2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

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Do I need to come make it for ya.
Put in can water lightly leave the fuck alone!
Stir after 30-45 days and use
is it that hard??
Unless its freezing ass cold in ya house in case turn on the heat to a normal temp.

LMAO..Funny this....
Thanks for the input but.....:bigjoint: I'm kinda stubborn and i believe there has got to be a way to recycle it, be it through compost or some other source. I say this because i have talked to people that have been using their soil for years. (just never asked them for the details) What I'm concerned with is how do i know how much to amend.......I mean there has got to be some nutes left or his soil wouldn't work well........ hungry plants would go deficient..(right?).... any more input greatly appreciated!!! :-P I don't mean to offend anyone i just really want to recycle my soil!!!

PS happy to finally partaking in the discussion!!!!
Thanks for the input but.....:bigjoint: I'm kinda stubborn and i believe there has got to be a way to recycle it, be it through compost or some other source. I say this because i have talked to people that have been using their soil for years. (just never asked them for the details) What I'm concerned with is how do i know how much to amend.......I mean there has got to be some nutes left or his soil wouldn't work well........ hungry plants would go deficient..(right?).... any more input greatly appreciated!!! :-P I don't mean to offend anyone i just really want to recycle my soil!!!

PS happy to finally partaking in the discussion!!!!
Good question but i think your best bet is to try it maby add a low amount of stuff back into the soil and start the baking process again but i dont know if this would benefit or do harm... Anyone?
I'm sure you get quite a few posts that start this way but here it goes again. "I'm sure this was asked quite a few times but". I tried using the search bar/s 50 million different times and ways and it told me "no matches found" every time which "angered" me for lack of better words right now. The reason is, it seems to me that this would have or should have been asked quite a few times. What is the final/estimated N-P-K value of the super soil? I would think that would have been asked and answered many times, yet I get no matches found for "Super Soil NPK Value" or "NPK"?!?

Anyways Sub or anyone that knows for that matter. If you could let me know the finished NPK values of Super Soil (Hell now that I think about it I don't even know what the NPK values are in Roots?) it would be much obliged!
i would sudgest anytime you are making your own soil, that you should take it to your local garden center and have them test it. that way you know what your starting with, especially reciepe you havent used before. most places do this for free.
I'm sure you get quite a few posts that start this way but here it goes again. "I'm sure this was asked quite a few times but". I tried using the search bar/s 50 million different times and ways and it told me "no matches found" every time which "angered" me for lack of better words right now. The reason is, it seems to me that this would have or should have been asked quite a few times. What is the final/estimated N-P-K value of the super soil? I would think that would have been asked and answered many times, yet I get no matches found for "Super Soil NPK Value" or "NPK"?!?

Anyways Sub or anyone that knows for that matter. If you could let me know the finished NPK values of Super Soil (Hell now that I think about it I don't even know what the NPK values are in Roots?) it would be much obliged!

I have no idea and could care less.
Have you seen plants grown in super soil?
Some people listen to me and grow amazing cannabis the rest spend there lives trying to analyze why Super Soil works or trying to improve it.

i would sudgest anytime you are making your own soil, that you should take it to your local garden center and have them test it. that way you know what your starting with, especially reciepe you havent used before. most places do this for free.

And I dont know what garden store your speaking of most employees that work at garden stores don't even know what Worm Castings are they certainly wouldn't be capable of soil testing you have to go to your local AG college for that.
im speaking of any agway/farmers union. your state ag dept will do it for you too. And i don't know how you can say its ok to be ignorant of something.. I use your dirt reciepe BUT I did have it tested and remixed to my needs.. why would you imply that people shouldnt take the time to learn why it works, your promoting people to trust in you with faith?!
i think he's asking you to trust in the results, because they speak for them selves. and you can analyze the soil down to the atoms but it still going to do what it does even if you do or dont know why.
im speaking of any agway/farmers union. your state ag dept will do it for you too. And i don't know how you can say its ok to be ignorant of something.. I use your dirt reciepe BUT I did have it tested and remixed to my needs.. why would you imply that people shouldnt take the time to learn why it works, your promoting people to trust in you with faith?!

