

New Member
"It's a fitted cap...there very rare and were very fashionable when I was a kid." the woman says sitting across from the merchant. The merchant is a young man with long dark hair and green piercing eyes that seem to over power eve intimidate the simple yet elegant blond e haired blue eyed woman that has come into his "shop" that is in reality a broken down KFC where people would once come to splurge on food they didn't really need. Where customers would stand now lays dust and fecal matter of both man and animal. The counters are a little cleaner but not by much. Not a bit of sunlight shines in over the boarded up widows and everything that wasn't literaly screwed in like the tables...are gone. Only dim candle light fills the room. In this room

"I don't know...what do I care about fashion? I think that luxury is behind us; wouldn't you say?" The woman pauses for a second and looks down dissapointed. "What else do you have?" he asks while sliding the hat back across the piece screwed in lunch table with two crates as seats. "I have this" she slides a Rolex watch across the table. "My father bought it, in New York, 5th avenue. It still works." the merchant looks at her now once again almost angry. "It's's practical." the woman snaps back hoping not to ruin this important deal. He looks at it again, trying it on for a few moments. "It looks great on you!" she says with a smile; he doesn't return the smile. "I don't think keeping track of time really matters anymore, just like fashion. Anything else?" The woman looks devastated as the watch gets slide back across the dirty lunch table. "No..." she says putting it back in her pocket book that is only slightly less dirty than her clothes and skin with dirt marks all over them. "Then there's nothing I can do, come back when you have something of value.

Outside a young boy sits up against the boarded up door. All over the building there's graffiti. "GOD SAVE US...The end...fuck Washington...FIGHT BACK!...rise against" are some of the many many words written in all shapes and sizes on this beaten down former place of business which is now a place of basic survival. The boy looks down at his feet which are bare, covered only slightly by worn down mismatched flip flops. His eyes, dark brown are almost as vacant as the building...almost. His blonde hair are almost as dark as his eyes with the dirt and mudd in it. Outside he hears the muffled negotiation...

"Please! Take the watch! you can trade it to someone else! I need this..we..need this. Is there anything I can do to change your mind." An unsettling silence fills the air inside and out.
"No...I can't...not that..please take the hat and the watch..please!" she says now almost crying. "Hey, if you need it as bad as you say you do, you'll do it. I assure you that it will not leave these four walls. I also assure you I am your only hope within the next twenty miles." The merchant replies. "If you think you can make it 20 miles...please! be my guest!" He now says with a pinch of smugness. The boy squints his eyebrows in confusion. "What does he want?" he asks himself. For such a young mind things like this don't make sense. How could they for someone up until a few weeks ago was not even a decade old? In a low defeated tone she finally answers breaking the long silence. "...fine..."

Foot steps get closer to the piece of wood covering the former entrance, the boy gets up from leaning against the door to look at it, and see's his mother with tears in her eyes but a smile on her face. "Hey Jeremy" she gets on one knee and brushes his hair back behind one ear; "why don't you go into the woods across the street and see if you can find us some dinner like pop pop use too? Remember he always told you 'practice makes perfect' and if your going to be a great soldier like he was you need all the practice you can get!" she says trying to hide the bleakness of there situation and the overwhelming shame and nervousness of the task before her to simply keep going. Even to the simplest of minds something was wrong.

"What's wrong mom? Why are you crying?" Jeremy asks. "Crying? Oh I got dust in my eyes...I'm o practice hunting now, okay?" Jeremy looks back a bit confused but soon believes what his mother is telling him. "Okay mom." he begins to walk away. "JEREMY!" she shouts out, he runs back real quick. "I love you so much" she hugs him on one knee, head on each others shoulder with a single tear drop runnig down her cheek.

Back inside such humble things are no where to be found in the merchant. Who is now behind the young mother who is bent over the table engaged in the most humiliating experience of her young life. " like that huh? Huh you fucking little whore?!" The woman bites her lower lip to hide the sounds of sadness, in fear that all this would be for nothing if her true feelings were heard by this ruthless man. "Say I'm a dumb whore!" he says now thrusting faster, she pretends she didn't hear it "SAY IT!" he now yells she whispers out a faint sentence "..I'm a dumb whore..." with tears that are coming down her face uncontrollably. "I wouldn't cry if I was you...that's only make you need more!" he says now laughing.

