How to Spot a Conservative


Well-Known Member
Liberals can not even run a state, much less a country. It's a little funny in states they over run that they seem to always run the state into the ground.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and you can spot the liberal because they always assume they are the smartist folks in the room. Please attack me for my spelling, because we all know someone who does not spell perfectly has to be a dumbass.


Active Member
Thanks GS. Really man I dont care. Im blunted.. laughing my ass off. I cant describe how much fun this thread has been. Thanks for the laughs guys, im gonna go smoke a bowl and play some Tiger Woods. LMAO

Peace Pot and Microdot


Well-Known Member
Im not your pal, friend.

Know what Marines and Bananas have in common??

They start off green, turn yellow and die in bunches.

I tried to go MC....but I scored too high on the ASVAB
:roll:I'd love to see you make a comment like that to a Marine's face. That would be about 2 1/2 seconds of shear entertainment.
You hear that joke at the Taliban?


Well-Known Member
So it may happen that you are at a gathering of new friends and you find someone you are speaking with someone you find to be funny and interesting, but how do you know they won`t turn out to be a knuckle dragging, Limbaugh talking point ranting, spit at the corners of their mouth wing nut conservative. Well fearless progressives before you decide to venture into discussing politics and possibly ruin it by having some high strung nut job screaming about birth certificates and Acorn here is an easy guide to spot them early so you can slowly back out of the conversation and enjoy smoking some good reefer in peace:
I am loathe to even call this a stereotype. A stereotype has at least some truth to it.

You do realize that it was Hillary Clinton who brought up the whole birth certificate thing in the first place, right?

I suppose this is the way impotent, angry little Proggies see all Conservatives.

#1. They can mention loving freedom and the Constitution with one breath, yet will disregard all of that when it comes to "those dirty hippies" and their weed. Fourth Amendment...hahaha dont be such an idealist. Then the Constitution is "just a piece of paper".
Funny, you don't mention us Conservatives who want limited government bounded by the Constitution.

The Federal government has its duties and responsibilities and the states have theirs. It's very simple really.

#2. Will refer to themselves as a "moderate" or "independent" while spouting off opinions which would make Glenn Beck say "Whoa, whoa, whoa now thats a little too much".
I am an Independent Conservative.

But I cheered on the Teabaggers. And I donated money to Conservative candidates in my state and around the country if they were deemed worthy. And I voted Republican in almost every race during the last election.

You may ask, how could I do all of those things and still call myself an Independent Conservative?


The goal was not to promote the Republican party. The goal was to wrest power away from Progressive Democrats.

So yeah, I am an Independent Conservative.

What of it?

#3. Thinks the Bush Presidency wasn't "that bad" and blames the "Liberal" main stream media for his bad reputation, ignoring the fact that he spent most of his Presidency on "vacation" in Texas while the country went down the crapper.

There was a lot not to like about the Bush Administration. But the media did it's best to influence public opinion against Dubya. Just ask Dan Rather.

You contend Bush spent "most of his Presidency" at the little White House in Crawford on 'Vacation."

Now you have a real credibility problem unless you can prove to me he spent "most of his Presidency" there.

So prove it.

Prove he spent "most of his Presidency" on vacation.

Now when you realize you are speaking with one of these types, do not make any sudden movements. They are easily startled and tend to over react. Do not challenge any of their claims or opinions as this is the real world equivalent of feeding the trolls. Once you have reached the safety of a nice bong and some sticky icky, kick back and enjoy.

(This is in response to CrackerJaks thread)
Hmmmm. Exactly how much time elapsed after the shooting rampage in Arizona before Proggies in the media began blaming Conservative political rhetoric?

In fact, Proggies used it as an angle of attack against Sarah Palin. Even after it was found to be totally unfounded.

Your statement describes them.

Yeah, it looks like you've got one all right.

Better go see the Doctor and see if he can clear that up.


Active Member
Umm, I'm not a liberal, as mentioned, and as my avatar and sig might suggest. But you made the comment about him hearing the joke from the taliban, not me.


Well-Known Member didn't make the "joke" and my original comment wasn't directed towards you. You left a question mark and I gave an explanation. Was my comment supposed to be cutting..sure...was it meant to be taken

When someone makes a comment about our armed services being yellow (cowards) and dieing in bunches, it is classless regardless of political persuasion and there is zero excuse. His "joke" was the kind of thing you would expect to hear from a vile enemy i.e. the Taliban.


Well-Known Member
Boy you just love quoting the rules and playing the victim. Bet you were a hall monitor in high school. Well congrats, this is my last reply to anything you ever say again! My first iggy on RIU.

