The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
B&Q does sell coco, it aint canna coco but its still coco and 2 bags for £10 is cheaper than anywere.

it doesnt sell pk13/14 because that is a specialist item and can only be sold in licensed hydroponic/growing shops.
well im afraid they dont stock it in the 2 stores near me and im not going hunting all over the place for it


Well-Known Member
lol, anyone think duras fallen into a disulfarum/ alcohol-induced coma? let us know how the experiment went mate!


Well-Known Member
lol, anyone think duras fallen into a disulfarum/ alcohol-induced coma? let us know how the experiment went mate!
i just fell outta bed at half 6 and christ i dont feel good, i spent the last cpl of days absolutely mangled. the experiment was a complete successs but i think im going to square up for a week or 2.


Active Member
never heard of it, but i sure wanna smoke it know.

mates just got me so diesel, aint smoked it in ages so excited to have a blast on it.


Well-Known Member
I've never tried diesel, whats the high like? one of my mates just got some stinky ol blue cheese, won't get to smoke any this week but I can't wait!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I just have scrapings of this and that for tonight :( Never mind, i have wages so i can go buy some for once. Been so broke i've been existing on milk, meal a day is all i can manage and that's instant noodles :lol:
Damn i got a load of seeds off my seeded arjans#1... Around 4k. They grow alright too. I was gutted when they turned but someone said, life gives you lemons, so make lemonade, some people are so profound... lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
january is a bitch eh ttt.
I've been broke since the middle of december 3 jobs be damned. Managed to grab a small amount of money and get some food shopping done prior to christmas but since then i've been working through the pasta cuboard. How depressing to have a cupboard for pasta. Got £400 of bills sitting on the door mat as well :( I don't get to keep a penny of my wages unless i have a valid reason such as a bill. Fear i might have to budge a zip of this harvest.

Fish cakes pork scratchings and tyskie, living the good life, and watching millionaire matchmaker just to feel at ease in my lifestyle of plush extravagances :lol:

How would you describe your ethnic origin?
  • White
  • Black Caribbean
  • Black African
  • Black Other
  • Asian Indian
  • Asian Pakistani
  • Asian Bangladeshi
  • Asian Other
  • Mixed: White and Black Caribbean
  • Mixed: White and Black African
  • Mixed: White and Asian
  • Mixed: Other Mixed
  • Middle Eastern
  • Chinese
  • Other Ethnic Group
  • Prefer not to say

What the fuck happened to black white yellow?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuck man, you not got a new flatmate yet then i guess. aye probs not a bad idea to shift a bit. id be looking at filling the other bedroom..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Got a spanish guy looking around tomorrow, but the debt is aside from that, my money situation is just plain fucked :D I don't let it worry me though, what's the worst that can happen, i file bankruptcy :D sounds like a win situation!

Very tempted to fill the other room though. just need to find a justification for having the money to rent it, my landlord is involved in my monetary situation, at present very much to my benefit, so i'd need to really pull the wool to maintain that benefit :D so bloody tempting though, i could fit a pair of tents in there and still keep it a perfectly respectable office. Putting more thoughts into moving to canada though. I have a friend who went out there to ski a handful of years ago and he's still there visa be damned growing up a storm.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah im black and white me!!

let them that want it off you worry about it ttt! get yourself over there man its awesome country, ive been twice its class. the popo catch ou smokin a doob n say put that out n smoke it somewhere else. !! what more do you need eh


Active Member
680quid in debt since christmas and this week im on the pasta with you mate not even a decent fuckin sauce to put on it just been caking it in butter lool

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hahah im black and white me!!

let them that want it off you worry about it ttt! get yourself over there man its awesome country, ive been twice its class. the popo catch ou smokin a doob n say put that out n smoke it somewhere else. !! what more do you need eh
Black and white fer the toon eh? :D

Ironically that's exactly what happened with the english popo :D we drove onto some random farmland because the view was amazing being summer, and sparked up, next thing we know a random old geezer jumps out of the hedge infront of the car and phones the police, they came over and gave us a tut tut and told us if we wanted to smoke weed to go to X and not on someones field :D But yes, it's been my holiday/life destonation of choice for many many years, it just fits my personality down to the core. All about money though, always been about money, ent been properly abroad since i was 17, other than a week in amsterdam with 100 euro's

Never been a fan of pasta with butter, seem to be a minority, just plenty o' salt in the water for me :D