Day 23 / 5
Heavy maintenance day. I'll be adding as things progress.
... the beginning;
5 days ago:

today's beginnings:
Your very basic Flood & Drain (flush)

Nothing special. Just warm tap running in about this speed until pot over flows. Now I let it rest for a couple hours. Salts disolve, partially used nutes & the MG time release are flushed out leaving relatively fresh new soil to work with(?). the pots were so dry that they almost felt empty before watering. (this is all typical and repeated every 3rd to 4th watering)
After the "rest" I'll top off with fresh soil to just below the false leaves again. Then I'll do what you may want to call a
Nute Flush? I'll be flushing out the tap water (and more salts / spent nutes / etc. with the materials below.
Per gallon of 24 hr. oxygenated water will include 1/4 cup Peroxide & 1 tablespoon Big Bloom. This is typical and used for all waterings for awhile. Any extra that's saved remains with the air stone on until used. (I like oxygen!) Again, nothing special or dramatic.
Finished back filling to about where I want it for the whole grow now. Pretty boring, nothing special here either.
The finished flush-
Nothing special here either. I add 1 cup slowly at a time, wait 10-15 minutes and repeat until I'm satisfied. This early on and since the roots are relatively shallow, I'll only go 1 qt. per plant to flush out the flat, nuteless tap water from before and replace it with oxygenated enriched nuted water.Also, with a small pump sprayer I sprayed the dirt off the lower leaves (yes, I'm messy - S) and over the whole plant. I advise, DO NOT place plants back under light with water drops on the leaves. Either dry them with a paper towel first or just let the drops evaporate - doesn't really matter too much.
The wooden spoon is a diffuser. Without it you'll likely blow holes in your soil and eventually compact the surface of the soil. Neither of which I appreciate.
This is my standard for most typical grows. The technique is carried in from my past outside grows. Simple, cheap, effective. This whole proceedure is repeated pretty much every third or fourth watering. EVERY watering is the same mix for awile in veg.
Note / Sidebar -
A note about Mirical Grow - It is my suspicion that MG soil is made to be used as a base for their fertilizer additives. I feel that is why they make soooo many variations. They are designed to compliment their soil with specific additives to lean the particulars towards the demands of various vegatation. I've often use their nute with and without their soil with satisfactory to good results. I forget right now which ones I eventually stabilized on, but they're in the shed somewhere if anyone is really interested I'll check when the ice melts and I can get the door open.
One thing though, if you add MG nutes to the water with the stone running, it'll foam up like a bubble bath. Real PIA, but works. Mix with warm water to disolve and add to water (without stone) just before use. I only mixed what I could use, not leftovers.
Okay, done with that part. Next, let's look and play with the individual plants as a one - on - one.
The Ladies.....
Laughing Buddha
(LB) sativa

( Whack)
Super Silver Haze
(SSH) mostly sativa

Jack Herrer
(JH) heavy indica

hello olde friend... (whack)
Blue Widow
(BW) indica (UFO)
By now I'm sure most of you think I'm some sort of whack-o?
That's okay, I can live with that.
Anyways, my stem is pretty much done for this part.
With the foundation out of the way,, I can start building.
I wasn't ignoring you, just wanted to get this out of the way first.
Now it's time for a toke! (I'll get to you)

Anyways -

group hug. End of another day of bliss.
I forgot to mention I whack off the leaves 1/2 thru the light cycle when the plant is fully pumped. This way they still have 9 hours to respond and start closing the wound. Most of this time there will be fluid running out. With fluid running out it's harder to have diseases enter. Still, alky rinse your cutters / knife first.