The woman exits the KFC who sees Jeremy across the street petting a cat. "Jeremy!...let's go" she says with no emotion trying to hide what just happens from her young yet clever little boy. "I found a cat mom! I was going to kill it like pop pop taught me but...he started rubbing against me...I couldn't do it" he replies on one knee petting the calico kitten as young and innocent as him. "It's okay, let's go back!". Jeremy picks up the cat and runs across the street reuniting with his emotionally drained mother who in all reality, isn't much older than him. "Did you get it mom?" Jeremy asks, "Yes...I got it..", out of her pocket book she pulls it out. A single two liter bottle of water. She hands it to her son to drink.

To be continued....:shock:

(suggestion listen to this beat my friend made, goes great with it.


New Member
Across town, things weren't as bleak. Inside a boarded up two story house sits a man beside a fire in his fire place. Even though you'd never guess it with the exterior of the house in ruins of complete Anarchy just like every other structure in this town, the inside is immaculate. Furniture is clean, paintings hang, pictures of old times passed sit on the fire place. He sits in his favorite piece of furniture a black leather lounge chair. In his right hand "The Amittyville horror" and in his left hand a single glass of water he sips slowly. The man looks alot better than most of his neighbors. He is wearing clean pants, a clean shirt, his black hair is short and clean shaven. The only thing kind of dirty is his face that has a five o'clock shadow. His brown eyes look up, and he closes the book simultaneously finishing his drink. He draws a deep breath, then exhales laying down the book. "Jasper!" he calls as a black pit bull perks her ears up laying next to a Ak47 assault rifle standing up against the door. The dog quickly gets up and the man does too.

They walk together towards a door. He takes a flash light out of his pocket and they walk through the door down a pair of stairs to the basement. When he gets down there he lights a few candles which slowly start to reveal the contents of the room. One wall has nothing but canned food. Another wall nothing but jugs of water. Another nothing but ammo, jars of marijuana, and rolling papers. He walks over to the wall with jars, looks at them all labeled. He picks up the one that reads "grand daddy purple", but puts it down. Then picks up the one that reads "Ak48". "This will be a nice after dinner smoke huh Jasper?" the dog looks up at him with his head tilted. He takes the ja, opens it, looks at a few buds finally deciding on one, then takes out a silver cigarette case in his pocket to put it in for now. He then walks over to the food wall.

"How about...some green beans...some corn...and spam?...or maybe tuna...hmmmm...I feel the spam." he grabs the 3 jars and they both go to the once wash room that is now home to a BBQ. He cracks open a window down there and gets to work preparing the fire. After he finishes cooking his meal, he prepares a dish of tuna for Jasper. He carrys both dishes upstair, they settle to there positions from before and enjoy there meal. After a few moments he stops eating. "Duh!" he says out loud. He grabs his light and goes down stairs, coming up moments later with a jug of water, reaching down to fill a dog bowl, then his cup. Then sits back down.

Back on the other side of town, things were not as comfortable for our mother son duo. Still coming to terms with what happened she stays extremely quite just listening to the sounds of her son talking about his new friend. "I'm going to name him Popeye, ya after pop pop but with a twist! You like it?" he asks looking wide eyed at his broken mother. "Mom?" she snaps out of her stare into the abyssal wasteland that was once down town. Now just a dessert of boarded up business, some burnt to the ground. She wasn't alive for post world war two Berlin...but yet she knew what it was like. "Jeremy baby...we can't keep him. He's better off going back where you found him. We can't feed ourselves baby, how can we feed him?" Jeremy looks down dissapointed. "I don't know mama, but can you at least sleep on it? PLEASE?" she takes a long sigh. "Okay...but no fresh water for him tonight...find a puddle or something." A big grin comes across Jeremeys face now petting his new friend who is sound asleep in his arms seemingly unaware of what is around him proving that ignorance is indeed bliss. They finally reach there destination at the end of town which turns out not to be too far from where our other neighbor is enjoying his dinner. It's a broken down shack. They go through the back yard, peel open a piece of wood and crawl in. Inside, later on they sit before a fire. The young mother is still very frazzled by what she went through for this water. It almost makes her sick to drink it, but she takes a small sip, passing it too Jeremy. They both begin to eat "dinner" which in reality is two snicker bars each. She zones out yet again as Jeremy breaks off a piece of the bar and feeds it to Popeye.

As the fire dimms, so do they. She looks over to see Jeremy is curled up under her jacket with his new friend. For the first time since the incident...a smile creeps across her face as she suddenly remembers WHY she goes on.

