The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
Man. I'd go Beverly Hillbillies on them. Kick those canisters back at 'em and get everybody I know together. There's only like 20 of them with rubber bullets and riot gear. I have riot gear and actual bullets. 

Why should we 'make sure' and who's in charge of making sure? and who get's to decide what you can and can't do to be productive and happy? should they force you if you don't agree?Just my opinion though guys I dont wanna seem like a Tyrant but Geez we surely need some reform in all angles.I believe we should be As One and make sure everyone lives productively and happy but stuff gets to me sometimes.The world in general is really messed up and its too far gone to fix.
The Mega-conglomerate corporations.Why should we 'make sure' and who's in charge of making sure? and who get's to decide what you can and can't do to be productive and happy? should they force you if you don't agree?
I've always said, we should either be isolationists again, or imperialists again.I think we should close the borders and deport all the illegals and build factories in the U.S. and have buy American polices put a huge tax on anything imported-1000% maybe? and bring our military home. cut finacial aid to other continents.
The child I'd agree with but the parents hell no.I agree with slt 4x4 it's reallygone too far to fix. They could at least enforce the rules in the future and how come two illegal aliens can have a child and he/she is considered a legal citizen? That's makes no sense.
And why can I gay Marry an Illegal alien and that makes him American?I agree with slt 4x4 it's reallygone too far to fix. They could at least enforce the rules in the future and how come two illegal aliens can have a child and he/she is considered a legal citizen? That's makes no sense.
Well alot is already necessary.Here's my belief on this subject.
I believe that all people of all origins have the right to imigrate here.
Under these conditions....
1. You must speak English fluently, to the point where any America can understand you with no problem. none of this welcome to the quicky mart accent bullshit.
2. You must hold a job and pay your taxes for a year before you become a citiazin.
3. Your immediate family must come with you so you are forced to spent majority of your income here. You would have 90 days to have them here.
4. You must take a class on american history, American lit, and the American culture.
5. You must have a somewhat clean criminal history.
6. You must speak English in all work places and when ever talking to someone who doesn't speak Spanish or whatever.
7. Once you have become an American you are put on 5 years of a probationary period, where if you fall through on any if the above conditions you can be sent back to your country depending on the situation.
No immigrant would be eligible for government assistance such as welfare food stamps, or anything like that. They would be eligible for workmans comp or unemployment based on the situation.
Never say never... You wouldnt like to see us come together as a species? I think it would be nice to see the day when man didnt feel the need to dominate his fellow man, the fact that something like 95% of our wealth is held by 5% of the population is ridiculous..This will never happen, and honestly probably shouldn't.
That would be a global Aristocracy. What you want sounds like a global 100% pure Democratic government. There has never been a truly Democratic government but it would be interesting to see in action.![]()
Not twisted. I'm fiercly national. The governments disgusting, but I love the people.Yes but not enforced. I'm a pretty twisted person. after the e3rd time deporting them would be an option.
I want to be an emperor. That shit would be awesome. But people clash. A world without borders really isn't a good idea. People differ and they have their own countries. Israel and Palestine don't mix. North and South Korea don't mix. They never will and that's why they have different countries. I'm a dreamer too though. So here's a song for us.Never say never... You wouldnt like to see us come together as a species? I think it would be nice to see the day when man didnt feel the need to dominate his fellow man, the fact that something like 95% of our wealth is held by 5% of the population is ridiculous..
I guess my views lead to the point where i feel this is my life and i run this shit, why should someone be able to tell me what i can and cant do, as long as your not effecting someones freewill then there shouldn't be a problem... Now i know there are alot of gray areas in this argument, one might have a different freewill then another. As for solving that problem i have no idea, i dont know how it could work, again i think there would have to be a mass shift in public awareness.
Global Aristocracy is close to coming true.. Whether people want to admit it or not, the bloodlines go back centuries, the international banking families control the majority of world politicians.
As for seeing a true democratic government in working power, i fully agree, it would def be interesting to see!
What did you love about laying asphalt. LOL Amen to everything you said.Here is what I believe anyone can immigrate to this country LEGALLY. I am all for it. It is what our country is about. Yes the statue of liberty is correct and i agree. BUT if you are illegal, i don't care what color or race you are.....get the fuck out. There is a difference between a legal immigrate and illegal immigrate. What part of illegal dont people understand? Theyare a drain on our ecconomy and our social systems. I am totally against this bullshit amminsty program i have heard about. You want to reward them???? Screw that, there are millions that come to this country legally learn the languge, learn how to write in english and our history. That is no easy task for these people and I applaud them. If i had someone (a person here legally trying to become a citizen) come to me and ask for help I would gladly help them to become a citizen. Oh i seen a post by someone who said that if we were to report any ilegals that we would be considered snitches. To that I say bullshit too. We are just trying to protect our country. No i am not a racist. Yes I am a white man, but if you seen my kids and grandkids you would see i am not racist. I have lost jobs to illegals. It sucks. And before you say anything about they just take the jobs nobody wants, I used to lay asphalt. I loved it.