Hey when you take some pics with the lights on try using a pair of sunglasses to shade some of the lights it works prety good for me. BTW Nice op Im subd
bro!! that looks like 12 plants or something, awesome job man!!! and all the singles look great too!!
wow smelly! man ive been slackin on others threads and not been around much and i sure have missed a whole lot but man that is a great lookin scrog! u never fail to impress! keep it up man keep doin wa u doin
What's up SmeLLyTreez, man your scrog is looking fabulous! +REP
Thanks you sirthey are looking great man. very nice
Shrooms lol... I'd like to experiment with those one dayDamn TreeZ..is there anything that you cant grow?..lol. Your plants look amazing! I am with CD in thinking that your scrog looks like many many plants!
Sweet update treeZ!! I've been waiting for a shot of the KK clone. Wow, she looks just like her mother! That monster cropping is awesome, can't believe how branchy she is without any topping. I might have to try that myself one day. And the scrog, well I can't even comprehend how that's not at least 10 plants, but I'll take your word for it. Great job bro. I'm really looking forward to seeing how kk clone turns out!
you just keep doing your thing!
keep it up! my SC is looking alot like your KK
Oh I forgot to add, those of you that followed the kandyKush grow or that are just coming in. The KK in the white pot above is the smaller clone that I took for the hell of it when I mostercropped "took clone late in flowering" from the original KK. Both clones turned out awesome that I took and I would highly suggest trying the technique if you havent alreadyThe other mostercropped KK clone is the one in the very back under the screen in the last pick on the last page. You can really tell in the pic above in the white pot though how crazy the branching is without even topping. I did use minor lst but that was to keep it under 2' mostly.
Wow, i had no idea! My last impression was that you NEVER take a clone in flower. I guess it depends on certain variables. I hope my clone takes dude, that would be my first ever successful clone.
I have a quick question in reference to monstercropping... When you take the clone, are you sticking it right back into 12/12 light cycle? Because i took my clone, and it's in 18/6 cycle atm.
Actually when I took mine I went from 12/12 to 24hrs so you will be perfect @ 18/6. LIke I said in cd's thread just give it time and keep it moist and humid under the dome and you will be good. Give it 2 weeks before you expect to see any roots. If you get them sooner then great![]()
haha Now that i know this. I'm wanting to take a clone from 1 of each plant! haha but i doubt i will. MAYBE a blue mistic clone.
good advice ST.that is a good way. im getting an areorooter on tuesday. only 70.$ and it has a 98% success rate in 7-10 days. excuse my excitement, looking forward to trying it out.
As usual great thread and great plants ! NICE SCROG!!!!
Oh and i have decided to go monster crop scog with next grow also! so i must stay subbed!
Very nice man. I'm getting ready to start using my new 600watt HPS cannot wait to see how these clones take off with it. Check my thread