A couple of miles away. That very question is floating around in his head. Why? Why does he keep going day by day? As much as he does love Jasper this way of life is so terribly lonely. Not knowing who to trust, not know who is around to trust...knowing that this all happens over something we all took for granted. As he sits in his leather chair puffing on a perfectly rolled joint...he remembers.

"This moring President Garrison signs the new "drinking act" that now requires that all fresh water companys turn over there reservoirs too private bottled water owners which has now increased the price of water now to 2 dollars per eight ounce bottle. The bill although passed will take a few weeks to take into effect nation wide starting first where it was suggested this week, in Texas. Texas has been the leading force of big company water as many..." he is watching the television through an open door from his bathroom. He sits on the tub filling jugs with water. Jug, after jug, after jug. all of a sudden the T.V. turns off and he looks in the room. There stands a tall dark haired woman with glasses and a tan complexion that fits well with her arrow glass figure. She is dressed in a alkaline trio shirt and pajama pants.

"I can't listen to anymore Kevin....what's going to happened to us?" She says entering the bathroom as Kevin continues filling jugs of water. "Us? Nothing...babe can bring up some more bottles, there in the garage." She folds her arms and stares at him for a few moments till he realizes it and stops for a minute. He stands up. "Babe...I know how fucked up things are but I told you this was going to happen, remember?" she drops her arms. "I know..I know...but you don't believe it till it does. I mean, how could they do this? Take away water it's like...taking away air and charging money!" she rests her head in his shoulder "I's been happening across the world, it was only a matter of time before it came to America." he says now caressing his worried partner. "Couldn't they filter out sea water? I mean for god sakes 3/4 of our planet is water Kevin!" he takes a long deep breath and steps back a bit too look at her eye to eye still talking "Of course they could...they have before but they stopped all those plants." he says "Why...why would they do that Kevin? why?" she asks more confused then before. "Because of money Jammie...because of money..." and grabs hold of her again.

He suddenly comes out of his trance when he realizes that Jasper is barking. He quickly get's up and grabs his assault rifle, turning off safety, and goes to where Jasper is, the boarded up deck door at the back of the house. He puts his finger over his lip, his silent command...jasper stops. An uneasy silence fills the room. Then he hears it. Voices.

Outside on that deck is three gang members dressed in red. The tallest of them looks to his fellow members who are behind him.

"You see anything in there? homes?" the small Hispanic one asks. He is wearing a red t shirt with tattoos that finish his sleeve where his shirt left off. "I can't see dick nigga." he reaches into his back waist and reveals a handgun. He cocks it. Inside Kevin grabs Jasper's collar and they retreat into the den that is ajasent to the deck door. In the darkness they both crouch. Outside his foes argue over there next move.

"There's someone in there homes! At least a dog we know that much! I can smell a BBQ!" they all look at each other. "Hello?!'s the police! We want to talk to you!" Kevin now looks at Jasper silently laughing and whispers "Police...these are some dumb motha' fuckas' huh Jas?" Jasper starts growling a bit, Kevin quickly stops and whispers "'s okay...not yet." Outside they all look to try and see through the cracks. "I don't think anyone in there homes" right after he says that a flash bang slides from the kitchen window boarded up. "OH SHI.." BOOM! No sooner than when it goes off Kevin comes out with ear plugs and shoots the biggest and smallest dead instantly leaving only "homes" standing. He hits him with the end of the rifle and he hits the floor. Jasper starts attacking him as Kevin hovers over him. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Kevin demands pointing the muzzle of his assault rifle directly at his forehead.

"CHILL! CHILL MAN! WE DIDN'T KNOW ANYONE WAS HOME!" he says franticly trying to get Jasper off him. "Oh yeah huh? That's why you had a gun out saying you were the cops? Last time I checked the police doesn't hire dirt bags, and furthermore last time I checked there was no more FUCKING cops!" Now pointing the muzzle directly on his forehead skin. "WE MADE A BIG MISTAKE! I"M SORRY" the gang member pleads. Jasper listens to Kevin's command and backs off. "Anyone else with you?" Kevin asks. " one." Kevin looks at him for a few moments and then says. "Good...then you won't be missed." And then puts a single shot into his brain ending the last gang members life. Oddly though. Kevin wasn't sure if he, or the dead gangsters were the lucky ones.

