How to Spot a Conservative


Well-Known Member
GS, one of my best friends is conservative as they come and I love him like a brother. I respectfully disagree with much he believes, as does he in mine. But we see eye to eye. I guess I have a soft heart because Ive been there..done that. Came back stonger then ever. And when I can help people I do. If that is sometimes be it.

Id rather help 100 people who really need it and accept that there will be some who take advantage. Just as some corporations take advantage of corporate welfare. Thats life man.
You said nothing but BS here pal...if thats the best you can do better go back and study up pal....

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
"To make marijuana against the law is like saying that God made a mistake. Like on the seventh day God looked down, "There it is. My Creation, perfect and holy in all ways. Now I can rest. [shocked expression] Oh shit! I left fuckin' pot everywhere."

Shit, that's going to give people the impression they are supposed to use it. Shit!!! Well,...... now it looks like i'm going to have to create republicans.

Bill Hicks is awesome!!!


Active Member
I understand your point, and believe me, I've been there too. Many years ago, I used to donate plasma just to make it week to week. Lived in an old beat up trailer dump, ate at the mission, and got donations from the salvation army and various churches to help with my bills.
Because of that help I received during that time of my life, I always donate as much money as I can to such organizations. I also give freely from my wallet when a homeless person asks for $$. I don't give them cash a lot, but I keep gift cards to McDonalds and stuff on me to give out.
So, I do have compassion for people. But what you may not completely understand is that here in the US, we have a situation where a crap ton of people are unwilling to help themselves. It's not that they are just down on their luck, it's that they choose this lifestyle. Meanwhile all the working people get to pay their way. Also, we have a serious problem with illegals, which are draining our system by the minute. My neighbor is a retired cop, was wounded on the job, and is now on disability and a small retirement. He barely keeps his head above water, and does not get food stamps. So, how do you think it makes him feel when he goes to the grocery store and has to stand in line behind a family of non english speaking people, who most likely are illegal (we have a big time illegal population in my town) and watch them use food stamps while he just barely makes it every month?

It's not right my friend, no type of justification can make it right to take from one person to give to another. Which is essentially what is happening here in the US, wealth redistribution. Working people go and work to pay their bills, AND all the lazy peoples' bills.
As you know its been many a year since I lived back Ill grant you that. And those people should be at least forced to work if able bodied, hell the States has some crumbling infrastructure from what I see online, start there. If they wont work (but can) cut them off. Hell ya.

Your story sounds a lot like mine. And I guess if I saw what you described I would feel the same way. Downright disgusted.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
As you know its been many a year since I lived back Ill grant you that. And those people should be at least forced to work if able bodied, hell the States has some crumbling infrastructure from what I see online, start there. If they wont work (but can) cut them off. Hell ya.

Your story sounds a lot like mine. And I guess if I saw what you described I would feel the same way. Downright disgusted.
your view could almost be considered conservative


Active Member
As you know its been many a year since I lived back Ill grant you that. And those people should be at least forced to work if able bodied, hell the States has some crumbling infrastructure from what I see online, start there. If they wont work (but can) cut them off. Hell ya.

Your story sounds a lot like mine. And I guess if I saw what you described I would feel the same way. Downright disgusted.
your view could almost be considered conservative
I was kinda thinking the same thing lol ;)


Well-Known Member
We have a lot of the problems we have in America because we refuse to engage in peaceful discourse, and instead bash each other as if the people with opposing views were not human.

We all bleed red, shit brown, pee yellow, and smoke green. Conservatives and Liberals, even the most hardcore, are essentially the same. We all care about our families, and our homes. We care about our culture; we care about ourselves. We want the best for our country. We want the best for our kids. We act accordingly. The only thing that separates us all are a few ideals.

Can't we all just get a bong? Uh, i mean "along"....
Not according to the OP. He seems to imply that conservatives are all cold hearted pricks that don't care about the suffering of others and are simply greedy pricks. I consider myself an independent/libertarian. It just pisses me off because this seems to be the liberal/progressive mindset. This couldn't be further from the truth. I've devoted my life to helping others. I give to charity and donate a good chunk of my time. I try to help people out when I can. But for some reason me and my conservative brethren are portrayed by the liberals as ogres that don't care. It gets a little annoying.:evil:


Active Member
You said nothing but BS here pal...if thats the best you can do better go back and study up pal....
Im not your pal, friend.

Know what Marines and Bananas have in common??

They start off green, turn yellow and die in bunches.

I tried to go MC....but I scored too high on the ASVAB.


