24 hours of dark before harvest??????????


Well-Known Member
There's tons of opinions on this.....I, for one, don't..... with my plants already giving me great potency, I see no reason to change anything. BUT...to each his own.....My opinion is....OCD makes some do the strangest things.....


Well-Known Member
Yes, it helps, but they suggest 72 hours of darkness. The first plant I grew did not receive darkness, but each successive plant got more and more darkness before the chop. As someone who has actually tried with and without darkness, I can say it definitely helped finish my buds.

There's tons of opinions on this.....I, for one, don't..... with my plants already giving me great potency, I see no reason to change anything. BUT...to each his own.....My opinion is....OCD makes some do the strangest things.....
It sure is great that you have such a well formed opinion, about something you have never tried. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Yes, it helps, but they suggest 72 hours of darkness. The first plant I grew did not receive darkness, but each successive plant got more and more darkness before the chop. As someone who has actually tried with and without darkness, I can say it definitely helped finish my buds.

It sure is great that you have such a well formed opinion, about something you have never tried. :roll:
And WHO is the THEY you are semi-quoting....I do believe I'm much more informed than any THEY.......and from your misuse of words, probably more educated too.


Active Member
Yes, it helps, but they suggest 72 hours of darkness. The first plant I grew did not receive darkness, but each successive plant got more and more darkness before the chop. As someone who has actually tried with and without darkness, I can say it definitely helped finish my buds.

It sure is great that you have such a well formed opinion, about something you have never tried. :roll:

Think about it fella.. all we're trying to do is replicate mother nature and when was the last time you see 3 days of night?
I'm a strong believer that if something ain't broke don't fix it...
I don't think theres a better opinion then thousands of years of natural growth...

But thats just me


Well-Known Member
Yeah personal preferance but sometimes I don't notice any growth when I come home from work but seem to notice much more growth in the morning,

(When I say growth I'm refering to growth of pistils, and the spread of frostiness)

This leads me to believe that the dark period probably does help. I don't do it tho but im going to try it next harvest


Well-Known Member
The research I did on this subject took me beyond RIU's hallowed halls. Google is a great research tool, so is my Universities' access to the entire academic library online. Several times I have been tempted to declare a new major, in horticulture. I believe a new industry is being created and many of us are going to be left out and it's our hobby. The reason for the dark theory is twofold. Number one, there are those that believe the plant produces new resin in the dark. Actually, light degrades THC. Some advocate leaving the plant in the dark for 48-72 hours for this reason, to allow resins to build up THC counts.

The other reason, and the one I agree with, is to reduce cure times. Let me explain. When the sun goes down and the plant takes a break from photosynthesizing and cell construction, the starches, sugars, carbs, that it was using for that process drain down to the roots with gravity. When the sun comes back up and the leaves begin to photosynthesize again, they call up the carbs from the roots where they were stored overnight, and the process of cell construction and energy storage begin anew.

If the harvester can cut the plant before those carbohydrates make it back up to the plant, he can reduce the amount of time his bud requires curing to allow the breakdown of sugars and starches, improving the smoke's character and flavor. This reason, to me, makes the most sense.


Meant to also say, I don't think 24 hours is necessary for this reason. Just get them before they see light again after their 12 hour night.


Active Member
See i've tried 24/48hrs of darkness and not really noticed a diffrence..
The only thing i do is flush the girls fir the last 2 wks but thats only because of the nutes i use..


Active Member
If you want to replicate mother nature to a T, then you want to decrease the light hours as you near harvest. We dont have 12/12 outside exactly as we near the end of november. It makes no real difference to the plant it just ripens a little quicker the more dark time it gets, at like 10 on 14 off you might shave a couple of days of harvest time as the plant will think its nearing winter but at the same time your losing out on an extra couple of hours light and therefore losing growth IMO.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100% And even then, they aren't getting that benefit from a simple 24 hour period of dark. It's going to take a pattern for the plant to respond to a shorter photoperiod.

If you want to replicate mother nature to a T, then you want to decrease the light hours as you near harvest. We dont have 12/12 outside exactly as we near the end of november. It makes no real difference to the plant it just ripens a little quicker the more dark time it gets, at like 10 on 14 off you might shave a couple of days of harvest time as the plant will think its nearing winter but at the same time your losing out on an extra couple of hours light and therefore losing growth IMO.


Active Member
I agree with you 100% And even then, they aren't getting that benefit from a simple 24 hour period of dark. It's going to take a pattern for the plant to respond to a shorter photoperiod.
Thanks, my friend uses 2 lamps to try and recreate sunrise/sunset, his 1000w comes on about 45mins after lights on so the 600w on its own is like 'dawn' lol he gets good results by shortening the daylight hours to 11 then 10 in the final week and a half to 2 weeks.