Dawn arrives for the weary mother son duo. The young mother awakens to find that Jeremy is no where to be found. She get's up to search for him. She steps outside the shack to find him, pouring a tiny drink from the water bottle that she gave her dignity up for to his new pet. She quickly storms across the shack , Jeremy knew what he had done as his pet, doesn't and keeps drinking through the cap of the bottle filled with water. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HAD TO DO FOR THIS?!" she snaps at Jeremy now grabbing both shoulders and shaking him "DO YOU?!!!!!!" she continues to shake him as he starts to cry and yells "I'M SORRY HE WAS CRYING! I'M SORRY!!!!!" now both in hysterical tears. She stops and let's go, now realizing his young innocent mind had no idea WHAT his mother did. He just was being the gentle kind hearten boy he was. She takes a deep breath and hugs him. They cry together.

To be continued...


New Member
someone want to read all that and post the cliff notes?

Please and thank you!!
No offence dude but I take my writing very serious. If you can't handle this type of read, then I don't know what to say. It's the first two pages of my new book. Even though it's fiction the gears are in motion for a scenario like this as we speak! We live in VERY scary times my friends.


Well-Known Member
I read 4 paragraphs.....thats all I could get through sorry man its just too jumbled and all over the place. You need some FLO


New Member
Ummm yeah I kinda figured that out....ummm a story still needs flo
Well Im sorry you dont like it. it's not 2 random story lines. If you wouldve read one more paragraph you wouldve realised that. The kid is outside the broken down kfc where his mother is negotiating.

The guy kevin in the second story line is going to meet them later on and it becomes one story line. Its kinda like a godfather part 2 thing. 2 storys that et go together. So you shoulda atleast read the first page and you woulda saw that.

But just for shits and giggles, hat would you suggest? How dosent it flow right?


Active Member
this has to be the worst piece of sh!t i've read in a while. for starters, you lack basic comprehension of the rules of grammar. for someone who "takes their writing very serious" you seem to be unable to even use spell check or proofread your work.

"CHILL! CHILL MAN! WE DIDN'T KNOW ANYONE WAS HOME!" he says franticly trying to get Jasper off him. "Oh yeah huh? That's why you had a gun out saying you were the cops? Last time I checked the police dosen't hire dirtbags, and furthermore last time I checked there was no more FUCKING cops!" Now pointing the muzzle directley on his forehead skin. "WE MADE A BIG MISTAKE! I"M SORRY" the gang member pleads. Jasper listens to Kevins command and backs off. "Anyone else with you?" kevin asks. " one." Kevin looks at him for a few moments and then says. "Good...then you won't be missed." And then puts a single shot into his brain ending the last gang members life. Oddly though. Kevin wasn't sure if he, or the dead gangsters were the lucky ones.
jesus christ! in that paragraph alone, how many f*cking grammatical mistakes is it possible to make. i guess, it's possible, that english isn't your first language, which in that case, on a scale of 1-10 for a non-native "writer" this is about a 1. with 1 being the lowest.

you include no punctuation, or proper spacing, so i highly doubt you're educated, so i'm not going to call you any names like dumb@ss, retard, waste-of-life, and that you should go crawl back underneath the rock from whence you came. i won't use the word garbage either. because well, that would be disrespectful to garbage everywhere. this reminds of my dogs crap, because it reaks of sh!t.

but seriously, GO BACK TO SCHOOL. start your education somewhere, before you're too old and it's too late, I FEAR, it might already be that way though. you're most likely just a lost cause. but you know, do you.

you don't seem separate the crap you spewed into comprehensible parts either, which would give it some kind of flow for an interesting read. and speaking of an interesting read, there is nothing interesting in what you did manage to, i can't say write because what you did is not writing, jot down. a kid with a mother "negotiating" outside a KFC, HAHAHAHAHA, really? a KFC? if comedy was your purpose, i had a good laugh, feel proud.

i mean, i guess that's progress? but you shouldn't "write" about your own personal experiences, they are not very interesting, kind of pathetic really, but w/e.

No offence dude but I take my writing very serious. If you can't handle this type of read, then I don't know what to say. It's the first two pages of my new book. Even though it's fiction the gears are in motion for a scenario like this as we speak! We live in VERY scary times my friends.
if someone can't handle this type of read, it's because they don't want to subject themselves to it anymore. you act like one would have to be an intellectual to read those letters you jumbled together. quite the opposite.

btw, you asked for any input, dislikes, likes, etc w/e. this is my honest answer, either you take it or you stop posting crap in which people can and will be honest to you about.


