Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

What happened to this guy? seems pretty weird.
I know it may be slightly off topic but some of the Greatest minds on R.I.U. are here and I couldn't find a good thread to post this in and didn't want to start a new one. Can any one offer any insight into this? or care to comment?
That said, whoever was sitting in front of that polling place with a weapon ought to have been arrested, OBVIOUSLY. It's also probably the ONLY case of black-on-white case of voter intimidation or attempted voter intimidation that your or anyone else can name. Whereas blacks have been kept away from the polls by force and often MURDER since Reconstruction to present. A period of almost 150 years. Obviously, it isn't right when anyone does it, but to pretend like white voter intimidation is some HUGE national problem either now, or historically speaking is, again, entirely ignorant. If anything, it's an entirely isolated incident, unlike the... ya know... century and a half of repression blacks have had to endure. But please, continue to tell us how hard it is to be white in America-- as a fellow white American man, I'll listen, I swear.


and as far as la raza goes, they are simply a hispanic advocacy group. the much more controversial group 'la mecha' may give someone like johnny more ammo to talk about how hard it is to be white in america and how he is constantly under attack by dangerous latinos that want to take back their land...but my experience with them while i was in high school? they helped students apply for and obtain scholarship opportunities. they also served as a substitute of sorts for school counselors, especially for hispanic students who may have felt more comfortable talking to a fellow hispanic that may have better understood their situation and concerns.

no reconquista'ing of anything....just scholarship help and counseling.

be VERY afraid :eek:
So, correct me if I'm wrong in interpreting your position; La Raza which translates to 'The Race' is not a racist organization.

Fuck me running. :wall:

oooh, it's name is the english equivalent of 'the race'. thus, the entire organization is racist. makes *perfect* sense!

it also translates to 'the people', but a gringo likejohnnyo might not understand that. someone who speaks the language on the same level as a native, like myself, probably would understand that.

i would take my advice about who is and who is not a hate group from someone who doesn't think we are in a holy war with islam :evil:

it's a hispanic advocacy group, johnny. in case you haven't noticed, hispanics are a discriminated minority and must advocate for themselves just to keep from falling further behind.

if it is so hard to be white in america, johnny, why don't you start a white advocacy group and let us know how that goes? :razz:
And, as far as I know, it's ENTIRELY possible, neigh, PROBABLE that these people were killed BECAUSE OF POLITICS....

OK, I will apologize because I am in a very foul mood right now. I think on this site I saw a post asking why Bush or someone was still alive blah blah blah...Almost asking why someone hasn't killed him yet. I do not understand, nor I want to, why people think they have a voice on who lives or not. I was in the military, I have done some things than I am somewhat fuck up about mentally...But who the hell do we think we are wishing harm to others? Why do we feel the need to politically blame another when something does happen? It could of just been a nut pissed off from the shitty economy, and that in itself makes it wrong.
A life is a life. A political career is something different. If I was to of gone after politicians I didn't like I would be dead or locked up a long time ago.
After all the shit I have seen, I smoke to be a live and let live person. Human life is more important to me that it ever was in the past.
God forbid if I should ever snap. I don't want to be that kind of person and I don't want to be around those who feel violence against another is the answer. I will still defend myself with unlimited violence if my family or I am threatened, but I will also be the first to shed tears at the funeral of anyone who forced me into that hole again.
Okay, I'll give you a break.

The KKK was established as the radical arm of the DEMOCRATIC party. Is that too far out of your wishy-washy historical perspective? The Weathermen are not topically relevant, but segregation is. :-P

Haha... god I love these arguments. Any sort of historical nuance is always lost.

But what you said is very true. And most of the racists left the Democratic Party after the Civil Rights act of 1964 and the Democratic Party made it abundantly clear that they would not tolerate that sort of thing in their ranks. A good example of this is Strom Thurmond, who was a Democrat, then ran against Harry Truman as a third-party "Dixiecrat" (as in SOUTHERN Democrat) in 1948, then he filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, then... after all that and the Civil Rights Act was pushed through by Lyndon Johnson, a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT and a DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS, he LEFT the Democratic party and where did he find a home? In the REPUBLICAN PARTY. Until the old bastard finally died 40 years later. Most of the other racists followed him to the Republican Party. An exception to this rule being "reformed" racists like Robert Byrd, who actually passed away just recently.

Have you REALLY never read a history book? You honestly DIDN'T know about the Democratic schism that occurred as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? You never heard the quote by Lyndon Johnson that by passing that legislation they had lost the South for, "a generation."

