Club 600

I saw you posted in your thread that you were going to run 800W of Induction lighting. The manufacturers are making some pretty big claims and I think it will pretty cool to see a grow start to finish using them to see if they live up to the claims.
Oh come on! I got a 100 and the 66 for like 500 dollars... they are worth it

Does that include two quality fans? Sounds good if it does.

I see the Can 66 filters for around $190 and the 100s for around $280, no fans. $470 plus shipping if you buy online and you still need a couple fans big enough to effectively use the filters of that size.
With 2 can-fans and 2 100s is close to $1000. Not bad but im going to speak to my pcp about the O3 and my health.

Yes, Ill be using 800w (880w actual). I will be documenting "everything". I want to know penny for penny, if it is more cost efficient to run these.

You wont find the lumens output on the websites or brochures for these lamps. Lumens dont matter to plants, but the actual lumens per watt is 122lpw(108,000 total) for those who want to know. I will post a link right here in the 600 once its started.

If im able to run these with no a/c unit in the summer, then I can see these flying off the shelves. Especially with a life span of 20 years running 12/12. :)

Also I will be doing a smaller test using, 150w edfl vs 150w hps. This induction lamp will be in 2700k not bi-spectrum to test them watt for watt against an hps in only the flowering stage. I will use the same vegging equipment for both edfl and hps in this comparison

Fun summer ahead!
There are indeed a lot of factors within lighting, lumens only one of them, but lumens and growing are related, perhaps not directly, but you put a 400 v a 600 and you will see a difference....imho (without getting into temps, frequencies, PAR, etc)
Sounds like some cool experiments. When you say these lighting companies are getting onto you...are they sponsoring this experiment, whats the deal? If they do run more economically I would be very interested though.

EDIT, and of course if they provide the same or better effects.
I had written to them and got prices and information, at first using a false name. They were more than helpful.

I gave them my real name, and now my phone rings.......lets talk deals! They will be quietly watching the comparison on RIU as well.

The outcome of this test could be a turning point for both us and them.

Even at equal results to a hps lamp watt for watt, this could be a big saver for those with heat issues. imagine 600w of edfl vs 600w hps. one with a/c one without. this means you can use that money saved on electricity and put it into more lighting if you want. you can add another 600w of edfl and still use less electricity than hps with a/c. yet again it all depends on the lamps ability to produce.

Each person should take the information given throughout the testing, and apply it to their individual conditions. This may not be a better option for some, you have to break it down and see what you have and what you may gain, or even lose.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. I wish you all the luck Mr D.Gotti! anything that saves electricity is always good. It convincing people people of the long term investment that is the difficult thing because it normally involves shelling out so much on new technology for the poor inventors just to get the tea or coffee costs covered! You starting a thread?...omg, not another thread to sub too, lol (was just talking to someone about that)

peace, D
Thank you DST! Yeah ill have it in my signature. It will start late may. I will have a strictly informational journal, and a discussion. I know it will be huge so I dont want the chat to get in the way of the info.

:) I just cleared lots of old subs....

I hear over-seas the electricity is a bigger problem with growing. Why is that? Do they check everyones usage or is it expensive? I pay 10.6 cents usd per kwh.
Well people are paranoid about everything there is to be paranoid about, meantime they get busted due to someone grassing them up. But everyone wants low electricity bills, and for larger operations I am sure the police are working with the electrical companies, but for the average grow they need to be using multiple thouands of watts and many many amps for it to be noticed. Since most people have a limit, in the uk it's a 100amp you get with your supply max, in NL it's only 40 :shock: which is fekkin useless really, the police are not going to waste there time I wouldn't have thought trying to suss out legal paying customers electricity usage. the problem arises when there are large surges in street usage where people bypass and run into house from the main supply. I know a very handy guy that will do that for you if you want but that's a big risk as well. Better to keep it low key, under the radar, and slowly slowly catchy monkey. imho.
i used to worry ablout having a 400 and a 800 hooked up. but my fish+reptile tanks run 200w. so im sure im under the radar because alot of people have wayyyy more then i do
I think I run about 5 amps on my op, a washing machine and a dishwasher, cooker are all higher. My Siemens Hob is fekkin huge wattage, 5 different electrical plates, heat plate, blah de fekin no, I wouldn't worry about using a 600 T.
My SGE uses a 240v setup for amperage reasons. Thats probably how you do it in the NL.

