Club 600


Well-Known Member
I wanted to share something that goes back to the Ozone generators.
A few weeks ago I was picking up my daughter from the daycare and noticed an extra fan sound coming from the corner. I looked at it and immediately thought it might be an Ozone gen but figured it could be one of those 'woody' things so I walked over to check it out and the lady running the place starts to talk to me about it telling me how expensive it was and how and where she bought it. I asked her if she even knew what it really was or how it worked and she tried to explain to me what she thought it was or how it worked. I asked her if she ever read the manual and she said no so I turned it off and told her she needed to find and read the manual before running it around the kids.

A couple of days later this hot girl that works there that like to get herb from me sends me a txt asking me about it and telling me that she walked into the room earlier that day only to be hit with the feeling she was breathing in bleach fumes and it made her start coughing and shit. She just said she remembered seeing me talking to the owner about it so she figured I knew what it was and wanted to know for herself. After telling her about Ozone generators and sending her a few links where she can learn about them herself she called me all freaked out.

That afternoon I saw it on but turned down really low so I asked the owner if she'd read up on them and her answer was that she doesn't have time for that kind of stuff. Can you believe that shit?!
Her husband used to work for me so I talked to him about it, showed him what it really was since he thought it was a carbon filter based deodorizer and he cut the end off the cord before I even left. Bitch calls me complaining saying she paid $1200 for the little thing and she was pissed at me for getting involved.

Last thing I said before hanging up was that if she wants to ruin her old ass lungs, hook it up in her bedroom but I'm not going to stand by and watch her fill a room where my child plays with something that's known to cause lung and throat damage. That was the end of it but she doesn't speak to me anymore and gives me dirty looks whenever she sees me. I've since found another daycare where my daughter will be starting in a few months that actually has better hours and is closer to ym wife's work, hehe.
What a bitch....good for you DEZ


Well-Known Member
We've cut our power consumption considerably too. CFLs throughout, like you, but we don't turn off the surge protectors for the entertainment stuff. I may start doing that though to see what happens. I'll tell you what though, even with the grow running our elec bill has been lower at this house than our previous house with no grow until this last bill. That house was big and inefficient so is cost a lot to heat and cool plus the kids always leave lights on and in a big house you don't know if lights are on in other parts of the house.

That said, my last elec bill was $326 USD.:shock:

It's been around $250 up to now.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 600's,and plan to get one more for the flower room,as of now i got a 2' 8 bulb t-5 for veg,jus pay the bill is the easy way for me. i wonder how much pedalin one would have to do for two 600 watt hps..........?


Well-Known Member
What I'm sayin'. She's had this thing for a few years and never turned it on until a few weeks ago but got all bent towards me when her husband cut the cord, lol. I didn't ask or tell him to do anything. Just showed him the info on what it was and he took matters into his own hands.
Isn't it really sick that the people we leave our kids in care of don't have the time to look into matters that can affect their well being. Yesterday my wife had to go into my daughters high school and report an anonymous threat, "your gonna get stabbed...", made on a site that all her school friends use to talk on, no not facebook. The on site officer tried making her feel bad because she was on that site. I always believed that police are supposed to police, not pass judgment, cause that's what judges are for. Anyway, she spent all day feeling like a rat, because some people don't believe she should have told her parents, but it seems to be working the other way, so far. People are all telling her how sorry they are that this happened to her. Gotta stand up for our kids and teach them to fight for their right to live without fear and not have to "forget about it, it'll pass".


Well-Known Member
my last electric bill was the highest so far too...$300usd...only cause our windows are original(house built in 68)...not even close to efficient...real fkn drafty....that's next summers project tho...if I don't sell the house!!!


Well-Known Member
my last electric bill was the highest so far too...$300usd...only cause our windows are original(house built in 68)...not even close to efficient...real fkn drafty....that's next summers project tho...if I don't sell the house!!!
dam,$300 jus for some power,or was gas in there to?


Well-Known Member
Good to hear you found a new place for your daughter Dezracer

Today I realized I was running 180 watts in each of my 2 bathrooms, I took them down and put only a single 26w cfl I had extra in each bathroom. They put out the same amount of light and I just reduced my consumption by 300 watts! I have a couple of other lights around the place that I need to replace with cfl's and hopefully I will replace my 200w cfl that I use for vegging with an LED light soon too.


Well-Known Member
I have one of those bicycle things too. Mine says mag trainer on it though as in magnetic. I used to have a road bicycle before the back problems that i used to train on. Have to keep the endurance up for the, i mean races. Anyway it came with the bike when i bought it and still have it for some reason. Need to sell it i suppose


Well-Known Member
It may be time to start seriously looking at the LED home lighting that's coming out now. the bulbs are expensive, but boy will they pay for themselves if they last as long as they should.. Has anyone found that CFLs don't really last as long as they say they do, especially in an enclosed fixture like a ceiling globe? I think the ballasts get too hot and fry. Maybe it's just me. But I would rather pay real money for reliable fixtures than use the old style and keep paying for that in my electric bill. We all want to see that lower.


