Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll

Well it appears as though during the structural design of the buildings,,,,Airplane impact was a consideration,,,,,,

Yeah yeah I know its Wilki but funny enough its all I could find on the original design and i think this entry is pretty safe.

Since a B52 had crashed into the Empire State building........Which at least the last time I was in NYC was still standing tall and proud. Interesting:

When you read the report of the B52 crash it sounds eerily like 911 in the way they describe the damage from the crash.....So Empire state building was built and opened in 1931....under the current NYC building code at the time...Here is the interesting part......The World trade Centre was built using NYC revised building codes as of 1968......Which were just coming in to effect and the designers and builders used them instead of the old ones.......So 3 planes of comparable size crash into buildings right........ building A which is older and built with less stringent structural code is still standing while building b and c somehow with their advanced building and structural codes came down.......sorry folks I call bullshit

Oh and i'm no engineer but when you look at the design of the original buildings the steel support got bigger and stronger as you got closer to the ground so you would of thought that more of the buildings would have been left standing.....Which IMO would have been an ever worse disaster due to 30 floors of WTC breaking off and falling over or on top of other buildings......No this was engineered to kill as few people as possible but still get the desired effect of "Shock and Awe" we heard so much about during this period of time......Am I completley right? I doubt it.....but anyway I want to bury a time capsule with an open date of Sept 11 2102 exactly 100 years after the tradgedy with my prediction thoughts on it ....When they open it they will be either like...."This dude wore a tinfoil helmet" or "man this fucker knew what was what..... We should worship him as a god for all eternity" LOL

A 767 is alot bigger than a the plane that hit the empire state building
A 767 is alot bigger than a the plane that hit the empire state building

It wasn't a 767 it was a 757....When I look at pics comparing the B52 and the 757 they look about the same size.....hard to tell for sure though I searched for some specs of the 1945 b-52 bomber but came up blank....maybe someone else can find something to compare the 2 more accurately?
okay, the b52 didn't exist then. it was a b-25 that hit the empire state building..................... look it up
Debating the (would-be) physical evidence is pointless...

The best approach to "proving" anything will be showing who knew what and when. The why is pretty obvious. The trail of who knew what and when goes right to Dick "shoot me in the face" Cheney.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dimensions:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Wingspan 67 feet 6.7 inches, length 53 feet 5.75 inches (bomber version), height 16 feet 4.2 inches, wing area 610 square feet.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Weights:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]21,100 pounds empty, 33,000 pounds normal loaded[/FONT]
it can be discussed until we are all blue in the face, doesnt matter. none of us have control of anything or could make a difference if we knew the TRUTH anyways.

personally, i believe firmly it was an inside job, the videos ive seen and specifications (being an architect myself) for commercial skyscraper enterprises leaves very little deflection of safety concerns for ANY building reaching higher then 7 stories. no, they DO NOT design buildings to fall in on themselves, they plan for possible catastrophic failure, you CAN NOT design, know or plan with any percentage of certainty, a scenario where you could control a buildings damage..just by your would leave too many other structural variables weakened to compensate.

it was all a big stunt, to start a "war" with a country that held too much control over oil and the companies they serve.

money = evil root
Project For A New American Century.

Go to page 51. The top paragraph read's as follows..

Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century

"Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor"

But actually before reading that ..go see who authored and co-authored this insanely influential think tank founded in 1997. While you only may recognize a couple i assure you Cheney and Rumsfeld were on this council/think tank up and until several years ago....

ALSO, look up OPERATION:NORTHWOODS.. an operation back in the 60's to kill and mame innocent people in both an "opposing" country and in the state's in order to provoke/have an excuse to go into a profitable war w/ Cuba.

So the fact that people will call skeptic's of the "official" truth crazy because they're cautious in believing a fucked-corrupt leading-terrorist-state such as the US government because the gov't has ACTUALLY thought about killing innocent human beings for a strategic military gain. And it shouldnt matter if the innocents are our own or not .. they're human being nonetheless.
You ever seen the episode of South park the one where someone drops a fudge monkey in the urinal? Watch it.
Some people have to get their facts straight.

That is why I qualified and said I wasn't sure and if someone else could chime in...Thanks for that.......that is why I couldn't find any specs on the 1945 b-52 there wasn't one.....Oh well doesn't change the fact a large plane hit a skycraper,exploded and the building is still standing...Even though its building codes were less stringent than the world trade centres building you see how anyone could draw some conclusions looking at both events.