My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Active Member
Thanks for the info. All I ever do is read al b's stuff on hear. His forms made me want to copy cat his set up. Even ordered his canna nutes trying to imitate his results. So far have not been anywere close to ounce per plant. But i guess this trade takes alot more trial and error than I originally thought. I'm using rockwool right now, and am not shure how many times to flood or how high?
Using the al rule, when the pot looses half the water weight. That would mean once every two days. Any thoughts on rockwool?

Your plants look amazing, wish I had the same sized harvest that you got comming up.
Merry christmas


Well-Known Member
I've never grown in rockwool blocks, but I only flood twice a day (3 in heavy flowering) in just hydroton, so I could see not having to flood every day with rockwool blocks.

If you are doing everything even just okay, you should be getting close to an ounce per plant. It could be the strain you are growing? I added an extra riser to my overflow fittings, so I flood close to the top of the pots now, allowing more roots to form.

Thanks for the info. All I ever do is read al b's stuff on hear. His forms made me want to copy cat his set up. Even ordered his canna nutes trying to imitate his results. So far have not been anywere close to ounce per plant. But i guess this trade takes alot more trial and error than I originally thought. I'm using rockwool right now, and am not shure how many times to flood or how high?
Using the al rule, when the pot looses half the water weight. That would mean once every two days. Any thoughts on rockwool?

Your plants look amazing, wish I had the same sized harvest that you got comming up.
Merry christmas


Well-Known Member
The others are still just a little short of where we want to be . . . but this one;


The microscope don't lie. Take my word for it. this one is totally ready at 58 days.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member

Took about 1/2 hour to trim to this point. If I get two ounces off each plant I'll be fricking happier than a puppy with two dicks.


Well-Known Member
No Chronic this time. I have another 8 skunk and 4 white russians coming next. They are about 3 weeks into flower. And another batch of 15 that is mostly skunk and chronic (I think, lol. I have my mothers sorted out but once cuts go into the cloner they get a little mixed up). And, as usual, my cloner is full of rooted clones. As soon as I put them into pots. I'm going to take a full clone box full of nothing but Chronic and then I will chop those mothers down. They are huge and all of the mothers together drink about 3 gallons a day.

I flood 4 inches deep.


Well-Known Member
So I'm smoking the White Russian now. I'm glad I harvested one plant a little before the others so I could have some smoke! It was cut on Christmas and hung for a week and now jarred for a week. Weighed out to 38 grams dry for one plant which is YAY! great; maybe means I could hit 400 grams for ten plants under 600 watts which is way adequate for what I'm doing. It is very stoney; gives me red chinese eyes pretty rapidlyl also makes me forget what I went upstairs (or downstairs) for. Nice taste and pretty smooth too. I have not tried the skunk yet at all. I'm waiting for a decent cure on it