I Found a Secret Room In My House!

Check Maine out, lots of lakes, lots of space and as close as you can get to the country folk in the Yankee North... They have 4 season, although winter is a hell of a long season and summer is not really long enough. Medical state too...

I know a retired Air Force guy and he was stationed in Alaska for a while and in Maine for a while and he said the winters in Alaska were better. Maybe he was pulling my leg, but I have heard him say it a number of times. But it is beautiful there. When I was a kid we had friends with a home somewhere along the coast and we visited them a few times in the summer. I was fairly young but I remember their daughter hit a moose with her Corvair one night on her way home. The Corvair was totaled ... the moose got up and walked away.
i'm originally from cortez! love durango!

I'm between Shiprock and Farmington. Out in the sticks. I spend as much time as I possibly can in and around Cortez and Durango. I love hiking up in there. We climbed the top of one of the mountains overlooking Durango the other day and had a nice picnic in the snow. It's not too cold right now and the snow pack isn't too bad (which is scary). One of my nephews finished building his house in Bayfield close to Vallecito Lake. I'm going to be a permanent house guest this summer. :p

Downtown Durango Webcam

The great thing about Durango is the hippy population. Lots of 'em. No one cares if you toke. Everyone is pretty laid back and easy going.
A couple years back I looked a bit more East, in the Pagosa Springs area. It's very beautiful there. That's when I learned that the old John Wayne movie "The Cowboys" was filmed in the Pagosa Springs area.

Ahh... I stayed at the Pagosa Inn once and had a ghost experience there (well me and several members of the cast I was touring with. we were doing promos for an outdoor production). Was also the highest I've ever been. High elevation pot smoking can really fuck you up.
Okay short of looking back through the 10 pages has grown to , did he ever come back i saw the first 2 videos, did he actually do anything with the room yet .
Okay short of looking back through the 10 pages has grown to , did he ever come back i saw the first 2 videos, did he actually do anything with the room yet .

No, and it sounds like he probably won't because its a smaller and more hazardous growing area than what he already has.
I'm between Shiprock and Farmington. Out in the sticks. I spend as much time as I possibly can in and around Cortez and Durango. I love hiking up in there. We climbed the top of one of the mountains overlooking Durango the other day and had a nice picnic in the snow. It's not too cold right now and the snow pack isn't too bad (which is scary). One of my nephews finished building his house in Bayfield close to Vallecito Lake. I'm going to be a permanent house guest this summer. :p

Downtown Durango Webcam

The great thing about Durango is the hippy population. Lots of 'em. No one cares if you toke. Everyone is pretty laid back and easy going.

awwww man i soooooooooo miss it. someday i WILL be back.
Ahh... I stayed at the Pagosa Inn once and had a ghost experience there (well me and several members of the cast I was touring with.

Ahhhhh ... ghost experiences ... something I am not at all unfamiliar with. My mother died in my home and starting about a year later inexplicable things began to happen, including several sightings of different forms. I have several friends who have not visited me in YEARS and said they never will again for as long as I live here. What they saw scared the hell out of them. What I saw was unnerving at first but not at all threatening. Now when things happen or something is seen I just laugh and sometimes look around the room and say something like, come on now, you can do better than that, can't you?

Even after 16 years of inexplicable occurrences in my home I will not say that I totally believe in "ghosts" per say, but I have to admit that I fully believe that 'something or another' can hang around certain locations and can be anything from fun and amusing, and even helpful, too being horrifying.
Right now I am leaning towards the U.P.

Rather remote up in The UP... but very long indoor seasons. life is mellow up there- life in the chill lane. the clean/fresh air, water, mountains, etc... has quality of life aspects, but not for everyone. Largest towns are small. After a few full winters waaay up north, one would greatly benefit from a sunny vacay right about March, no February.. Brockway Mountain, the view is stunning.
Rather remote up in The UP... but very long indoor seasons. life is mellow up there- life in the chill lane. the clean/fresh air, water, mountains, etc... has quality of life aspects, but not for everyone. Largest towns are small. After a few full winters waaay up north, one would greatly benefit from a sunny vacay right about March, no February.. Brockway Mountain, the view is stunning.

Remote is perfection for me. When I moved to where I now live it was very remote, but civilization is encroaching on me and I do not care for it. I like living where few if any others live, someplace so far out in the woods that the possums deliver the mail.

I am familiar with the beauty of the U.P. in that I used to vacation there in the summers many years back. Being a Rebel my one concern is the Winter. Not so much the cold and snow but instead the length of it. I can stand cold and I like snow, but I do have to admit that a short mild Winter might not be as easy to give up as I would like it to be.

Not to offend anyone in any Med. State but they all have certain drawbacks for me. Some are only a case of distance from my family. Since I am a groundhog and do not fly driving distance for things like holidays is a consideration. Some I have been to a number of times in my life and know they just are not for me.

I will pick one though.
Maybe he realized it would be so much of a hassle to start a grow in there, and gave up on it.

Congrats, Man I would kill to have one of those in my house. I have done a lot of waterproofing, If it was me I would put a drainage tile around the entire perimeter with a layer of river rock above and below it, sloping to a well with a sump pump at the lowest point, then pour concrete (or whatever) regardless of wether you are growing in it or not. Also I would not seal the walls completely. Water Pressure building up on the walls can, and will cause some massive cracks. Just my opinion. Good luck with it, whatever you do. I would make a nice man cave, If I wasnt going grow in it I would probally just put a stripper pole right down the middle with one of those circular sofas around the walls. lol
Anyone know what happened to this guy? Did the room end up eating him?

No, it didn't eat me...yet. Just got back from my honeymoon 3 days ago, been busy getting my life in order. This project will have to go on the back burner for awhile as it will require a lot of work and I'm already working on a couple other projects including a new home network and an aquaculture set-up. But nonetheless if anything develops I will update.
the moment I started reading this thread I felt like this came straight out of a movie... nice!!

...what was that movie called? oh right... STIGMATA!!!