While people are busy testing I am busy growing Dank.
As posted I have no confidence in myself but this recipe is used world wide and seems to work incredibly
I spent 2 years testing and making modifications because Dioxide like you needed to know why and how, in the end we wasted 2 years only to use the recipe as is with great results.

im speaking of any agway/farmers union. your state ag dept will do it for you too. And i don't know how you can say its ok to be ignorant of something.. I use your dirt reciepe BUT I did have it tested and remixed to my needs.. why would you imply that people shouldnt take the time to learn why it works, your promoting people to trust in you with faith?!
If it works why question it??? Like sub said when he tested his soil all it did was confuses him and make his question the recipe BUT IN THE END IT WORKS RIGHT??? So leave it be and grow some dank If you dont want to trust the recipe make your own and stop bitching
While people are busy testing I am busy growing Dank.
As posted I have no confidence in myself but this recipe is used world wide and seems to work incredibly
I spent 2 years testing and making modifications because Dioxide like you needed to know why and how, in the end we wasted 2 years only to use the recipe as is with great results.


OK let's not get attitudes for no reason and argue. We're all adults here. The reason I asked is not because I'm trying to figure out why SS works the reason is. To answer your question Sub yes I have seen cannabis grown in SS it was mine. I don't know why but some of my plants experienced nute lock out and others just got burnt the fuck up. I tested PH, PH was not an issue. I mixed the shit outa the soil before cooking, and before placing into flowering pots so I don't think "hot spots" were an issue. I followed your directions for success verbatim and this still happened. The only difference in the soil recipe is instead of the Happy Frog guano which is 0-5-0 I used Indonesian Bat Guano which is 0.5-12-0.2 I don't think this would be the root of my problem but possibly. Another switch I will be making this grow is the amount of SS used. I will only be filling my 7 gal pots with about a 2" layer of SS at the bottom vs filling the pot 1/3 of the way.

So just to clarify I am not trying to figure out why SS works I am trying to fine tune it so that I can grow dank as easy and painless as possible. I can assure you sitting there and watching your plants being all kinds of jacked up is not fun. It is rather frustrating when you don't know WTF is going on with your plants and all you can do is sit there and watch them suffer. Therefore I am simply trying to fine tune the recipe so that it works for me and my growing needs. You said yourself Sub that the recipe is to be used as a guideline for people in which you expected them to make tweaks and experiment with. So the NPK values would be a very valuable thing to know if you are going to make modifications and adjustments.
If it works why question it??? Like sub said when he tested his soil all it did was confuses him and make his question the recipe BUT IN THE END IT WORKS RIGHT??? So leave it be and grow some dank If you dont want to trust the recipe make your own and stop bitching

Hey Hotsause stop swinging off Subs dick and mind your own. Nobody's bitchin. "BUT IN THE END IT WORKS RIGHT???" NO! Not all the time as you can see in my case. Tweaks need to be made for different growing environments and conditions. Just cuz it works for this person growing northern lights in Ohio doesn't mean it's going to work for that person growing Sensi Star in Colorado.
OK let's not get attitudes for no reason and argue. We're all adults here. The reason I asked is not because I'm trying to figure out why SS works the reason is. To answer your question Sub yes I have seen cannabis grown in SS it was mine. I don't know why but some of my plants experienced nute lock out and others just got burnt the fuck up. I tested PH, PH was not an issue. I mixed the shit outa the soil before cooking, and before placing into flowering pots so I don't think "hot spots" were an issue. I followed your directions for success verbatim and this still happened. The only difference in the soil recipe is instead of the Happy Frog guano which is 0-5-0 I used Indonesian Bat Guano which is 0.5-12-0.2 I don't think this would be the root of my problem but possibly. Another switch I will be making this grow is the amount of SS used. I will only be filling my 7 gal pots with about a 2" layer of SS at the bottom vs filling the pot 1/3 of the way.

So just to clarify I am not trying to figure out why SS works I am trying to fine tune it so that I can grow dank as easy and painless as possible. I can assure you sitting there and watching your plants being all kinds of jacked up is not fun. It is rather frustrating when you don't know WTF is going on with your plants and all you can do is sit there and watch them suffer. Therefore I am simply trying to fine tune the recipe so that it works for me and my growing needs. You said yourself Sub that the recipe is to be used as a guideline for people in which you expected them to make tweaks and experiment with. So the NPK values would be a very valuable thing to know if you are going to make modifications and adjustments.

Your welcome to post it up when you find out I am sure it will help some people.
Some strains have to get used to Super Soil I have never adjusted the recipe for a specific strain but I do use less or more Super soil according to strain.

