tips of leaves curling up


Rebel From The North
cant post picks right now
system ebb & grow
nutes GH floral
ph 5.5 to 5.9
flood every 3 hour when lights are on
light cycle 18 on 6 off
temp 73 humidity 55 trying to get it up alittle more
one week in the buckets

? why are the leaves rolling up or curling up?


New Member
from the look of your leaves I would say there could be a couple problems... I think it has something to do with watering... Are you using rockwool?? I would water every (5) hours and see what happens... It really looks like to me you are over watering... the roots need a certain amount of oxygen to maintain growth....

I also make sure my medium is dry between waterings.. Takes time to figure what is right for your strain and conditions in your grow room but you should always mess with the water schedule and see what difference it has...


Rebel From The North
im using hydrotron it floods 6 time for 30min in a 18 hour time line guess thats to much
sorry way new to hydro. so for 18 hours on, flood for 30min every 5 hours for three floods total


Well-Known Member
im using hydrotron it floods 6 time for 30min in a 18 hour time line guess thats to much
sorry way new to hydro. so for 18 hours on, flood for 30min every 5 hours for three floods total
man i run my ebb in veg 24/0 lighting and watering every 4 hours for 30 min around the clock with no ill effects. some of my leaves do this but i run high ppm's they usually stop on new growth. pics are kinda hard to tell but what kind of water are you running tap, ro, distilled etc if you are using ro or distilled you might want to run some calmag in there usually no need in tap water though.


Rebel From The North
man i run my ebb in veg 24/0 lighting and watering every 4 hours for 30 min around the clock with no ill effects. some of my leaves do this but i run high ppm's they usually stop on new growth. pics are kinda hard to tell but what kind of water are you running tap, ro, distilled etc if you are using ro or distilled you might want to run some calmag in there usually no need in tap water though.
tap water out of a well il try to get a better pic later today


Rebel From The North
well all my new leaves dont have it, old ones do guess im past whatever caused it. i went to 4 flood in a 18hr time no floods at lights out, will wait a few day then
post a pic with a better camra


Well-Known Member
hey man i still say it looks like it might be a MG deficiency how old is your plant??? Mg deficiency is hard to tell in early growth but around weeks 4 to 6 it will be very visible it will start out with interveinal yellowing and irregular rust brown spots on older and middle aged foliage while younger leaves remain healthy. as the deficiency progresses the leaf tips will turn brown and begin curling upwards. as it further progresses the rust brown spotting will multiply and interveinal yellowing will worsen this will soon work its way from the bottom of the plant all the way to the top fairly quickly if not fixed if what im explaining pertains to what you plant is doing this is prably your problem hope this helps.


Rebel From The North
hey man i still say it looks like it might be a MG deficiency how old is your plant??? Mg deficiency is hard to tell in early growth but around weeks 4 to 6 it will be very visible it will start out with interveinal yellowing and irregular rust brown spots on older and middle aged foliage while younger leaves remain healthy. as the deficiency progresses the leaf tips will turn brown and begin curling upwards. as it further progresses the rust brown spotting will multiply and interveinal yellowing will worsen this will soon work its way from the bottom of the plant all the way to the top fairly quickly if not fixed if what im explaining pertains to what you plant is doing this is prably your problem hope this helps.
well there are a few of them all with same signs, there 2weeks in the pots and three in cloning total of 5weeks. im going to go with lucas and hope they pull though, il
ad md and potasium as a supliment.


hey man. im running some blue mistics in a dro system i built. MG nutrient. Floro bulbs 20on/4off. I water every 3 hours. lights on and off. all three are doing well save for one. surprisingly its the tallest with the most potential bud locations and foliage. however, the new foliage is curling up. I was wondering if this might have to do with the roots not getting enough O2? what are your thoughts? i dont have any browning or yellowing but i dont want to wait for it to happen if you know what i mean. have you found any solutions yet for your issues? plus, mad rep for how far you are with this being your first time on dro. it took me quite a while to get the hang of it!


Well-Known Member
well there are a few of them all with same signs, there 2weeks in the pots and three in cloning total of 5weeks. im going to go with lucas and hope they pull though, il
ad md and potasium as a supliment.
hey man just got a light bulb you said you where running well water out of your tap now im not going to ask where you live but i can say when i lived in Florida a while back we all had well water out the tap as well and it was VERY high in sulfur you might want to check that out that could cause you allot of problems


Well-Known Member
another thing from the pics it looks like your leaf stems are very purple also another sign of sulfur(S) if it where me i would try some different water like RO or distilled for a week or so with your normal nute mix maybe a week flush with RO then a week of RO with nutes just my suggestion.