I was replying to his signature and busting balls a little. Thats what men do. Maybe you will understand some day.

And unless you were born before 1973 you can not call me kid, child.

Bye bye
I never "quoted" anything to you, I simply was letting you know that your choices of words may not be appreciated by everybody, least of all myself. Nope, I wasn't a hall monitor. I sold joints to most of them though.;-) Your little "joke" was in poor taste IMO, and offensive to Marines. And yes my friend, I was born before 1973. kiss-ass


Active Member
Progressing towards a more fair, more peaceful, more humanistic, way of life. Im a liberal because I dont look at a poor person as someone who is there to be mocked for taking food stamps to feed their children, but as a person in need of sympathy and compassion.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Food stamps are for people that need to save their money for beer and cigs.. I'm sure there are a few people out there that may need help but if I see another dumb fuck in line at the store with using a link card for their food and then busting out their cash for 2 cases of beer and a carton of cigs I'm going to lose it.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It's not right my friend, no type of justification can make it right to take from one person to give to another. Which is essentially what is happening here in the US, wealth redistribution. Working people go and work to pay their bills, AND all the lazy peoples' bills.
Redistribution of wealth is happening right now, just not in the way you describe. Welfare spending is at a low point. The wealth has been redistributed to the upper class on such a scale that people can't afford to go out and spend enough money to make it profitable for jobs to be created. We didn't notice this happening because due to the financial scams of the rich, the value of people's houses kept going up and up. These people thought because their housing values were going up, that it was permanent and it meant their net worth was going up. They then figured they could spend more on credit, since they were worth more now. Unfortunately it was all a scam. Now the value has dropped out of their homes and their increased net worth has been replaced by a mountain of debt.

The American middle class was tricked into thinking they were worth more than they were, and the rich have stolen all their money leaving the middle class in huge debt. You can thank the conservative/libertarian ideal of financial deregulation for this scam. I like to think of these financial scams as just welfare to the rich. Now to thank them for scamming Americans out of all their money we borrowed a bunch of money from China to give them huge tax cuts on all the money they stole. More welfare.

The financial statistics don't lie. This scam has transfered the wealth held by the middle/working class into the hands of the rich. This transfer of wealth has giving the rich a larger portion of the countries wealth than they've ever had. You're complaining about food stamps but the amount of wealth transfered to them is the equivalent of thousands of years worth of food stamps. In Lenin's wildest dreams he couldn't imagine a transfer of wealth this large.

You can point to a few people on welfare and claim they are the problem, but we all know that isn't true. The problem is that the ultra wealthy just scammed Americans out of all their money and more. The proof is the amount of wealth they now hold. Follow the money and you'll see the truth.


Well-Known Member
Today I woke up and smoked a blunt...had to work at one of the shops in the morning today because my employee called in sick...I let three people wash clothes for free today ( I usually only do it twice a month for the homeless)...Saw 3 black kids riding skate boards they looked thirsty so I gave them 5 dollars to split and get something to drink ( I also told them to be respectful and to be careful on their skateboard )...went to the store and some lady was short on cash and was trying to figure out what to put back...I told her I would get it ( came to 3.73 out my pocket )...the look on her face was well worth the 3.73 and the fact her kid was able to see that adults can be kind to each other made it just more so...I say these things because if you are not on the earth to help each other why are you here ????


Active Member
Redistribution of wealth is happening right now, just not in the way you describe. Welfare spending is at a low point. The wealth has been redistributed to the upper class on such a scale that people can't afford to go out and spend enough money to make it profitable for jobs to be created. We didn't notice this happening because due to the financial scams of the rich, the value of people's houses kept going up and up. These people thought because their housing values were going up, that it was permanent and it meant their net worth was going up. They then figured they could spend more on credit, since they were worth more now. Unfortunately it was all a scam. Now the value has dropped out of their homes and their increased net worth has been replaced by a mountain of debt.

The American middle class was tricked into thinking they were worth more than they were, and the rich have stolen all their money leaving the middle class in huge debt. You can thank the conservative/libertarian ideal of financial deregulation for this scam. I like to think of these financial scams as just welfare to the rich. Now to thank them for scamming Americans out of all their money we borrowed a bunch of money from China to give them huge tax cuts on all the money they stole. More welfare.

The financial statistics don't lie. This scam has transfered the wealth held by the middle/working class into the hands of the rich. This transfer of wealth has giving the rich a larger portion of the countries wealth than they've ever had. You're complaining about food stamps but the amount of wealth transfered to them is the equivalent of thousands of years worth of food stamps. In Lenin's wildest dreams he couldn't imagine a transfer of wealth this large.

