Burger Boss
Well-Known Member
Dope Seeds Order ???????????????????
I ordered Dec 7 2010 and still have not received any package.
I ordered a 5 pack of Tangerine Dream and A ten pack of Purple Wreck.
He emailed me and told me the package would go out the next day.
I ordered from Attitude the same day and got both I repeat both of my packages two weeks ago.
I emailed him twice and I am waiting to here back from Jim at Dopes Seeds but still no email.
Ill keep everyone posted but I would wait on buying anything from them as of today
So sorry for your trouble. However, I have NO intentions of EVER buying from anyone other that the Attitude. It seems to be repeated over and over, ad nauseum, Stay the hell away from "no-name/no-game" wanna be seed houses!
But what the hey....it's your money and time, spend it where you see fit, Good luck & good grow.......BB