And once again, if you only pay attention to the Proggie propaganda; of course you will believe the Tea Party is nothing more than Astroturf. After all, Nancy said it. It must be TRUE!

So, correct me if I'm wrong in interpreting your position; La Raza which translates to 'The Race' is not a racist organization.

Fuck me running. :wall:

I didn't get that from what Pelosi said. I got that from the fact that the tea party movement was largely funded by the former Republican Majority Leader's political organization. It's hard to get more top-down than that.

And you're right, as someone who lived in Spain for a year and speaks Spanish to a certain extent, La Raza DOES mean the race. It ALSO means, "The people." The fact that you choose to believe that they mean "The Hispanic race," only serves to highlight your ignorance of Latin American culture. Latin America is even more racially diverse than the United States. There are black latinos, white latinos, indian latinos and asian latinos and all sorts of mixes, and each of them is a distinctive group. (i.e. mulattoes, mestizos, etc.) In Brazil, for example, DOZENS of racial groups are recognized. La Raza is a Hispanic organization, but to say that they represent some sort of Hispanic "race," when Hispanics themselves don't even recognize themselves as belonging to a singular race is as humorous as it is stupid.

Nice try, though.
Guys! It wasn't a Teabagger or right wing nutjob! Check this little exerpt I pulled from a Yahoo news article!:cuss:

"The suspect's exact motivation was not clear, but a former classmate described Loughner as a pot-smoking loner who had rambling beliefs about the world. The Army said he tried to enlist in December 2008 but was rejected for reasons the military did not provide."

I would also like to comdemn these acts. This accomplishes nothing and hurts everyone's cause. :-(
oooh, it's name is the english equivalent of 'the race'. thus, the entire organization is racist. makes *perfect* sense!

it also translates to 'the people', but a gringo likejohnnyo might not understand that. someone who speaks the language on the same level as a native, like myself, probably would understand that.

i would take my advice about who is and who is not a hate group from someone who doesn't think we are in a holy war with islam :evil:

it's a hispanic advocacy group, johnny. in case you haven't noticed, hispanics are a discriminated minority and must advocate for themselves just to keep from falling further behind.

if it is so hard to be white in america, johnny, why don't you start a white advocacy group and let us know how that goes? :razz:
A white advocacy group would be RACIST!

Don't you read the New York Times?

OK, I will apologize because I am in a very foul mood right now. I think on this site I saw a post asking why Bush or someone was still alive blah blah blah...Almost asking why someone hasn't killed him yet. I do not understand, nor I want to, why people think they have a voice on who lives or not. I was in the military, I have done some things than I am somewhat fuck up about mentally...But who the hell do we think we are wishing harm to others? Why do we feel the need to politically blame another when something does happen? It could of just been a nut pissed off from the shitty economy, and that in itself makes it wrong.
A life is a life. A political career is something different. If I was to of gone after politicians I didn't like I would be dead or locked up a long time ago.
After all the shit I have seen, I smoke to be a live and let live person. Human life is more important to me that it ever was in the past.
God forbid if I should ever snap. I don't want to be that kind of person and I don't want to be around those who feel violence against another is the answer. I will still defend myself with unlimited violence if my family or I am threatened, but I will also be the first to shed tears at the funeral of anyone who forced me into that hole again.

Hey, sorry to hear about the tough time in the military man, and sorry if I snapped at you a bit. Glad you got out alive.

I'm just VERY sensitive to the accusation that I'm talking up the whole right-wing connection (which hasn't been proven, but which seems more and more probable as I continue to watch the news story on this one unfold) to try and use this tragedy and score political points with some potheads on the internet. I'm not.

I just don't want to ignore the fact that it's very likely these people were killed because of incendiary dialogue on the part of right-wingers. And that this dialogue has been happening for a very long time. And that it is DESIGNED in not-so-subtle ways to push nutcases over the edge.

If we forget that, we may have this happen again and again. And I don't like it when people try and provide cover for their political movements by downplaying or ignoring that they have a serious extremist problem. And American conservatism has a SERIOUS extremist problem. American leftism doesn't. That's all I'm saying. And if Conservatives choose to just ignore that fact, then we're leaving the door open for this to happen again and again and again.
Haha... god I love these arguments. Any sort of historical nuance is always lost.

