What Am I To Make Of China?

jeff f

New Member
Actually the war for the U.S. was started by japan and Germany, when japan started bombing the United States their wasn't much else we could do...they bombed Pearl harbor and Washington remember....and Germany declared war on us. The war was allready on and we were supplying England but were trying to stay out of it....those were the things that started it from a U.S. perspective.

wrong war beardo. that was WWII


Well-Known Member
wrong war beardo. that was WWII
my fault i'm so used to wwII being cited I didn't realize he had said WWI
People are dumb the globalization or whatever you want to call it is going to screw the majority of americans and most people either don't care or don't realize it. Between imigration, offshoring of jobs and production, and women in the work place we are screwed.


New Member
i truely believe that the only way to fight them is with an all out energy war. i think we should be mining drilling and building nuclear power everywhere. keep competition on because nobody can out produce us in this area. not only will we be able to pay off the deptbut we will be able to build the war machines we are gonna need.

bet you a dime to a donut that the average liiberal mind doesnt even understand that where obama said we cant drill, you know the moritorium, the chinese are drilling with the venezuelans in the same water. and those same putz think by doing the moritorium we are cleaning the environment. a

our enenmies used to quake in their collective boots when they thought we might strike, now they laugh themselves silly
Actually, this liberal mind does see that possibility, and so, what are we to do about it, Start WWIII as you seem so anxious to do? You see Jeff, Our days as the resident Bully on the planet are gone baby gone. We now have to act wirh a little class and negotiate instead of intimidate. Our military might may be greater than all the other countries put together, but you can bank on China gaining by leaps and bounds. Just why is that? Well, mainly because most of our big corporations have been fueling Chinas government incomes while cheating our own out of billions in tax revenue. The Chinese government gets a pretty hefty slice of corporate profits in country, and are building their military might right along with their financial power. The Chinese have nuclear subs patrolling off our west coast for sure and probably our east coast as well. That pretty much means a war with China would decimate all civilization for coastal cities and other cities up to-5000 mi inland, pretty much covering most of the US population, and of course this with technology stolen, (or given) from us. I can't see any positives in that scenario.


you are incredibly niave.
Yet I'm still able to spell the word right. :)

Still, this is a very ineffective way to undercut an argument. You didn't actually address anything I said. I know it's hard for someone who served in the military to swallow, but soldiers are basically irrelevant when you've got nukes and a space program. You need just enough soldiers and technology to prevent yourself from being completely overwhelmed at the onset of an invasion... BEFORE you launch your nukes at whoever the fuck was stupid enough to attack you.

Do you think China or Russia honestly view themselves as susceptible to a U.S. invasion? Of course not. Because we would never invade. Because they have nukes and the technological capability to strike any city on the planet. China, Britain, Russia and France are all untouchable in a conventional war for precisely that reason. France actually probably has more nukes than China. Does that really matter? No. Because both have enough to cause a nuclear holocaust-- especially when counter-attacks are taken into account.

Pakistan and India are blood enemies. Why haven't they gone to war? Because both countries have nuclear weapons.

I'm not saying that two nuclear powers CAN'T or WON'T ever go to war, what I'm saying is that the prospect of nuclear war has, up until this point, been an extremely effective deterrent against rival nuclear powers engaging in conventional warfare.

And that doesn't completely discount the possibility of proxy wars like Vietnam and the Soviet war in Afghanistan, where a power supplies material support and intelligence to those at war with a rival power.

But if you honestly think China is going to start bombing the United States, then you just don't understand geopolitics.

the us sec of defense said we have nothing to worry about china, they wont even have stealth for another 20 years. a few days before he visits they pull this thing out to rub his/our noses in it. we have chinese sucking oil out of the gulf and other southern nations like its candy. mean while our gas is approaching 350 a gallon. there are riots around the world protesting rising oil/inflation/cutting off of govt money etc.

Why is stealth important? Again, they can launch 200+ nukes INTO SPACE and have them come raining down on every major metropolitan area in the United States and Europe. That's a million times more impressive than some stupid bomber.

And China consumes oil. So what? They have just as much right to consume and purchase oil as we do. The United States has 310 million people. China has 1.34 billion people. You take the entire population of the United States, then subtract it from the population of China and you'd still be left with A BILLION people.

Yet in spite of this, we consume nearly two and a half times the oil that China does.

You're right to be concerned about energy usage and depleting oil supplies. It's actually a much scarier proposition than most people would admit. But we consume 19.5 million barrels a day in this country. China consumes less than 8 million barrels. If you're really so concerned then maybe you should go out and buy a hybrid car and lobby your lawmakers to invest in clean, renewable energy. Then you'd be doing something downright proactive to help protect the energy security of the world.