kno.

They did try selling me Wiggle Worm Soil Building Worm Casting. We went back and forth on me not thinking it was 100% worm casting, they insisted it was. eventually I saw a bag of Worm Casting that was a lil more $$$$ ($30/20lbs)Pachamama_lg.gif, so I turned that bag over and sure enuff, it said 100% worm casting, the other bag said Derived from worm castings. So Im assuming I got the right one.

Please let me kno if I can work with wat I got...... I just want to make sure I don't mess anything up!
I remember noticing tga stuff right before OG got shut down. Simply put thank you TGA and others like them for your time...I appreciate SUBway for putting in ridiculous hours sharing knowledge online and he mentioned that he has four kids...WOW. So you must not sleep much. Well anyways I think its funny that many people get mad because they are having difficulty interpreting what you and others have written. A lot of people have to learn for themselves by experience and it seems like a lot of over analyzing is done. Oh well anyways thanks a lot for not being a tight ass with knowledge or genetics like the other 90% of the people I know.
I got stoned and posted this at the wrong place

I made it through 9 pages before I hoped in truck and drove 250 miles round trip to one of them hot dam hydro stores. It was like being in a candy shop. An entire wall with Big 5 gallon containers of pretty in pink bud candy, and every other brand that is spoken of in here. Little bottles, big bottles, lights everywhere, tents, veggies growing, amazing.

I pulled out my subcool super soil buy list and went to roots first.
It was 38 bucks a bag.
When my old ass woke up I thought I had died and gone to heaven for just a second. Some fine chick was looking down at me, saying "are you all right?" I quickly realized I had passed out and these folks were in for a good old american law suit.
Then I remembered the clones in the truck and I told them to shove their roots where the sun dont shine.
Homey dont pay 40 bucks for a bag of F in roots no matter how much bat scat is in it.

So I came home and wrote a post asking subcool what I could buy instead of roots and earthworm stuff and biobzz and humis and all the other stuff. Then I got stoned and read a few more pages and I quickly realized I was about to make a big dummy of myself again if I hit send so I got stoned and erased it.

Then I fired up the old hamster wheel and I figured subcool would not mind if I played with his soil as long as I left his roots alone so here comes the good part.

I went to the homo deport and waltart and found perlite and bloody meal and boney meal. My friend has some dolomite and some greensand. I was gonna buy some supersoil (knockoff brand potting soil) and some peat moss. But they had a new product. Mel Bartolemews? garden time garden soil for sq ft gardening. Has all sorts of stuff from crushed oysters to worm feces, even some bat scat. Suppose to grow plants and veggies from seed to dinner plate. And it was only 12 bucks for a big ol bag. Some peat moss was 4 bucks and I was in the biz.
So instead of asking subcool what about this, what about that and hoping subcool would jump in his truck and drop some supersoil off I have decided to grow some bagseed in my new improved better then ever super cheapo soil. I am gonna mix up some stuff and grow me some medical cannibas.
Stand back and wish me luck. I have grown some mighty fine tomatos in my days and I have a lick or two of common sense and it is a weed, after all.
I wont let it cook in the hopes it wont kill everything I put in it and I will fill up a big bucket, drop a 30 day vegging dirtweed plant in it and see wjhat happens. And if the plant runs out of food, I will buy some bloom crap from the homodepot.

Bottom line, It may not be the best soil or cannabis but it will be dam good and will make you smily faced

By the way my dirtweed plants look mighty fine, but they have some purple stems so I am gonna hit them with some stinky 8 dollar a bottle alaska fish ferts while I am mixing up the soil.

Moral of the story
Theres no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people asking questions.
Solve this crap yourself, it aint rocket science and if your mom wont grow it for you what the f are you gonna do? I just got here and I dont want anyone to chase subcool away.

I am new at this (doc said I was a good cantidate for MM) but I realize how sweet it is to have an actual breeder on site who has been growing weed longer then most here have been potty trained​
I just played in my new bag. It looks and feels and smells like the FF ocean stuff. Except Mels SQ Ft gardentime Gardensoil is mucho cheaper and 25 miles round trip instead of 250.
12 federal reserve notes for two cubic feet.
Tell your homedepot manager to order this stuff for you and dont take no for an answer.

If I had half a brain I would just plant in this stuff but I want to mix up something deadly. Maybe I will do a little bit of each.
I just goggled high times supersoil and read the article with cool pics.
Lots of good comments heres my favorites

"man how can i make that soil but just for lik 1 small plant"

"The artical was nice and I'm in the process getting ready to "Dig" twenty holes in back yard and wonder if I use the same recipe as subcool will I end up having enough? Or do I need to Scale up a bit"
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