Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll

You do know that only 3 steel skyscrapers have ever been brought down by anything other than intentional demolition(Officially) right? There is no direct comparison possible to be found anywhere.

i don't think he knows.

and the 3 buildings that have been brought down were the 3 buildings that fell during 9/11.

Here is a picture of the WTC complex. Note the position of building #6 , between tower #1 and WTC #7, also note the location of #5.

Here is a picture of Building #7 ( to the right) with Building 5 burning in the background.

Here is a Pic of The burned out husk of #5 2 days later, the north tower scraped its side and the fires were started by flaming aircraft parts, even though it burned most of the day and had huge holes in it, it did not collapse.

Here is #5 with "Real" fires.

Here are the ruins afterward, you can see building #5 at the top of the picture, the heap that is the #1 tower is on the right. Building #6 is in the middle and even though a large amount of the North Tower fell onto it, it is still standing. Building #7 is on the left, a heap.

What do you suppose made this huge fucking hole? The N. Tower?

Here is an optical illusion. If you look carefully you can see Toronto's CN Tower in the background.


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LOl HAARP? You must be a crazy conspiracy theorist to believe it was HAARP, do you even know what HAARP is?

lol well according to the conspiracy blogosphere haarrp is many many things including but not limited to
beam energy weapon,
mind reading device,
mindcontrol device,
earthquake machine,
climate mahcine,
crop destroyer,
holographic projector,
responsible for the bird deaths earlier this year...

now i agree that all of the above is crazyness but they have at least linked them to something that is known to exist

whereas you scoff at haarp conspiracists for being "crazy" why saying theres unkown "energy weapons" responsible for 911???
You could feed this guy shovel full after shovel full of legit evidence and he would still call a foul.

Something isn't right here, but idk wtf it is but its not right and our government must have done it because it would take so much expertise for a bunch of Jihadists to hijack a plane cause that has never happened before. Right?

Except when they were trying to learn how to fly little cesnas they all sucked at it.....Now we are expected to believe they are all of a sudden proficient enough to pull of those maneuvers in a 757.......What I think is they were set up to do this and the CIA helped them......I also read somewhere that their was indeed some out of the ordinary stuff going on at the WTC complex during the mths leading up to the attacks......I am going to try and find it again and check the source.....Both sides of the debate need to remember their is always 3 sides to every story His side, Her Side and the truth is somewhere in the middle. I'm afraid that if we even knew the actual truth we just couldn't handle it anyway.
Thanks for contributing...That really clears things up for me with regards to the level of your sophistication.

i dunno with some of the "reasons" for 911 popping up i think he set bar pretty high ;)


just as likely as some stuff here :)
how many of the twin towers were hit by jumbojets flying at 500 mph???


it was 757s. not that much different than the largest 737.
Get your facts straight.:dunce: They were 767's that were flown into the twin towers. Those are JUMBO JETS my friend! They are almost the size of a 747 without the upper deck. Here are a couple of links. The first one says somewhere that the planes were both 767's. It also gives a good explanation of the collapse from the point of view of Rescue Task Force 1, a group of firefighters trained in collapse and urban search and rescue. I was part of Rescue Task Force 1. Anyways, enjoy!:-P
You do know that only 3 steel skyscrapers have ever been brought down by anything other than intentional demolition(Officially) right? There is no direct comparison possible to be found anywhere.
So you finally admit that there is no direct comparison? lmfao!!!!!!!!! I've only said this about 3 times in this thread. Are you gonna still keep posting pics? I've seen them all my friend. I'll gladly send you an OZ of my finest if you can show me something I've not seen before (as it relates to 9/11). You're not going to sway me and it looks like I can't sway you either. We may just have to agree to disagree on this one. You should take a look at that first link in my last post. Task Force 1 is the organization I was deployed to ground zero with. They are THE authority on collapse. We go all over the world dealing with all kinds of disasters. They went to Haiti, Pakistan, and Katrina to name a few. Anyways, it's been a good debate. Thanks for keeping it civil.:bigjoint:
Except when they were trying to learn how to fly little cesnas they all sucked at it.....Now we are expected to believe they are all of a sudden proficient enough to pull of those maneuvers in a 757.......What I think is they were set up to do this and the CIA helped them......I also read somewhere that their was indeed some out of the ordinary stuff going on at the WTC complex during the mths leading up to the attacks......I am going to try and find it again and check the source.....Both sides of the debate need to remember their is always 3 sides to every story His side, Her Side and the truth is somewhere in the middle. I'm afraid that if we even knew the actual truth we just couldn't handle it anyway.
They weren't just learning to fly Cessnas. A few of the hijackers were enrolled at schools that trained people to become commercial pilots. The thing was that they enrolled in the school and said they didn't want to know how to take off or land, just fly the planes. Ooops!!!!:shock:


BTW, flying a plane is easy enough that most kids could probably do it. It's taking off and landing that are the hard parts. Just ask NoDrama, he's a pilot. ;-)
So you finally admit that there is no direct comparison? lmfao!!!!!!!!! I've only said this about 3 times in this thread. Are you gonna still keep posting pics? I've seen them all my friend. I'll gladly send you an OZ of my finest if you can show me something I've not seen before (as it relates to 9/11). You're not going to sway me and it looks like I can't sway you either. We may just have to agree to disagree on this one. You should take a look at that first link in my last post. Task Force 1 is the organization I was deployed to ground zero with. They are THE authority on collapse. We go all over the world dealing with all kinds of disasters. They went to Haiti, Pakistan, and Katrina to name a few. Anyways, it's been a good debate. Thanks for keeping it civil.:bigjoint:

Just because you were on some kind of task force doesn't make you an authority on skyscraper collapses doc. There are no authorities on the subject, because it never happens.
BTW, flying a plane is easy enough that most kids could probably do it. It's taking off and landing that are the hard parts. Just ask NoDrama, he's a pilot. ;-)

The only hard part is landing, and taxiing if your new at it. Taking off is pretty simple if you have ample room to take off and once you are proficient at that the next hard part is flying by instrument only. I don't have ANY experience flying jet aircraft or anything with multi engines and the most experience I have with large passenger Jets is as a passenger. I do know that a jumbo jet is many times more complicated to fly well than my little STOL Ch701.
Just becasue you were on some kind of task force doesn't make you an authority on skyscraper collapses doc. There are no authorities on the subject, because it never happens.
Never said I was an authority on anything. BUT..........I'm probably more of an authority on it than anybody here though.:-P
I've done acid a few times. It will make you think all kinds of crazy, paranoid shit!:shock:
haha on that note i remember when i 1st heard bout what happen on 9/11 i thought it was jus some pilot who was fucked up n crash into a bulding i didnt even kno it was the wtc