I use a little under 4kw for my animals and about the same for my plants. Thats less than half of my 100A service(8kw/240v=33.33amps)

Yes everyone likes spending less, especially when it means making more. :)

I would caution everyone to not steal/re-route/illegally re-direct any electricity from the street. Thats just like telling the police you want to live in a 1 star hotel with a thin single mattress and 3 tiny meals a day.
Lol, see i dont have a washer/dryer, dishwasher.. but as far as things that are on constantly are the central heat, water heater tv and cable box, pet cages an my grow room which right now is only running the 600 no fans or anything. so i think i could stand to run a lot more. i heard somewhere that a large flatscreen is using 200w even when off.

edit: here is where i saw it.
My SGE uses a 240v setup for amperage reasons. Thats probably how you do it in the NL.

I use a little under 4kw for my animals and about the same for my plants. Thats less than half of my 100A service(8kw/240v=33.33amps)

Yes everyone likes spending less, especially when it means making more. :)

I would caution everyone to not steal/re-route/illegally re-direct any electricity from the street. Thats just like telling the police you want to live in a 1 star hotel with a thin single mattress and 3 tiny meals a day.

Glad you threw the last bit in there. Stealing electricity is definitely not the answer. I could do it if I wanted to since I know exactly how to do it and am certified to work with electricity so I know I can do it safely but I don't because it is possible for the power company to narrow things down enough when searching for a loss to cause you trouble. Not everyone that does will get caught but look up the penalties for stealing utilities and I think you'd change your mind if you were planning on doing it.

I've 'flat barred' many power meters in the past to secure temp power until we recieved our meter on jobsites and it's a risky thing every time. When the utility company comes to set your meter and they see it's been flat barred they get pissed. Whether you get in trouble or not really depends on who's setting the meter. Usually they'll just set it anyway and leave you a nice threatening letter but there are times when they decide enough is enough and will seek prosecution. The first company I worked for building cell towers got hit with a suit for stealing power and ended up pleading out and getting some huge fine.
I wanted to share something that goes back to the Ozone generators.
A few weeks ago I was picking up my daughter from the daycare and noticed an extra fan sound coming from the corner. I looked at it and immediately thought it might be an Ozone gen but figured it could be one of those 'woody' things so I walked over to check it out and the lady running the place starts to talk to me about it telling me how expensive it was and how and where she bought it. I asked her if she even knew what it really was or how it worked and she tried to explain to me what she thought it was or how it worked. I asked her if she ever read the manual and she said no so I turned it off and told her she needed to find and read the manual before running it around the kids.

A couple of days later this hot girl that works there that like to get herb from me sends me a txt asking me about it and telling me that she walked into the room earlier that day only to be hit with the feeling she was breathing in bleach fumes and it made her start coughing and shit. She just said she remembered seeing me talking to the owner about it so she figured I knew what it was and wanted to know for herself. After telling her about Ozone generators and sending her a few links where she can learn about them herself she called me all freaked out.

That afternoon I saw it on but turned down really low so I asked the owner if she'd read up on them and her answer was that she doesn't have time for that kind of stuff. Can you believe that shit?!
Her husband used to work for me so I talked to him about it, showed him what it really was since he thought it was a carbon filter based deodorizer and he cut the end off the cord before I even left. Bitch calls me complaining saying she paid $1200 for the little thing and she was pissed at me for getting involved.

Last thing I said before hanging up was that if she wants to ruin her old ass lungs, hook it up in her bedroom but I'm not going to stand by and watch her fill a room where my child plays with something that's known to cause lung and throat damage. That was the end of it but she doesn't speak to me anymore and gives me dirty looks whenever she sees me. I've since found another daycare where my daughter will be starting in a few months that actually has better hours and is closer to ym wife's work, hehe.
Way to go Dez, rather a dirty look from a stupid money hungry bitch than a bunch a sick kids.

What I'm sayin'. She's had this thing for a few years and never turned it on until a few weeks ago but got all bent towards me when her husband cut the cord, lol. I didn't ask or tell him to do anything. Just showed him the info on what it was and he took matters into his own hands.
See...the trick to stealing power is to not steal it all...just steal what you are using for your grow...just run the stolen power to a new service panel strictly for the grow and nothing else...that way the rest of the house is on legit power and nothing changes...I would only recommend this if you have like ten 1000s going...but...My girl and I live in a four bedroom house all alone...cfl's throughout the house(amazing what they do to a power bill)not a single incandescent bulb in the whole house...and we always shut off lights and turn off tvs when not in the night if we remember we unplug the surge protector so not even standby power is being used on the entertainment system...cell chargers...all draw quite a bit(added up over time)....We use way less than the average american family(husband and wife with 2 kids) even with the grow going.