You can point to a few people on welfare and claim they are the problem, but we all know that isn't true. The problem is that the ultra wealthy just scammed Americans out of all their money and more. The proof is the amount of wealth they now hold. Follow the money and you'll see the truth.
Oh, are you talking about the deregulation that Clinton pushed through? The door that Clinton opened and forced lending institutions to loan to people that couldn't afford it? Hmmmm, or the regulation that Barney Fwank (among others) said out of his own mouth was not over regulation, and that he saw no problem with fanny/freddy, and that they were both financially stable? Is this the problem we're talking about? I think you, not me, need to see the truth instead of lying to yourself.
Watch the videos, please, they ARE the truth, right from their own mouths...

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Oh, are you talking about the deregulation that Clinton pushed through?
I'm speaking of financial deregulation. It started with the Gramm(R)–Leach(R)–Bliley(R) Act. If by "pushing though" you mean he signed it into law after it was passed by a veto proof super-majority, ok. You can call that "pushing through" if you want.

The door that Clinton opened and forced lending institutions to loan to people that couldn't afford it?
He didn't "force" them to loan money, he enabled them to charge higher interest rates making those loans economically viable.

The bad loans, the really bad ones were not possible at the time Clinton enabled the loans you are talking about. It was until a few years later when credit default swaps came into play that we got into trouble. And yes, freddy/fannie took part in those loans, but so did every other bank in America. To claim this problem originated with Freddy/fannie is just willful ignorance. You know this isn't true. You know every lending institution was participating in this scam. To claim otherwise is just trying to deceive people. Let's be a little more honest about this.

Hmmmm, or the regulation that Barney Fwank (among others) said out of his own mouth was not over regulation, and that he saw no problem with fanny/freddy, and that they were both financially stable?
At the time when fannie's loans were expanded this was true. You're playing loose with the facts. You can't blame Barney Frank for a scam that didn't exist yet and was not even legally possible under the current financial regulations.

It wasn't until the financial industry was deregulated that these scams were legally possible.

Is the problem we're talking about? I think you, not me, need to see the truth instead of lying to yourself.
No. It really isn't. You're intentionally not looking at all the information. You think that changes the truth but it doesn't. You can't change the truth by ignoring facts.

Watch the videos, please, they ARE the truth, right from their own mouths...
ok. Well the bad loans weren't possible because credit default swaps didn't exist until after Clinton left office. At the time these videos were made (assuming they were made during the Clinton years) this financial scam was not possible.

Fannie mae obviously did take part in this scam, but it was not what allowed this scam to become possible. The blame for that lays with the conservative ideal of financial deregulation.

Stopping things like the housing market collapse is the purpose of financial regulation. Democrats don't push financial regulation because they are mean and they hate freedom. They do it to stop massive frauds being perpetrated on the American people which can potentially collapse the economy.


Well-Known Member
Also, we have a serious problem with illegals, which are draining our system by the minute.
that's not what the most thorough study on the matter, performed by the comptroller (a fancy word for accountant) of the state of texas (that bastion of liberalism) had to say about the issue.

Undocumented Immigrants in Texas:
A Financial Analysis of the Impact to the State Budget and Economy
December 2006
This is the first time any state has done a comprehensive financial analysis of the impact of undocumented immigrants on a state's budget and economy, looking at gross state product, revenues generated, taxes paid and the cost of state services.
The absence of the estimated 1.4 million undocumented immigrants in Texas in fiscal 2005 would have been a loss to our gross state product of $17.7 billion. Undocumented immigrants produced $1.58 billion in state revenues, which exceeded the $1.16 billion in state services they received.
let's see, 1.58 billion minus 1.16 billion means a surplus of $422 million dollars.

not to mention the 17.7 billion dollars they pumped into the economy of the state of texas.

draining our system? nope, try the opposite.


Well-Known Member
Ive made that joke in the company of various service members..including the Fightin Sailors...;)

And we clinked glasses, laughed and talked more shit...your point?
his point is that they would beat you up, thus proving their superiority, both mental and physical.


Active Member
that's not what the most thorough study on the matter, performed by the comptroller (a fancy word for accountant) of the state of texas (that bastion of liberalism) had to say about the issue.

let's see, 1.58 billion minus 1.16 billion means a surplus of $422 million dollars.

not to mention the 17.7 billion dollars they pumped into the economy of the state of texas.

draining our system? nope, try the opposite.

Who said I was from TX? And that report is 5 years old. I know what it's like where I live, I see it all day, every day.