2x 3x3 F&D, 1200 watts, Cheesequake and Querkle from TGA

Pon De Floor

Active Member
this is my dream grow.

I'm finishing off a small CQ and FLAV grow, and i might try querkle soon too. So i would pretty much have the same line up haha.


Well-Known Member
very dank lookin buds bro... keep up the great work!
Thanks man, Some Barney's VKush up next. Got some work this week, gotta get my AC, dehumidifier, C02 and environmental controller installed. Clean the room and the tables etc... Gonna be a busy week.


Well-Known Member
What was the final weight?
haven't actually weighed it yet, I still have 3 partial plants up that need to come down tomorrow night. I'm estimating about 1 and 1/4 lbs to 1 and 1/2. I would have pulled over two but I started this grow from seed and didn't end up with enough females to fill in all the spots. I could have vegged a little longer to fill out the canopy but my stash was running low. lol

Next one should be well over 2 lbs considering I am adding the c02 and have time to properly veg them out.


Well-Known Member
bleh, so I wam redoing my room today, got the c02 and shit installed. But I just realized the AC unit I have is not gonna work out for this. It's an older 8000btu portable that I had lying around from back when I had an APT unit. Problem is, it can't be controlled by my ENV controller as once power is cut from it, it needs to be turned back on with a button on the unit manually so the controller can't turn it back on by itself. I knew this was gonna be a problem but since the AC unit itself has a thermometer on it I figured I could just run it stand alone and be fine. WRONG. Fucking fan runs on the AC unit whether it is cooling using the compressor or not. And even when the compressor is not running it still exhausts air from it's exhaust port. So essentially it would be like an exhaust fan constantly exhausting my room which is a waste of c02 and completely fucked. lol

Any of you guys run a sealed tent? It's a 4x8. Need about an 8000btu PORTABLE unit that can be controlled completely by a sentinel environmental controller. IE: Does not need to be restarted manually when power is cut. Anyone have any suggestions? Gonna do some researching now but I would appreciate any input from someone who understands the dilemma and knows a good unit that would work.


Well-Known Member
How do you go about cleaning your tent because im planing on buying the same one.
The tent itself I just vacuum out and wipe the walls down w/ bleach and water. The tables I flood with a mixture of H202 and Hygrozyme for a couple days to break down the leftover roots and kill any bacteria before I put new plants in the medium.


Well-Known Member
During your grow do you add any bleach or h202 to the reservoir to keep the roots healthy?
No I use beneficials and hygrozyme during the grow. I only use the h202 for maintenance when no plants are in the system due to the fact that it is a strong oxidizer and can be harmful to the plants if overused. I'm currently giving the Humbolt line of benes a try, Myco Madness and White Widow.


Well-Known Member
Moved my VK's into the flower tent w/ the new c02 setup and everything. Things are not going well unfortunately. I'm having a hard time pinpointing the issue but I am about to just kill off these 4 plants and start over. They have been getting worse and worse ever since I put them in the larger tent w/ the c02. Extremely droopy leaves, leaves are drying out w/ yellowing and necrotic spots, reddish stems, it seems like a potassium deficiency but I am feeding at about 1000PPM and my pH is staying around 5.8-6.1, I just can't imagine that there is not enough available K for the plants. Perhaps I should be feeding much more aggressively now with the c02 enrichment? My other thought is that the vanilla kush just doesn't like these higher temps. I have been keeping the tent in the 85-90 degree range. Which should be optimal for this setup. Kind of out of ideas. This really sucks.