Brick Top
New Member
Your phraseology left me a bit unsure of what you were saying ... but if you were saying that a "real true pure" female without any male genetics in can go from veg to flower back to veg and then to flower and not turn hermi .... that is what I said and how females plants that are used to make seeds should be tested to see if they have the hermi trait in them or do know you can vert her back to full flower right. if its a herm from the start its genitics.
If you said something different, I apologize but I was incapable of deciphering it.
If something turns hermi there can be different causes. There are natural hermis that are almost always sterile and cannot pollinate females, but they are rare.
It can be as you called it genetics, but that can also be in part because the female used to make seeds had some male genetics in it and it could turn on it's own or it could take stress depending on the amount and dominance of the male genetics.
buts if she in flower 3 weeks before the first nuts, then its on the grower.
It might be able to be stated like that but it is not always as in a pure error. At times it is a pure last ditch survival mode that conditions most growers never heard about or considered, or normally grow under.
I read the results of research done on cannabis plants on some island, a location where they were growing wild. It was on the top of a cliff on the leeward side of the island. One year the researchers removed every single male plant before they produced and spread pollen leaving only female plants.
Most of the females on roughly one third of the windward side of the group turned hermi. Roughly one third of the middle third of the group of female plants turned hermi. None of the female plants on the far side of the group, on the far leeward side turned.
This was done several times over several seasons with pretty much the same results. The conclusion was that the constant amount of wind on all female plants that had reached a stage of growth without becoming pollinated turned ... and their genetics evidently knew/told them that it was most important for the plants that would turn to be those on the side of the group that the wind normally came from so the pollen would then spread through the entire group .. and that it was most important that more of the plants on the far windward side of the group turn than those in the middle or on the far leeward side of the group.
Plants have one and only one function ... to perpetuate the species and be it by genetics that came about through thousands and thousands and thousands of years of evolution or the idea of God or Mother Nature or Yahweh or some form of intelligent design, if not pollinated by a certain stage of growth any number of different conditions can cause one or more plants to turn. It is a last ditch survival mode tactic so seeds are produced and the species continues.
plants tend to want to grow male cause its easier.
I have never read that in any credible source. Wouldn't that sort of go against genetics deciding what a plant is going to be?
but can easily be put into full flower again(unless hermophidization
has sprung to deep) then your screwed lol. lotta hostility here, it started from a harmless question.
and whitewidow is not a troll bruv, just srong threoys. but you do tend to get defensive often.
Again, your phraseology left me unsure of what you were attempting to say there.
I totally disagree considering sites like this are supposed to be sites where true facts and proven growing knowledge is shared. If someone states something that is incorrect, they should be corrected. If not they could easily mislead someone who knows as little or even less than the person making the incorrect statement and that could cause someone problems or even cost them an entire crop.there no need to tell anyone there "wrong" even if they are....
This is not a site to share opinions and beliefs and it is not a debating society and it is not for shared philosophical wondering. If you read a message where someone asked what the pH of their soil should be and read the following message and someone said it should be 2.8 or 9.4 or something would you say they are wrong or just let it slide and either leave it up to someone else to say the answer was wrong or just sit back and let the person who asked the question kill off their plants?
If it is something opinion based, like is brand 'X' designer soil really better than brand 'Y' designer soil, when in fact the differences between the two are so minor that there really isn't a difference and one person says brand 'X' and another person says brand 'Y', or a case where someone's preference for say AK47 being the best herb and someone else's choice is Kali Mist .. then I would agree there would be no reason to say one or the other, in either example, would be wrong.
But when it comes to growing facts ... that is different. Something that is said that is wrong is just that, wrong, and in those cases it should be clearly stated that it is wrong and the person who said it was wrong.