Well-Known Member
this has to be the worst piece of sh!t i've read in a while. for starters, you lack basic comprehension of the rules of grammar. for someone who "takes their writing very serious" you seem to be unable to even use spell check or proofread your work.

jesus christ! in that paragraph alone, how many f*cking grammatical mistakes is it possible to make. i guess, it's possible, that english isn't your first language, which in that case, on a scale of 1-10 for a non-native "writer" this is about a 1. with 1 being the lowest.

you include no punctuation, or proper spacing, so i highly doubt you're educated, so i'm not going to call you any names like dumb@ss, retard, waste-of-life, and that you should go crawl back underneath the rock from whence you came. i won't use the word garbage either. because well, that would be disrespectful to garbage everywhere. this reminds of my dogs crap, because it reaks of sh!t.

but seriously, GO BACK TO SCHOOL. start your education somewhere, before you're too old and it's too late, I FEAR, it might already be that way though. you're most likely just a lost cause. but you know, do you.

you don't seem separate the crap you spewed into comprehensible parts either, which would give it some kind of flow for an interesting read. and speaking of an interesting read, there is nothing interesting in what you did manage to, i can't say write because what you did is not writing, jot down. a kid with a mother "negotiating" outside a KFC, HAHAHAHAHA, really? a KFC? if comedy was your purpose, i had a good laugh, feel proud.

i mean, i guess that's progress? but you shouldn't "write" about your own personal experiences, they are not very interesting, kind of pathetic really, but w/e.

if someone can't handle this type of read, it's because they don't want to subject themselves to it anymore. you act like one would have to be an intellectual to read those letters you jumbled together. quite the opposite.

btw, you asked for any input, dislikes, likes, etc w/e. this is my honest answer, either you take it or you stop posting crap in which people can and will be honest to you about.
ya your just a dick.....
he asked for help.....
not to be bashed from assumptions you created. (you dont know him)
you could've easily done without all the insults...
and to me you come off a lot less intelligent than him. just because of your response.
hows that for assumptions.


New Member
this has to be the worst piece of sh!t i've read in a while. for starters, you lack basic comprehension of the rules of grammar. for someone who "takes their writing very serious" you seem to be unable to even use spell check or proofread your work.

jesus christ! in that paragraph alone, how many f*cking grammatical mistakes is it possible to make. i guess, it's possible, that english isn't your first language, which in that case, on a scale of 1-10 for a non-native "writer" this is about a 1. with 1 being the lowest.

you include no punctuation, or proper spacing, so i highly doubt you're educated, so i'm not going to call you any names like dumb@ss, retard, waste-of-life, and that you should go crawl back underneath the rock from whence you came. i won't use the word garbage either. because well, that would be disrespectful to garbage everywhere. this reminds of my dogs crap, because it reaks of sh!t.

but seriously, GO BACK TO SCHOOL. start your education somewhere, before you're too old and it's too late, I FEAR, it might already be that way though. you're most likely just a lost cause. but you know, do you.

you don't seem separate the crap you spewed into comprehensible parts either, which would give it some kind of flow for an interesting read. and speaking of an interesting read, there is nothing interesting in what you did manage to, i can't say write because what you did is not writing, jot down. a kid with a mother "negotiating" outside a KFC, HAHAHAHAHA, really? a KFC? if comedy was your purpose, i had a good laugh, feel proud.

i mean, i guess that's progress? but you shouldn't "write" about your own personal experiences, they are not very interesting, kind of pathetic really, but w/e.

if someone can't handle this type of read, it's because they don't want to subject themselves to it anymore. you act like one would have to be an intellectual to read those letters you jumbled together. quite the opposite.

btw, you asked for any input, dislikes, likes, etc w/e. this is my honest answer, either you take it or you stop posting crap in which people can and will be honest to you about.
Why thank you! I appreciate your input! I don't know if it's funny, sad, or just ironic that everything you bashed me for you did 20x worst. So it's just like math. A negative comment + negative argument = positive! so thanks again! And next time you bash someone you should probabley not do what they say your doing in risk of looking like...what you look like.


New Member
Oh and I did go over it with a spell check just now. Grammar isn't my strong point...but obviously does matter. This is just a rough draft though that's why I did not bother at first...but after realizing I'm just going to be mocked on here if it ain't proof read...I took care of it.

