How Rich Are You?

which income level are you

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
That sounds like you are talking out your ass, i've never whined or cried on this site. I've tried to shame assholes like yourself, but to no avail. I am not blaming anyone for my predicament, which aint that bad really. I own my own home, drive nearly new vehicles, paid for I might add, live very comfortably and owe no-one except for a small mortguage payment. So where you got that I was crying or blaming others for my life is beyond me. I guess you are just the consumate asshole. You'll garner no respect from me.
Haha sounds to me like youve been crying this whole thread. Hey your richer then me maybe i should hate on you lol. Just admit that your jealous! Cause thats all i keep hearing through your constant babbleing.


Well-Known Member
Btw maybe theres a reason you cant shame "assholes" like me. Just food for thought lol


New Member
Folks that envy "the better off than you" will NEVER DO ANY BETTER because they are so ate up that they will never go do what it takes to get ahead. It takes getting your ass up every day, and yes on the weekends to, and busting your ass every day. Always do right by people and you will likely catch a break. Never turn down a task that needs to be done simply because "Its not your job". This poor pittiful me shit pisses me off.
I assume you are talking to me, the poor pitiful me crap. Well asshole, I'm not pituful, I am rather poor, and oh yeah, I am me, so you are partly right. My intentions on this thread was not to denegrate anyone but to bring to light the political leanings and attitudes of differing income/wealth levels. I certainly see your attitude, and it reeks of I've got mine, fuck you. You are a wannabee. I'm pretty certain you wanted the tax cuts for the rich, even though you probably would not have benefited from them, thats the part I can't figure out. Are you looking to the future or are you sure that you'll need those tax breaks in the near future. You do know that you would get the same cuts on the first 250K anyway, right? Are you for a tax free society? Do you believe you owe nothing to this society? Do you want to keep every penny you have worked so hard for and fuck everyone else? Even though you have used every available government entity to further your interests, highways, police, fire, power grid, water grid, etc.


Well-Known Member
Ya no problem, I meen I'm always nice to deserving ppl and I help others when i can. If thats the def. of an asshole then ya I'm an "asshole"


Well-Known Member
The truth seems to be, if you've got money, you vote right, if you are in the underclass, you vote left. there are a few surprises, like the wannabees that vote against their own best interests, I guess because they see themselves as being wealthy someday, a pretty futile view, but then we're not talking rocket scientists for this group.
i know you've never been too big on truth, but the only thing your poll shows is the relative youth of a majority of its responders. sure there are some folks like me in those bottom two tiers, who have found a comfortable niche and require little to make themselves happy, but i'd hazard a guess that many more have yet to reach their full earning potential. those "wannabes", as you call them, are the ones who reject your defeatism and spite. they instead recognize that there is good and bad at every economic level and feel no need to penalize those who have a bit more than the fools of the world would like them to have. it isn't whether they are intelligent or delusional, but a simple matter of conscience.


New Member
Ya no problem, I meen I'm always nice to deserving ppl and I help others when i can. If thats the def. of an asshole then ya I'm an "asshole"
OK, if you can play nice, so can I. I rescind my asshole nomenclature, you may actually be an allright dude. If I smoked the ganja, I'd probably be fine with sharing a joint with you, since I don't anymore, I guess that will never happen. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
OK, if you can play nice, so can I. I rescind my asshole nomenclature, you may actually be an allright dude. If I smoked the ganja, I'd probably be fine with sharing a joint with you, since I don't anymore, I guess that will never happen. Peace out.
Cool thats very civilized of you man


Active Member
I don't even clear 10k a year being 100% disabled. That's including every bit of extra money I can scape up which is maybe $100-$150 a month from computer gigs when I can. My wife makes under 20k working full time and then some. It's been so bad lately we are debating whether we need to hit a food bank next week. We're totally awesome with our money, super frugal, no waste. The only thing we even have financed is our home which will paid off in 5-6 more years. Other than that we have NO debt. No credit cards, no car payments, cell phones, don't eat out, etc. If even one little thing came up though, car repair, medical bill, whatever we'd be sunk. It really sucks living this way but we try to appreciate what we have and feel fortunate to have clean water, electricity, internet, food, clothes etc. It could always be worse right? Peace! =)


New Member
i know you've never been too big on truth, but the only thing your poll shows is the relative youth of a majority of its responders. sure there are some folks like me in those bottom two tiers, who have found a comfortable niche and require little to make themselves happy, but i'd hazard a guess that many more have yet to reach their full earning potential. those "wannabes", as you call them, are the ones who reject your defeatism and spite. they instead recognize that there is good and bad at every economic level and feel no need to penalize those who have a bit more than the fools of the world would like them to have. it isn't whether they are intelligent or delusional, but a simple matter of conscience.
This really outdoes yourself in the laying on of bullshit. Anyone that makes shit wages and would vote the rich a huge tax break is a fucking idiot. That is my take on that. When you've reached that level of income, then so be it. I would hardly expect someone to vote against their own interests, but yet poor republicans do it every year. What you don't get is that the rich people don't give one fuck about you or anyone else in this country. They want all the perks and none of the responsibility. I'm not crying or whining, I'm just being real.


Well-Known Member
This really outdoes yourself in the laying on of bullshit. Anyone that makes shit wages and would vote the rich a huge tax break is a fucking idiot. That is my take on that. When you've reached that level of income, then so be it. I would hardly expect someone to vote against their own interests, but yet poor republicans do it every year. What you don't get is that the rich people don't give one fuck about you or anyone else in this country. They want all the perks and none of the responsibility. I'm not crying or whining, I'm just being real.
And again your lumping all rich ppl into one big group. I agree that there are rich ppl like that but i disagree that all of them are.


New Member
I don't even clear 10k a year being 100% disabled. That's including every bit of extra money I can scape up which is maybe $100-$150 a month from computer gigs when I can. My wife makes under 20k working full time and then some. It's been so bad lately we are debating whether we need to hit a food bank next week. We're totally awesome with our money, super frugal, no waste. The only thing we even have financed is our home which will paid off in 5-6 more years. Other than that we have NO debt. No credit cards, no car payments, cell phones, don't eat out, etc. If even one little thing came up though, car repair, medical bill, whatever we'd be sunk. It really sucks living this way but we try to appreciate what we have and feel fortunate to have clean water, electricity, internet, food, clothes etc. It could always be worse right? Peace! =)
Right, I hope you survive and things get better for you. With the SS not giving raises (COLA) it really smacks the poorest the hardest, meanwhile, cost of living goes ever higher. My Health ins went from 290.00 a mo, to 528.00 a mo. in the blink of an eye, then they raised my co-pay on first line drugs, from 45.00 to 60.00 for a months supply, while eliminating the eyesight benefits and the dental benefits, and everyone wonders why I'm for single payer medical.


Well-Known Member
Why should anyone have to pay more taxes then someone else Just because they make more doesnt meen they should have to pay a higher percentage.


Well-Known Member
why should it be the "riches" responsibility to take care of the poor..the poor are poor because they're lazy..i grew up poor, and made a decision very young in life that i would not live like that. the millionaires would make a difference in this country if the country stopped trying to screw them.
this is almost completely wrong,and if you dont know why then you are not very smart.


Well-Known Member
Why should anyone have to pay more taxes then someone else Just because they make more doesnt meen they should have to pay a higher percentage.

why should poor ppl pay the same amount as the rich?that just keeps poor ppl poor,while the rich get richer.the poor should pay less tax and the rich should pay more.some of the poorest ppl in the world are the most generous eventhough they aint got shit.and many rich ppl are very greedy.theres nothing wrong with being rich as long as you give back to society in a positive way.