The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
I wish the coppers in london were like that, the last time i got pulled with a joint i got a very thorough strip search in the back of there van. I must say aswell ive spotted a community support officer smoking a FAT bifta lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha. I flat refused anything further than pockets and shoes. I told them that i had chucked the joint in the field after 1 drag and my pupils were (according to him) dilated due to getting fucked up the night before :D His female colleague on the other hand was a bitch. Funnily enough on almost the exact same spot of road next to the field, same friend later crashed his car off the road down a hill with me driving behind, next thing you know same female copper turns up after another motorist called it in, and she larks off about "bet you were racing you mate eh" and well ha, yes, and i had raced on taking all the weed from his car with me. Win! :D


Active Member
Haha. I flat refused anything further than pockets and shoes. I told them that i had chucked the joint in the field after 1 drag and my pupils were (according to him) dilated due to getting fucked up the night before :D His female colleague on the other hand was a bitch. Funnily enough on almost the exact same spot of road next to the field, same friend later crashed his car off the road down a hill with me driving behind, next thing you know same female copper turns up after another motorist called it in, and she larks off about "bet you were racing you mate eh" and well ha, yes, and i had raced on taking all the weed from his car with me. Win! :D
Its always the same coppers rand ere and there all complete bastard. I couldnt refuse cos the other option was down the nick and i didnt fancy that lol. GUTTED! just opened a letter and its the repair bill for my bike £533.70. Doesnt look like im gettin that back in a hurry lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Embrace the woe with heavy bass :D Fuck you neighbours!

Just love this song and vid combo, oh to work with people like that, i just get a bunch of fucking vegetarians :D


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There is a thread about that somewhere. From every indication they obtained no warrant and were depending on simply being.let onto the house, hence the phone call. Similar thing happened cus someone had their heating on in London, diplomatic immunity be darned the met raided tthe place anyway to just a huge amount of controversy, diplomatic protection and all.


Active Member
mornin all, aaah well day 13 of 2011 and ive had 6 hours fucking work so far, its still properly dead for me, hope everythings cool for you lot, just had a look at my cheesewrecks before lights out im 10days into flowering and ive got pistils shooting out of everywhere, i really need to get my hands on a camera, ive been told that they should be ready after 8 or 9 weeks but just gota wait n see cos this is my first time growin em so wish me luck! lol


Well-Known Member
There is a thread about that somewhere. From every indication they obtained no warrant and were depending on simply being.let onto the house, hence the phone call. Similar thing happened cus someone had their heating on in London, diplomatic immunity be darned the met raided tthe place anyway to just a huge amount of controversy, diplomatic protection and all.
Yeh most people would be too shocked to see the pigs ramming their garage door down to ask to see the warrant, you would be more inclined to ask wtf they were doing (if you're not a grower). I'm wondering what sort of heater they had in there for it to be able to spot it in a single car garage. I suppose they were in bradford, much more likely to find a few grows there than where I live lol.

Hope it picks up for you rainz, for every dark night there is a brighter day. Might not be for a while that's all. Cheesewreck sounds like a wicked strain, cheese is always awesome and I've heard great things about trainwreck so you can't go wrong can you. Get yourself a camera when you can mate, I would love to see them and sure everyone else would.


Active Member
it was N.Y.C.D a nice old-skool stoney weed.

iv got a blue cheese here, it all we can get in l'pool at the moment so when i different bud like diesel comes around it gets snatched up straight away, thats why my mate grabbed me one, the lad had 3 oz 1 1/2 hours later my mates getting the last 3 sacks.


Active Member
iv got £370 rent, unplanned over draft fees (of i dont know how much and i dont know why because i am nor overdrawn, so im having it out with them wankers at the TSB on saturday), £117 council tax and a £125.89 phone bill (thats last months and this months phones been cut off for 3 weeks) all to pay :( so when i get paid in 2 weeks i dont think i'll be seeing a penny.

nice to see that the TSB bump tax payers with random unplanned over draft fees, give false information over the phone and never really help you, they just take your money all the time! and thier boss has just took a 2 mil bouns, when the TSB is 41% owned by tax payers and the tax payers are fucking paying and struggling for that scrawny little twat to sit on his arse whatching his fat arse telly in his mansion, with all his cars and holidays!! what the nob should have done is repaid his 2 mil back into the tax payers accounts as a thank you and gesture of good will for sticking with them and helping them out throughout the recession. but that will never happen.

im with you down to pasta and noodles, the dogs living a better life than me.


Active Member
Brock - Go with barclays mate the most they have ever charged me was 8quid on a £400 overdraft. Look into seriously i changed to em when santander started robbing me mate.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, feckin A, been working all day which was unplanned, and also lost my wallet which was unplanned, so by the time i had walked home i was starving so walked into a local delicatessan and asked if they had anything for free and they gave me a Pieminister pie :) and then i found my wallet at home in my shorts. Whoo.

Damned glad i don't pay council tax! No way i could afford that but £125 phone bill :O i don't even begin to use up my alloted minutes and such, in fact not quite sure why i have it as i only use it once a week or so :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Would you say that its worth getting the gravity or the snow storm? Ive got some cheesewrecks growing and i really want to reach 4 oz a plant, any advice would be great man, thanx
if your selling gravity is good as it adds weight but not so much volume. purple maxx is worth the money i reckon i use it 1-2 times a week up to bout week 5 as a foliar spray makes it last a lot longer. i just ordered the snow storm ultra which is whats in old purple maxx but they realised they could split it into 2. its poassium and some other stuff they dont tell people which is probably nowt. but apparently increases the oils and trich production. sticky icky icky!

ive been readin up today

cheesewreck, should be a good yeild from the wreck side i hit 3n a half ish on each of my trainwreck so theres every chance. how many you got under how much light?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cor, looks like a pretty good return on that hash bomb. I've an LSD that'll be going pretty much straight into 12/12 from seed, hopefully it'll do as good as that :)