Well-Known Member
Riiight. Not insulting at all. Why I can see now how shocked...dare I say downright insulted you must have been to my reaction to your thoughtful reply to my thread...
Please tell me what site rules I broke! I'll tell which rules I broke! None! Not a single rule. I can point out a couple that you have broken though. If you were insulted because I posted that "fail" pic, that's on you bro. Get some thicker skin there bucko!:dunce:


Active Member
Not according to the OP. He seems to imply that conservatives are all cold hearted pricks that don't care about the suffering of others and are simply greedy pricks. I consider myself an independent/libertarian. It just pisses me off because this seems to be the liberal/progressive mindset. This couldn't be further from the truth. I've devoted my life to helping others. I give to charity and donate a good chunk of my time. I try to help people out when I can. But for some reason me and my conservative brethren are portrayed by the liberals as ogres that don't care. It gets a little annoying.:evil:
Take a look at most conservative websites or news forums and how they portray liberals...especially the post I made this thread in reply to. I feel your pain dude.


Well-Known Member
Im not your pal, friend.

Know what Marines and Bananas have in common??

They start off green, turn yellow and die in bunches.

I tried to go MC....but I scored too high on the ASVAB.
:roll:I'd love to see you make a comment like that to a Marine's face. That would be about 2 1/2 seconds of shear entertainment.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Not according to the OP. He seems to imply that conservatives are all cold hearted pricks that don't care about the suffering of others and are simply greedy pricks. I consider myself an independent/libertarian. It just pisses me off because this seems to be the liberal/progressive mindset. This couldn't be further from the truth. I've devoted my life to helping others. I give to charity and donate a good chunk of my time. I try to help people out when I can. But for some reason me and my conservative brethren are portrayed by the liberals as ogres that don't care. It gets a little annoying.:evil:

I think that ultra liberals like to paint conservatives as ignorant, gun-toting rednecks, while ultra-conservatives like to paint liberals as bleeding heart, tree hugging, never have a job, welfare suckers.

Sure, these extremes do exist, and Youtube has many hilarious and sad examples of both. My point was that most of us, on whatever side, have many things in common, and we should be able to have rational discussion with no name calling. (I'm not accusing you of name-calling, i'm just re-iterating my point)


Active Member
:roll:I'd love to see you make a comment like that to a Marine's face. That would be about 2 1/2 seconds of shear entertainment.
Ive made that joke in the company of various service members..including the Fightin Sailors...;)

And we clinked glasses, laughed and talked more shit...your point?


Well-Known Member
I think that ultra liberals like to paint conservatives as ignorant, gun-toting rednecks, while ultra-conservatives like to paint liberals as bleeding heart, tree hugging, never have a job, welfare suckers.

Sure, these extremes do exist, and Youtube has many hilarious and sad examples of both. My point was that most of us, on whatever side, have many things in common, and we should be able to have rational discussion with no name calling. (I'm not accusing you of name-calling, i'm just re-iterating my point)
I agree with you. I think this kid is just trolling with this thread. Notice how he attacks Hemlock for something completely and utterly unrelated to the topic? That's called an ad hominem attack. It's a tactic used by a debater to derail the debate or discredit the opponent in some way. Pretty lame if you ask me. No intelligent person should ever need to use the strawman or argumentum ad hominem. It's the last bastion of the defeated.:sad:


Well-Known Member
Ive made that joke in the company of various service members..including the Fightin Sailors...;)

And we clinked glasses, laughed and talked more shit...your point?
Yeah, "joke" implies something funny. And given the context of the discussion I would say you didn't mean it as a joke, now did you?:fire:


Active Member
I agree with you. I think this kid is just trolling with this thread. Notice how he attacks Hemlock for something completely and utterly unrelated to the topic? That's called an ad hominem attack. It's a tactic used by a debater to derail the debate or discredit the opponent in some way. Pretty lame if you ask me. No intelligent person should ever need to use the strawman or argumentum ad hominem. It's the last bastion of the defeated.:sad:
Boy you just love quoting the rules and playing the victim. Bet you were a hall monitor in high school. Well congrats, this is my last reply to anything you ever say again! My first iggy on RIU.

I was replying to his signature and busting balls a little. Thats what men do. Maybe you will understand some day.

And unless you were born before 1973 you can not call me kid, child.

Bye bye


Active Member
Come on guys, I don't think he is a troll. He made a post, which he has every right to do, and then everyone started with the stuff. Rob, you started on him right away about crackerjack not being on here and kinda made a half attempt at being snotty. And then Doc, you mentioned that he ripped the post off, but even if he did change a few words and make a similiar post, so what? I see it all the time, one side makes a joke, and the other side re-words the joke back at them.
I think this whole thing has taken a bad turn, and everyone is getting all defensive, I don't see the point in it.
I was just posting this because I know Roland through many PM's and conversation, and vouch for him. Not that my vouch means anything, but anyways...