Super soil is used world wide on thousands of different strains I rarely have had anyone that follows the guide have any problems to speak of.

Yes there is that strain it wont work with like Exodus Cheese but over time the plant is adjusting it seems.

Hey Hotsause stop swinging off Subs dick and mind your own. Nobody's bitchin. "BUT IN THE END IT WORKS RIGHT???" NO! Not all the time as you can see in my case. Tweaks need to be made for different growing environments and conditions. Just cuz it works for this person growing northern lights in Ohio doesn't mean it's going to work for that person growing Sensi Star in Colorado.
" I use your dirt reciepe BUT I did have it tested and remixed to my needs.."Well apparently the "Tweaks" You made fucked it up
On To More important Matters I'm starting to see soil webbing on the top of my SS seems to be moving along nicely
" I use your dirt reciepe BUT I did have it tested and remixed to my needs.."Well apparently the "Tweaks" You made fucked it up
On To More important Matters I'm starting to see soil webbing on the top of my SS seems to be moving along nicely

Hey Hotsause I was just wondering why you replied to my response using a quote from another person? The only "tweak" I made to the soil as I stated before was I used Indonesian Bat Guano(0.5-12-0.2) instead of the Happy Frog Guano(0-5-0). I never said I took my soil anywhere to get it "tested and have it remixed to my needs"? I believe the person who made that statement was Cerebrus?(Sorry if I butchered the spelling)
Hey Hotsause I was just wondering why you replied to my response using a quote from another person? The only "tweak" I made to the soil as I stated before was I used Indonesian Bat Guano(0.5-12-0.2) instead of the Happy Frog Guano(0-5-0). I never said I took my soil anywhere to get it "tested and have it remixed to my needs"? I believe the person who made that statement was Cerebrus?(Sorry if I butchered the spelling)
So if my first post wasnt stated toward you whats with the hostile ass reply go smoke and chill the fuck out
I really wanted to look up to Sub. Hell, traded my Greenhouse seed & Barney's seed addiction, and dedicated a full grow to TGA(Vortex & Dairy Queen).
But ever since I joined this thread a few weeks ago, seems like there's a lot of rudeness, and cockiness in here.
When I first asked a ? in this thread, I was sort of attacked. I was told to go back, and read the first page because the info I asked was there. Sub even like the persons sorta rude comment to me, because he was defending or answering for Sub(which seems like many people do here).

I actually was very cool & respectful with this person, gave them rep, and went on to read about my ?....... About 10 pages in, NO ANSWER TO MY ? BUT A LOT OF RUDENESS! From ALL different PARTIES!
Here it is a few weeks later, and it seems like this is getting repetitive now. Someone will ask a ?, that MOST SUB FOLLOWERS will rudely answer, followed by Sub liking their rudeness.

Also I have stumbled unto MANY thread from other websites, where Sub isn't even active anymore. Ppl talking about the rudeness. I read some of the rudenss with my own eyes. Makes me think if eventually RIU will be one of those Sub-abonded sites.

As much of a Guru any1 can be, I'll be damned if ANYONE is gonna talk down to me, or make me feel uncomfortable about asking a question.
I understand that 1 might be too busy to answer ALL dumb ?, but why not ignore the ? instead of feeding into negativity by liking rude coments, even if they are to ur "benefits".
It's definitely a turn off from TGA products. Yes I'm 1 customer, boo-hoo! u'll still be making $$$$ from ppl, even if I stop purchasing TGA, but at least I don't have to sit at home knowing that I help pay ur freakin mortgage!!!!!!!

There were KILLER breeders before, and as long as cannabis is around, other breeders with Dank Hybrid strains will come. As a matter of fact C-99, wasn't that Brother Grimms? So as I said........ Dank breeders will always be around. Some will survive, others will fade away! Best wishes, and save ur rude comments for urself.

Hopefully someone can learn from wat I have said! No need for all this Dick Swinging! I might be a famous musician, and u guys might buy my albums. Does that mean I can be rude to ppl? Because I have some clout in a certain "lifestyle" or watever u wanna call this. U don't see Ron Jeremy yelling at ppl because they have a 8" cock, is wat I'm trying to say!

Peace to everyone!

P.S. I really wish wat I had read on other sites were BS. I had to experience, or rather see it for myself.
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