Not sure if I understand the direction of your post. I was stating that on page 1 OP had digressed to a standpoint of "kill them beaners," and not that killing Mexicans is in any way, shape, or form an enjoyable pastime of mine. I really don't enjoy it anymoreNo would be the short answer...
And good luck with that they will be the ones to kill us or displace us and it's pretty much a wrap nothing to be done about it...hope things hold out but its a question of when not if
I guess you haven't been to European countries or Australia? Ask them about immigration. or China hows their attitude twords illegals? If you are for opening the borders - I agree that might be a better solution than what we are currently doing - i'm for either deporting 100% of illegals or opening the borders and granting citizenship and work papers. if we opened the borders and got rid of the border patrol and INS and military we could eliminate our deficit. If we deported illegals we could get rid of unemployment and have good jobs and nice houses -either option sounds good to methis is some real bullshit with "american culture". if you want to be more technical we all should be speaking native american language not fucking english, thats pure racism. I could care less who comes here and who stays here. and if a job chooses an immagrant over an american is because of so many reason and one of the main one is because sometimes its cheaper and they work harder. im an american born and raised and truth be told ive been around immigrants and americans and theres nothing different about them as a human being the only thing different is that we all come from diffrent places and have different beliefs. for those that believe that america is only for the white fuck off and pack your bags and take off to england where they really came from. our founding fathers didnt come to america because they wanted to be away from different cultures, they came here because they wanted to be free and away from the imperialism that the kings and queens from engalnd had and to live in harmony togheter.
oh and to clarify on jobs hiring illegals because they are cheaper, its so true but you cant blame the illegals for that only, the job companies have a lot to do with that as well. there are so many companies that are struggling to get "by" so common sense would say the best thing to do now in order to keep your business around for a little bit is to hire cheap work, it may not be the best thing to do but its better that being out of business and have more people on the unemployment lines. i could care less of where you come from or who you are as long as you are an honest person with good intentions you are good in my book. i dont look at colors, race, financial status or any of that. ive met illegal immigrants that will take of their shirt from their back and give to someone that needs it, just becuase you havent came across someone like that dont mean that you can trash a whole race because of it. this is the only country that focuses on what color you are and where you come from, ive been to countless countries and never heard a native mention anything about illegal immigrants coming to their country, as a matter of fact they welcome you not like some dickheads here in the states that make a big deal about it, fucking retards dumb fucks that people can be.
I guess you haven't been to European countries or Australia? Ask them about immigration. If you are for opening the borders - I agree that might be a better solution than what we are couriently doing - i'm for either deporting 100% of illegals or opening the borders and granting citizenship and work papers. if we opened the borders and got rid of the border patrol and INS and military we could eliminate our deficit. If we deported illegals we could get rid of unemployment and have good jobs and nice houses -either option sounds good to me
you asked if it was worth reading on and I said NO-Not sure if I understand the direction of your post. I was stating that on page 1 OP had digressed to a standpoint of "kill them beaners," and not that killing Mexicans is in any way, shape, or form an enjoyable pastime of mine. I really don't enjoy it anymore![]()
Canada enforces their shit...Canadian mounties or who ever your border patrol is doesn't fuck around...their doing their jobs and your INS is doing theirs to...Canada deports illegals.If you wanna open your south border go ahaead, but please leave your northern border the way it is.
Then you were talking about how the Original Poster had said something about killing beaners
if we opened the borders and got rid of the border patrol and INS and military we could eliminate our deficit.
so true and im glad that you see that.....
very good point
The hiporcracy really gets me because their allowing a lot of people across the border and their is no attempt to stop it or to deport them but we pay for those services. Yes I know some are stopped at the border and some are deported, but if we wanted it 100% enforced we could stop it almost entirely. Like it or not the point of the border and having a huge military is so that we can have an advantage- you work 40 hrs a week and have a house and food and clothes and vacation...someone in another country works 18 hrs a day 7 days a week and has barely enough to eat. Its fucked up but thats reality I say either get rid of that system and admit it's fucked up and resign ourselves to a meager future or embrace it and don't spout off stuff about liberating people but instead about taking oil so we can drive awsome cars and get plasma T.V.'sso true and im glad that you see that.....
very good point
your right about the conquistadors..but not everyone can be an american...if you are from mexico trying to come here go through the right channels...i can care less about anyone coming here legally..its the illegal ones that piss me off..those are the ones that rape and pillage our health care and welfare systems..this money should be going to american i take you believe in a one world governmentOnly reason the mexican race isnt "pure" as you put it, is because the conquistadors came over and raped and pillaged their land, same as we did with the Native Americans... Americans need to get over this idea that they are better then everyone else because they are Americans..
Not only do i disagree with your first post 100%, but i believe we should have free boarders across the world, who are you to tell me where i can and cant go, who am i to tell someone the same. Our world will not survive if we dont get past these ignorant and idealistic views...
Shit if i was born in Mexico you bet your sweet ass id come up the U.S. Legally or illegally, whatever it took for me and my family to survive...
Finally! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks about South Park every time I see this thread.they tuk ur jobs [video=youtube;brj2UkUPjCI][/video]
South park is right...night of the living homeless was another classic with a message.Finally! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks about South Park every time I see this thread.Terka Derr!
Anyone care to comment on this ^^The hiporcracy really gets me because their allowing a lot of people across the border and their is no attempt to stop it or to deport them but we pay for those services. Yes I know some are stopped at the border and some are deported, but if we wanted it 100% enforced we could stop it almost entirely. Like it or not the point of the border and having a huge military is so that we can have an advantage- you work 40 hrs a week and have a house and food and clothes and vacation...someone in another country works 18 hrs a day 7 days a week and has barely enough to eat. Its fucked up but thats reality I say either get rid of that system and admit it's fucked up and resign ourselves to a meager future or embrace it and don't spout off stuff about liberating people but instead about taking oil so we can drive awsome cars and get plasma T.V.'s
You have to be the only person in the world that doesn't realize that 'the American Dream' is a fairy tale.Is not the American dream for all???
LOL!I guess man.We could go on for days talking about the american dream.If you think about it the mexicans are the only ones that has the american dream.You have to be the only person in the world that doesn't realize that 'the American Dream' is a fairy tale.