24 hours of dark before harvest??????????


Active Member
BTW im not saying that this is how we should be growing, it really is personal preference.


Well-Known Member
Harvesting in the morning ensures that your plant will be at peak THC content, as cannabis has shown THC fluctuations peaking in morning and dropping during the day. Some growers leave their lights off for several days before harvest to increase potency. This seems to have some scientific validity as light has been shown to degrade THC, hence the morning peaks. As light is the degrading factor and the plant still has the ability to manufacture THC during darkness, leaving the lights off for a day or two before harvest likely utilizes the plants stored potential for THC conversion without any opportunity for it to be degraded into cannabinol (CBN) and other breakdown products.



Well-Known Member
i haven't the heart...let live happy right up till the cut i say

the dark is scary....everyone should get at least a final morning.
they can have the dark as they bleed to death hanging upside down and mostly skinned in my dark closet...

...god....we're monsters...


Well-Known Member
And exactly how much THC you going to pack on that wasn't produced in 8 weeks of flowering? Maybe a half percentage point? You going to know the difference when your strain is advertised at 23% THC?

Now we have two good reasons to harvest before sun up; increased THC and decreased sugars and starches that need to be cured out.


Well-Known Member
LOL, only in a vegetarian's eyes. :)

i haven't the heart...let live happy right up till the cut i say

the dark is scary....everyone should get at least a final morning.
they can have the dark as they bleed to death hanging upside down and mostly skinned in my dark closet...

...god....we're monsters...


Well-Known Member
i haven't the heart...let live happy right up till the cut i say

the dark is scary....everyone should get at least a final morning.
they can have the dark as they bleed to death hanging upside down and mostly skinned in my dark closet...

...god....we're monsters...
Even tree-hugging hippie vegans kill plants... lol


Active Member
THC only degrades in light once the plant has been chopped, if it degraded while the plant is living there wouldnt be nothing left by harvest time.


Well-Known Member
it's the older growers that scare me most...a fine show of the human condition...

i've seen tears shed for a sick and now dead seedling, yet zero remorse come harvest and corpse drying season... scary shit


Well-Known Member
it's the older growers that scare me most...a fine show of the human condition...

i've seen tears shed for a sick and now dead seedling, yet zero remorse come harvest and corpse drying season... scary shit
It was nearing the end of it's life cycle anyway, we just euthanized the elderly.


Well-Known Member
hopefully i end up with one that refuses to die then...i'm not sure i can just plain out kill the bastard after hovering over it like a ninny for 6 months...



Well-Known Member
do you guys not notice how your tent/closet/room will be super stinky at night?? I believe its because the light and heat bake and degrade the THC...i think if you want fully developed taste and potency you should do some kind of dark period or harvest before the lights come on, i can honestly say my plants are way stinkier after a 24 hour dark period then they would be fresh out the light


Well-Known Member
Most of the leaf starch is used during the first 12 hours, but leaving it longer could theoretically help. The dry and cure period will continue to burn the remaining starches and sugars. A lot of starch is also stored in the roots and stems for longer term, and is mobilized during the light period. (think of how you get maple syrup from a maple tree. The sap only rises in the morning.

I don't know if i really believe the whole "more THC" reasoning. Just reducing the level of starch and sugars will increase potency simply from having less shit mass in the product. Imo, the name of the game is producing starchless/sugarless weed when curing is done.


Well-Known Member
Btw, decreasing the day length toward the end of flowering could be counter-intuitive. The plant remembers how long nights are and knows exactly how fast to burn starch at night to use all of it during the night so that none is remaining in the morning. It will adjust how fast it uses the starch if you give it longer nights and will simply burn it slower to make it through the longer night.