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at LEDs for vegging for months but I am still very skeptical to use them for flowering.

Too bad you have to pony up some cash to take full advantage of LEDs for flowering...if I'm gonna go big I might as well go plasma


Well-Known Member
I was looking back over the last couple of pages and saw a typo in one of my posts (damn touchscreen phone). I posted we went 184 in that car but tried to type 164. Oh well.

@ Don - I've fallen in love with your DOG there. Love at first sight I tell ya, just lovely.
I was really impressed with the 184, you shouldnt have told j/k


Well-Known Member
Haha, honesty bro. Means a lot to me and the 164 in the car came up quick at Willow Springs Raceway. It was some sort of track day event that the owner of the shop got invited to and he brought me and one other guy. There was just a bunch of dudes with killer cars there running their cars on the track all day long and I was fortunate enough to be offered a chance to drive the Viper GTS on the track. I'd driven it on the street a few times when it was in getting stuff done to it but to drive it on a track with racing tires was something completely different.

It's much easier to get away with pushing the 150mph mark on the street on a bike than a car IMO. More likely to hit something or get caught in a car is what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Thank you DST! Yeah ill have it in my signature. It will start late may. I will have a strictly informational journal, and a discussion. I know it will be huge so I dont want the chat to get in the way of the info.

:) I just cleared lots of old subs....

I hear over-seas the electricity is a bigger problem with growing. Why is that? Do they check everyones usage or is it expensive? I pay 10.6 cents usd per kwh.
17 cents per KWH here


Well-Known Member
Haha, honesty bro. Means a lot to me and the 164 in the car came up quick at Willow Springs Raceway. It was some sort of track day event that the owner of the shop got invited to and he brought me and one other guy. There was just a bunch of dudes with killer cars there running their cars on the track all day long and I was fortunate enough to be offered a chance to drive the Viper GTS on the track. I'd driven it on the street a few times when it was in getting stuff done to it but to drive it on a track with racing tires was something completely different.

It's much easier to get away with pushing the 150mph mark on the street on a bike than a car IMO. More likely to hit something or get caught in a car is what I mean.
I dont drive like that anymore, and never got caught. I actually got rid of the car to keep myself safer. I have kids now and as suck that means I am not anymore. I want it back though, but realize that I am better off without it though. The tickets cost too much now, and I dont need the worry that I might have something in my pocket etc....
To drive on the track would be awesome though!!


Well-Known Member
It may be time to start seriously looking at the LED home lighting that's coming out now. the bulbs are expensive, but boy will they pay for themselves if they last as long as they should.. Has anyone found that CFLs don't really last as long as they say they do, especially in an enclosed fixture like a ceiling globe? I think the ballasts get too hot and fry. Maybe it's just me. But I would rather pay real money for reliable fixtures than use the old style and keep paying for that in my electric bill. We all want to see that lower.
I bought some and they had a 7 yr warranty on them. I called the company and complained when they lasted only a year (bathroom lighting not grow) and they said it is based on 2 or 3 hrs a day only and that was solid use and not intermittent. Cfl's are not the future of lighting. I actually had one that caught on fire through the ballast! It was not even in an enclosure.


Well-Known Member
Fk LED....I'll be rockin my HPS till I see someone only pay round $400(roughly what a HPS ballast and good bulb would cost) for a LED and pull a LB off 4 plants.......No thanks....Keep em for the Christmas Lights!!!!!LOL


Well-Known Member
Fk LED....I'll be rockin my HPS till I see someone only pay round $400(roughly what a HPS ballast and good bulb would cost) for a LED and pull a LB off 4 plants.......No thanks....Keep em for the Christmas Lights!!!!!LOL
lol, I am with ya on that one. I just dont believe that they will do it. I just bought a 400 watt MH for veg, I cant even afford enough led to make some real growth!!


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAH...don't look at my clones....LOL...hahahah....this is what happens when family is in town for a wedding and you don't look at em for 6 days and it's 80* in the little 2'x2'x'2box....but what I really want to show you is the sticker on the light fixture....notice the color too....LOL

I had em on both sides of my swingarm but always feared what would happen to my bike sitting alone in a parking lot and some hillbilly biker trash saw it.....good shit tho...I've got about a 100 more if anyone wants some........stickers that is .....not dead clones....LOL


Well-Known Member
To each his own I guess. I have owned multiple bikes from all different makes(never a crotch rocket). I do know we all face the same dumbass's on the road, no matter what bike you ride.