Well-Known Member
I♥BUD;5349985 said:I really wanted to look up to Sub. Hell, traded my Greenhouse seed & Barney's seed addiction, and dedicated a full grow to TGA(Vortex & Dairy Queen).
But ever since I joined this thread a few weeks ago, seems like there's a lot of rudeness, and cockiness in here.
When I first asked a ? in this thread, I was sort of attacked. I was told to go back, and read the first page because the info I asked was there. Sub even like the persons sorta rude comment to me, because he was defending or answering for Sub(which seems like many people do here).
I actually was very cool & respectful with this person, gave them rep, and went on to read about my ?....... About 10 pages in, NO ANSWER TO MY ? BUT A LOT OF RUDENESS! From ALL different PARTIES!
Here it is a few weeks later, and it seems like this is getting repetitive now. Someone will ask a ?, that MOST SUB FOLLOWERS will rudely answer, followed by Sub liking their rudeness.
Also I have stumbled unto MANY thread from other websites, where Sub isn't even active anymore. Ppl talking about the rudeness. I read some of the rudenss with my own eyes. Makes me think if eventually RIU will be one of those Sub-abonded sites.
As much of a Guru any1 can be, I'll be damned if ANYONE is gonna talk down to me, or make me feel uncomfortable about asking a question.
I understand that 1 might be too busy to answer ALL dumb ?, but why not ignore the ? instead of feeding into negativity by liking rude coments, even if they are to ur "benefits".
It's definitely a turn off from TGA products. Yes I'm 1 customer, boo-hoo! u'll still be making $$$$ from ppl, even if I stop purchasing TGA, but at least I don't have to sit at home knowing that I help pay ur freakin mortgage!!!!!!!
There were KILLER breeders before, and as long as cannabis is around, other breeders with Dank Hybrid strains will come. As a matter of fact C-99, wasn't that Brother Grimms? So as I said........ Dank breeders will always be around. Some will survive, others will fade away! Best wishes, and save ur rude comments for urself.
Hopefully someone can learn from wat I have said! No need for all this Dick Swinging! I might be a famous musician, and u guys might buy my albums. Does that mean I can be rude to ppl? Because I have some clout in a certain "lifestyle" or watever u wanna call this. U don't see Ron Jeremy yelling at ppl because they have a 8" cock, is wat I'm trying to say!
Peace to everyone!
P.S. I really wish wat I had read on other sites were BS. I had to experience, or rather see it for myself.
Whatever man, dont get so butt hurt... All the information you need is right here in this thread or in the forum. if you take the time and read it, you wont have to ask questions. So many people want everything done for them these days. Figure it out for yourself, Figure out what works for you.