Back in business once again!
So I wasn't able to let rip on the hydro a little while ago, but I'm now able to commence some kind of water culture.
I obtained 10 Cheese cuttings from a reputable source. They weren't close to rooting when I got them 01-18-2007, I think they were freshly done for my arrival. I put them straight into the incubator using the same technique as my last working method. They have been in 13 days but I just haven't been bothered to take any action just yet. I haven't sprayed them at all, but having the clay balls in the bottom of the propagator moistened with a small amount of mild nutes has proved useful in providing adequate humidity and food for the rooting clones.
Since I currently have a bloom op going I'll wait until I can empty and clean the bloom room before firing up the homebrew.
As I have 10 clones, 8 of which I will be blooming right away, I'll be keeping 2 back as mothers and I'll also have to create another flood and drain table to cope with the 5 extra plants instead of the earlier anticipated 3.
Stand by for developments.
Current soil cheese grow is not doing too bad, but I see hydro doing greater things elsewhere. I shall be LSTing these ladies while vegging them under 600wHPS. I have a few materials to purchase but nothing that will halt my progress.
One major component which will be employed for experimental purposes is Advanced Nutrients latest 2Part addition to their range:
I think its a bit over priced, likely to pay the graphic designer of the label. Standby for later updates.