But what you said is very true. And most of the racists left the Democratic Party after the Civil Rights act of 1964 and the Democratic Party made it abundantly clear that they would not tolerate that sort of thing in their ranks. A good example of this is Strom Thurmond, who was a Democrat, then ran against Harry Truman as a third-party "Dixiecrat" (as in SOUTHERN Democrat) in 1948, then he filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, then... after all that and the Civil Rights Act was pushed through by Lyndon Johnson, a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT and a DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS, he LEFT the Democratic party and where did he find a home? In the REPUBLICAN PARTY. Until the old bastard finally died 40 years later. Most of the other racists followed him to the Republican Party. An exception to this rule being "reformed" racists like Robert Byrd, who actually passed away just recently.

Have you REALLY never read a history book? You honestly DIDN'T know about the Democratic schism that occurred as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? You never heard the quote by Lyndon Johnson that by passing that legislation they had lost the South for, "a generation."

I didn't get that from what Pelosi said. I got that from the fact that the tea party movement was largely funded by the former Republican Majority Leader's political organization. It's hard to get more top-down than that.

And you're right, as someone who lived in Spain for a year and speaks Spanish to a certain extent, La Raza DOES mean the race. It ALSO means, "The people." The fact that you choose to believe that they mean "The Hispanic race," only serves to highlight your ignorance of Latin American culture. Latin America is even more racially diverse than the United States. There are black latinos, white latinos, indian latinos and asian latinos and all sorts of mixes, and each of them is a distinctive group. (i.e. mulattoes, mestizos, etc.) In Brazil, for example, DOZENS of racial groups are recognized. La Raza is a Hispanic organization, but to say that they represent some sort of Hispanic "race," when Hispanics themselves don't even recognize themselves as belonging to a singular race is as humorous as it is stupid.

Nice try, though.
Well, I must give you props for mentioning the Exalted Cyclops: Robert Byrd.

You get +rep for that.
A white advocacy group would be RACIST!

Don't you read the New York Times?

We've had a white advocacy group for almost 150 years now. It's called the KKK.

We also have other, more "mainstream" organizations that function as "white advocacy groups" like the John Birch Society, the National Association of Scholars, The Heritage Foundation, The Council of Conservative Citizens (formerly: The White Citizen's Council) and the Family Research Council.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. :)
Hispanic is not a race, it is an ETHNIC group; and I don't recall suggesting otherwise.

But LA RAZA, on the other hand.... :-P
We've had a white advocacy group for almost 150 years now. It's called the KKK.

We also have other, more "mainstream" organizations that function as "white advocacy groups" like the John Birch Society, the National Association of Scholars, The Heritage Foundation, The Council of Conservative Citizens (formerly: The White Citizen's Council) and the Family Research Council.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. :)
And at one level or another, are inevitably called RACIST!

Refute that, smart guy.
And at one level or another, are inevitably called RACIST!

Refute that, smart guy.

Well, with a lot of them, not really. The Family Research Council was just labeled as a "hate group," by the Southern Poverty Law Center for some homophobic statements they made and they threw a fit. So with those last 5 or so groups I mentioned, it's in "dispute," as to whether or not they're actually bigots. They have to be a lot smarter about conveying their bigotry. It's the "new racism."

All of those organizations, however, are mainstream in the sense that they are accepted into the mainstream conservative fold. With the exception, perhaps, of the Council of Conservative Citizens. Not sure about them... just visited their website. Ho'boy. Not sure how they'd get away with it.
Just heard on the radio of a strange coincedence in this story. The 9 year old was born on 9/11/01.
The Sudetenland is now called 'Atzlan.'

And the INVADERS come armed not with weapons; but with hungry bellies and empty pockets.

Confident in our compassionate response.
The Sudetenland is now called 'Atzlan.'

And the INVADERS come armed not with weapons; but with hungry bellies and empty pockets.

Confident in our compassionate response.

Riiiiight. And having Italian and Irish heritage, I'm SURE people didn't say the same things about MY ancestors either, right?

It's always nice to have a scapegoat, I guess. In a nation comprised almost entirely of immigrants and descendants of immigrants, it's always hilarious to see people complaining about people coming here from other parts of the world for a better life.

And the fact that these people are exploited for cheap labor and produce much more than they take from the economy is of no consequence either, right? You want to really see an economic downturn? Just remove the 10 million plus undocumented immigrants from the economy. See what wonders that does when you forcibly remove 3% of the entire U.S. population.

I guess we could always just change the plaque on the Statue of Liberty from, ""Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," to, "No Mexicans," right?