Theory Testing of Styles


Active Member
Now I understand what your doing! perpering your plants before planting out side? keeping them short and stocky maybe becouse of your weather and location?


Well-Known Member
Nope. This is simply growing buds to find out how strain dependant this method is.
The only mystery(?) is the process of this method for "growin bud".
Only reason I'm not saying what's coming is because every hater in the cosmos would be on my case.

Let's see... so far we've;
used that blasted Mirical Grow
Killed the micro by baking
Added nutes since 1st week
Killing it by adding peroxide, or it'll never flower (heard that too)
FIMed way too young
Drowned it
Let the soil over dry
Stressed the shit out of it (gonna have to be hermies?)
Removed all the "solar" panels.
Removed the food(?) storage system / reserves
Stunted the crap out of it
and a bunch more. (and we're only 3 weeks from dry seeds :lol:)

That's why the method is exposed as I go along. Everything else you know.:bigjoint:

Question though, when do people consider a seedling far enough along to be called a plant?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thanks Raw-
Good info. But I'm referring more I guess to layman's terms(?) maybe?
I just notice around that people refer to their plant(s) as seedlings when they're wee lil babies and eventually start refering to them as plants instead. That's more of what I was wondering. Don't really matter but i get confused sometime when someone shows their 12 inch seedling and another shows a 2 inch plant.
Point being some seem to start measuring veg time when the seedling becomes a plant to them (and others don't).
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Morning Stoner. :sleep: Steelers fell down and went boom. :-( But the party was great. :lol:;-)

A little grow update (Watered this morning.) -
I have an unexpected situation here. Growth rate vs consistant testing format.
The SSH (heavy sativa) has exploded in these couple of days and really should be worked in the next stage.
Jack Herrer (more indica) is pretty close behind.
Buddha (sativa) is lagging heavily.
Blue widow (indica) seems to be just starting to turn on some (switch to HPS from MH?)

Anyways, I need to decide if I want to run these all the same (no matter what) or treat them as individuals and progress as they become ready for the next step.
Individual handling may make this difficult to follow,, but it would be a much more realistic way that I would do a productive type run for bud.

If individual - then the Haze needs attention ASAPracticle.
I'm leaning strongly on individualizing each as to needs. But need to think it through a bit first.
the sativa (left rear) is doing exactly what I assumed it would. the more sativa in a strain the more I see the obstinant tendancy to refuse to be ground cover. ;-)
The Haze (left front is simply begging for attention. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh, well. A seedling in my Terms is 1-3 Nodes.. Past that you can Train and such.. I call that a PLANT>


Well-Known Member
For me, when a seedling gets a branch with leaves it becomes a plant.

Hi Marcus, probably evening where you are?


Active Member
Looking at the time of your post I'm not sure what flipping time of day it was, its always dark and misible here Pardon me if I remain quite for the time being untill I work this out, its just for the last few posts I feel I've be shouting out answers such as pink elephants from the back of a Physics class at school.

I do love a mad scientist project/test, Just wish I could have time out to do such a thing.

Rep +


Well-Known Member
Can't wait any longer. The SSH is pushing me hard so I have to give them some attention.

Day 29 / 4 from last

Picture squence;
Finish 4 days ago.. / .. today's start.. / .. today's end

25a.jpg 25b.jpg
As expected, resist being trained to grow out, not up. Still shows promise. May need to consider additional tactics to get it to conform later.

25c.jpg 25d.jpg
Going according to plan, though admittedly, better than expected. This gal is pushing my style (a good thing :lol:).

25e.jpg 25f.jpg
He's doing just fine. This is what I generally expect to see at this point. Jack Herrer is also one of the strains that has been with me awhile and used in the beginning of all this evolution of methods. (a personal favorite) IMO, this was a day or two early for her, but what the heck.. I will probably stake her in the next couple days before the next update.

Frankly, this gal is shocking the crap out of me! I don't normally grow with this much indica in a plant because I prefer a more sativa high. If I want couch lock I'll just burn more. (well, not really)
Will say that since the bulb switch it's started to take off. May just be a little tardy on the growth thing. I have seen plants start off slow and then rocket off later. Today I'm simply going to manicure the garlic and put her back. I do see droplets hanging on the top leave so everything is doing fine, just slow for now anyways. (really has my interest!)

Guess that's about it for now,,
until next time...
25h.jpg ... group hugs.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Marcus, believe me, I know the feeling. I think I've lived my life at the back of the class. :lol: ;-)

Thanks Stoner.bongsmilie

Anyone seeing any potential bud sites yet? :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Been steady as she goes on the most part.
Both LB (sativa) and the BW (indica) would of been culled at this point. but since I've a new light on the way, I'll save them for a trial run & clones. (Feeling better suited to a different style.)

Quick overview -

Day 32 / 4

32a.jpg 32b.jpg

32c.jpg 32d.jpg

32e.jpg 32f.jpg

32g.jpg 32h.jpg

Basicly, just snipping and pinning. At least until my spokes reach the rim of the pot.
They're starting to ask for more water too.
All-in-all, the 2 I counted on are doing very much as expected.
Sativa is showing potential to be a beast,, just not to this way of growing.
Indica, Don't know what to say, not being a indie person I am surprised.

Essentially, my test is over. But the grow will continue.
When the JH reaches a point the flip to 12/12 willbe made.


Well-Known Member
New LED installed today.
180 w., 6 band, UFO from lighthouse.
Seems impressive but time will tell.
Added reflective panels. Heat is still 1 deg. above ambient (72.5F).
Not yet added the expected CFL. Could be a mistake,, but looking to test it on a critical base.
Update soon to follow.

Holy shit! in a couple hours leaves grew another 1/4 inch!
This is gonna be good! (I hope)

Did a bunch of study. Seems the 180w is more like 120w when said and done. 80% of that is usable for plants. Been using a 250 MH/HPS and happy. However, they say only 20% of that is plant usable.
So, in theory after I searched, it seems I may have upgrade to 350W of HPS usable? (Follow?)
Not convinced but needed to find out for myself,,, and here we are.

80% of 180 = 144 watts plant usable light (LED)
20% of 250 = 50 watts plant usable light (HPS)

I know! Doesn't seem right to me either.
"Proof is in the pudding." - we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Day 37 / 5

Start of day --- finished for day;


Simply backing off a bit on this one. Topping is considered.


Almost there.


I'm getting impatient. Come-on, go gurl! (actually doing just fine)


Hmmm,, seems like a late bloomer? But starting to come around nicely.


Considering trying to get them to mature (harvest) close to the same time. To do this, LB would start flower 3 weeks ahead of all. At the end of that time it'll be added to the main room and the BW would be removed and left in veg for an additional 2 weeks at which time they could finish together (w/i a week?).

SSH & JH need to plan for clones. Maybe start some stretch in a week or so.

Looking like 8th or 10th week (from raw bean) before flower starts (maybe). That would make this a 5-6 mos. total grow. 2 mos. cure and the total would be around 8 mos.
* based on 13 week flower time for Sativas

13 watt White CFL added to full spec LED in center at pot level. (Because it makes me feel good.) Temps 74 / 75.5 F Ambient @ 70F
Doubled the CFL on a splitter. Made me feel more confident in seeing the light" - LOL Guess I'm old and just don't feel right about eggs in one basket.