• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Can You Adam And Eve It?


Well-Known Member
Oh and by the way there is no such thing as an athiest....... Push him out of a plane and he will be praying to God before he hits the ground.
haaaa, yeah theres no "God". an atheist isnt somebody who likes to say they dont beleive in god just to push ur buttons, although im sure ud be the perfect type to fuck with. an atheist is somebody who sees the world thought their own eyes, instead of allowing childrens stories act as the base blueprint of their reality. they see that theres no point in beleiving in a god unless you are an afraid individual in search of answers. asking questions u really dont want the answers to. seriously, what would u do if u woke up tomorrow morning and understood the nature of the universe? having the biggest question answered, it would kind of make everything before that irrelevant, even pointless, wouldnt it? i dont think u could handle it. i think a lot of people would get curious n off themselves after a lil while

if i was pushed out of a plane i would probly start taking my clothes off. nude freefalling must be a really liberating experience. i certainly wouldnt be praying to god, hoping that i would wake up in a city of clouds. fuck harps.


Well-Known Member
they see that theres no point in beleiving in a god unless you are an afraid individual in search of answers. asking questions u really dont want the answers to.
Yea maybe...but as far as I know humans have curosity and reason ingrained in their nature...How can they avoid the search of truth and answers...every human is almost forced to investigate by their own nature... I mean if there is a horrific car accident right outside of anyone of your houses...who wouldn't want to know what is going on?....


Well-Known Member
do you guys really want to know that the outside world exists?...study phenomenology...study of phenomenon or matter from a subjective view point...Today many scientists use phenomenological descriptions to state their findings...at least you'll get a better description of it as opposed to looking at it from simple perception, once phenomenologically described the object can not be mistaken phenomenologically, two phenomenologist will look at the same object and come up with the exact same description...however phenomenology is not something to be read about it has to be practiced...just like a piano....


New Member
do you guys really want to know that the outside world exists?...study phenomenology...study of phenomenon or matter from a subjective view point...Today many scientists use phenomenological descriptions to state their findings...at least you'll get a better description of it as opposed to looking at it from simple perception, once phenomenologically described the object can not be mistaken phenomenologically, two phenomenologist will look at the same object and come up with the exact same description...however phenomenology is not something to be read about it has to be practiced...just like a piano....
Which type of phenomenology?


Well-Known Member
Wow, I hope this thread is still active. I am way ready to engage on this one from a different perspective. Anyone game?

Not everyone with a life believes there is no God, and the American perspective is not the only one, or even the right one. Anyone game?


New Member
Wow, I hope this thread is still active. I am way ready to engage on this one from a different perspective. Anyone game?

Not everyone with a life believes there is no God, and the American perspective is not the only one, or even the right one. Anyone game?
Only on condition you bring something new. I'm pretty much talked out, and I don't want to repeat myself.


Well-Known Member
skunk if you are a realist then you know you don't know anything... i'm a realist myself... i don't believe god should live my life for me i just believe that he is.... there is to much unknown to ever claim true knowledge... our reason for being here is to get as close to true knowledge as possible... i don't understand why i believe and i couldn't factually prove it to anyone because i don't have true knowledge... i want so much to know everything but i know that i can't... so i try to leave my mind open and never doubt anything... yet i doubt because i'm not perfect... yet i argue and lie and cheat and all of those bad things because i'm not perfect... the universe has two sides to it that which would destroy it and that which would expand it... ying and yang if you will... those that knowingly give themselves over to evil are destroyers and those that strive to do good are expanders... you don't have to believe in god to be either however a disbelief in god will never lead you to true knowledge... until people are ready to except everything and to do away with that which is evil then the universe will be corrupt... and if this goes on to long then reality will cease to be... we are here because we believe we are here and god is within us if anyone can understand that... god is the everlasting nature of the universe that part of the universe which would expand it... whereas the devil is the part of the universe which would destroy it... also a part of us is the devil or whatever you want to call it... we were put here to choose which we would do and given the choice to do either... good actions are those that build up the world the solar system the universe... bad actions are those which destroy... everyone knows the differnce between good and bad and know what i'm talking about... humans are the future or the end for this part of the universe at least... chew on that for a while...lol