But honestley...I don't expect many people to give positive reviews or constructive critisism since this is slowly more and more becoming if you are one of those few, I apoligise, the rest of you...knock yorselves out shitting all over it and mocking my education and abilitys.



Active Member
ya your just a dick.....
he asked for help.....
not to be bashed from assumptions you created. (you dont know him)
you could've easily done without all the insults...
and to me you come off a lot less intelligent than him. just because of your response.
hows that for assumptions.
yeah and i agree with you. thing is, is that i did actually help him, even if it was disrespectful.
like 80mg said, the negative post will try to make him better.
what about you? you have not even mentioned anything about his story. actually, you decided to join the thread to bash on me, so yeah you're no better. you're doing exactly what you're disapproving of and the post you made can easily be applied to you as well.

besides, 80mg is one of those people on this forum that goes around shitting on people constantly for no reason, in multiple threads, and then expects respect when he makes a post and wants "input, and constructive-criticism". if you don't believe me, look through his posts. i'm not talking out of my ass, because there is proof. he shits allover this forum.

But honestley...I don't expect many people to give positive reviews or constructive critisism since this is slowly more and more becoming if you are one of those few, I apoligise, the rest of you...knock yorselves out shitting all over it and mocking my education and abilitys.

right there, instead of simply focusing on me, he calls out the whole community by stating it is becoming more like what that means is that i'm not the only person he has had trouble with, actually this is the first time i've mentioned my disdain for him, to him. why doesn't he expect many people to give positive reviews? maybe because he KNOWS his actions have made more enemies than friends. people know him to be a joke and douche.

sometimes it's those people who NEED to get humiliated before they learn to respect those around him. you're basically condoning his behavior by trying to defend him. he doesn't deserve it. and yes, i can make a judgement call of him based on his interactions with myself. which yesterday, we crossed paths on a thread, and he was being his typical self.

honestly 80mg, create a new profile, start with a new fresh name that doesn't have the reputation you have. and then change your ways, people will like you more. or just leave "" if you hate it so much, because unless you change and try to leave constructive input on threads, no one will care you're gone.

I'll admit I have been a dick on this thread, but atleast what I said has merit, and is still constructive-criticism. :hump:


Active Member
oh and if you don't want to look through his post, here are a few quotes.

What the fuck did you do to this plant? I thought it was impossible to mess up a plant this bad. Guess can't expect more from foil man here ;)
after someone asked how long it would take for a male to be ready to pollinate, he replies:

he then edits that to:

im at kinkos straight flippin copys

I shouldveguessed someone like you would LOVE seeing sacs everywhere.
That's fucked up. The people above me have the best idead I seen. Honestley you should take my advice...take any male plants, plant in his yard, call cops.

Or take bud, stick in his pocket, tell parents. As for your plant...I never had this problem so idk if he "did you a favor" but from what I read he may of. I do wish you the best of luck...and remember....snitch on him and put him in jail for the next year so he can think about how much of a bad brother he is.

Either that or beat him up so bad that he goes into the hospital. He really is an asshole for smoking immature bud though. hes not gonna get high at all and feel fucking retarded. Is he younger or older?
oh yeah, let's get our brothers arrested, sent to jail and have to deal with the physical and emotional trauma of what happens when you get locked up. over a crop of bud, the bottom as if you can't get your shit on lock better to avoid the situation on your next grow.

Well nothing personal alot of people come on these sites with acounts and advertise the company they work for. Your new so Im a little skeptical. What I'll do is so icase it is a scam, Ill take the money from my moms purse (don't worry she got brain cancer and is in a coma so she don't need it anymore) and give it a try. wish me luck!
he did say he was kidding...........after someone called him out on how fucked up that is. who the fuck would write shit like that anyway. even in joke it's fucked up, and only because someone mentioned it, did he say "just kidding"

oh there is more, but i think this will suffice.

Why thank you! I appreciate your input! I don't know if it's funny, sad, or just ironic that everything you bashed me for you did 20x worst.
yeah there are grammatical errors in my POST, not the rough draft of some supposed "book" i'm writing. and considering i'm posting on your thread, my typing does not have to be proper. considering what you wrote was for a "book", your typing should be proper. or no one will take you seriously. they will think you are a JOKE.


Well-Known Member
props to 80mg for being able to write this at all. Most of you prolly dont and have not written a damn thing.