I Am Stoned And Pregnant.....What a A Hole Right?


Well-Known Member
ok champ this round 4 and your behind......now beef it up........start useing your jabs more.........and for gods sake keep your shoes tied......he hit you 3 times by steping on your shoe strings..........now get out there champ and kick his ass.


Well-Known Member
Now the both of them are probably talking about smoking eachother's poles.....with buddy smoking his meth in the closet while he jerks off.

Have fun you two.


Well-Known Member
HAHA what in the hell are you talking about, that is a badass pic
ok champ this round 4 and your behind......now beef it up........start useing your jabs more.........and for gods sake keep your shoes tied......he hit you 3 times by steping on your shoe strings..........now get out there champ and kick his ass.


Well-Known Member
ok champ this round 4 and your behind......now beef it up........start useing your jabs more.........and for gods sake keep your shoes tied......he hit you 3 times by steping on your shoe strings..........now get out there champ and kick his ass.
You always got me rollin! Funny shit.


Well-Known Member
more today then the first post. The OP is long gone I promise LOL
I'd be gone too if I was her and these know nothing assholes kept spewing government bullshit propoganda making her feel as low as someone who smokes meth or crack.

She smoked A FEW PUFFS. Wow. Abort the kid....all hope is lost.