Well-Known Member
skunk if you are a realist then you know you don't know anything... i'm a realist myself... i don't believe god should live my life for me i just believe that he is.... there is to much unknown to ever claim true knowledge... our reason for being here is to get as close to true knowledge as possible... (1)i don't understand why i believe and i couldn't factually prove it to anyone because i don't have true knowledge... i want so much to know everything but i know that i can't... so i try to leave my mind open and never doubt anything... (2)yet i doubt because i'm not perfect... yet i argue and lie and cheat and all of those bad things because i'm not perfect... the universe has two sides to it that which would destroy it and that which would expand it... ying and yang if you will... those that knowingly give themselves over to evil are destroyers and those that strive to do good are expanders... you don't have to believe in god to be either however a disbelief in god will never lead you to true knowledge... until people are ready to except everything and to do away with that which is evil then the universe will be corrupt... and if this goes on to long then reality will cease to be... we are here because we believe we are here and god is within us if anyone can understand that... god is the everlasting nature of the universe that part of the universe which would expand it... whereas the devil is the part of the universe which would destroy it... also a part of us is the devil or whatever you want to call it... we were put here to choose which we would do and given the choice to do either... good actions are those that build up the world the solar system the universe... bad actions are those which destroy... (3)everyone knows the differnce between good and bad and know what i'm talking about... humans are the future or the end for this part of the universe at least... chew on that for a while...lol
1- man, thats getting real tired. ive pointed out the relativity of knowledge/truth before as well, but i also used it to prove a point. every time u say this, ur simply telling us that u have blind faith in what u believe and u have no rationale to support it. ur practically saying ur convicted to staying ignorant. u say that u want an open mind, but u censor urself from accepting the obvious. if u had a truly free mind u wouldnt have to rely on others' ideas to figure out what u think, so instead of taking pride in ur ability to accept and question others' opinions, go that one step further and make ur own.

2- u are perfect. is there some kind of scale that i dont know about? what makes u think that u arent fulfilling ur potential?

3- i disagree. i dont know the difference between good and evil, and im sure many people will agree with me that all moral standards are relative to the social environment they were created in.


New Member
I tend not to read frth's posts too much. They are long-winded and pointless. They get me angry (slightly) as I know there is no getting through to him. He'll completely ignore everything you say and go into one of these bullshit diatribes.

I'll never forget one of his first statements where he told us about the numerous atheists he had personally heard scream out to god on their deathbeds. lol. I pushed and pushed, but he would never provide me with an answer as to how many. I think he said it not long after mentioning he had gotten back from Iraq. "Seen a lot of bad shit man." Trying to use an emotional scenario to back up his argument.

frth, still has a lot of thinking (growing?) to do. I believe he is lost, still not quite made up his mind yet.


Well-Known Member
i bet frthnkr is a pretty smart dude, and it took some a bit of will power of his own to grow his faith in chrsitianity (if my memory serves me correctly, he said he was raised without strong religious influences.) to start out atheist n then put a massive amount of faith in something can be very empowering, so if he adopted his beliefs during his duty in the armed forces, it wouldnt suprize me, epecially being that the military does base alot of its mind washing in christianity (mainly used on infantry, so im not sure about frthnkrs case, i believe he said he was airforce?)

i think alot of people find themselves in situations where they want faith in something to get threw their daily struggles. but most of the time, by the time they get to this point, they have lost a lot of self esteem and fear putting this faith in themselves.

they think of themselves as being small, insignificant, or weak so they ask for help from somebody else. why not the biggest, strongest, most intelligent thing conceivable? THE God. a being so great that we, as mere morals, cant imagine its true form.

sometimes the holy bible is used to confirm their beliefs. despite the fact that its been bastardized countless times over the years by tyants in order to gain more power over the people who truly follow the words of the book.

people need to just put their faith in themselves n roll with the punches. dont give somebody else the credit for what uve done, and dont allow the thoughts of an afterlife hinder what u will do in this lifetime.


New Member
Maybe I came across a little harsh in my last post. But I always try to be honest.

the thing you mentioned about being small and weak, this is paranoia. Or, at least can escalate to such.

I honestly know however that these aren't the only people that turn to belief in a god. Some people just arrive at that conclusion. 7x, has mentioned Stephen Hawking a couple of times, and I read his book about ten years ago (a brief history of time) I also read a biography of hawking alongside this book so I may confuse small personal facts between the books. Anyway, whichever book it was... Stephen actually alluded to some type of creator, not a superman or anything like these religious nutters believe, but some type of creator all the same. He didn't linger long on the subject, at least not in the book. It was 7x that reminded me of this, I believe he actually mentioned this very fact. If someone as great as Hawking can't totally discount a creator, who am I?

If you haven't read it preo', it really is a good read. It's written for the layman too, at least that's what it (used to) says on the cover. I remember struggling slightly with at times, but it was 10 years ago. I need to read it again.


Well-Known Member
I believe in God, but I found this on a site and I thought I would throw it out there for the Hell of it.

Can you prove that God exists?

I will pay $1,000,000.00 (that's one million dollars)
to anyone who can do so!!!

All you have to do is prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God exists. It is really that easy!

Here are a few very simple guidelines:

  1. [*]You can not prove anything by "faith" so do not even go that route.
    [*]No secondhand accounts of alleged "miracles"
    [*]Proof must be shown and/or done in front of us only i.e. no pictures or film accepted.
    [*]Must be acceptable to a double blind test
    [*]Televangelist shysters need not apply
It is really as simple as we say. Just provide absolute proof of Gods existence and the money is yours!! Watch this site for further details and challengers!!
PS: Due to numerous emails, we will define god for our challenge purpose and we will keep it very simple. A god can be any being with supernatural powers who claims to be a god, and who can perform supernatural acts that defy rational explanation.
Please click here if you wish to accept this challenge, or if you just want to comment on it.

Best of Luck to you, I wont try, I will just stick to talking to myself.. :mrgreen:

prove me you got a million....