My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Well-Known Member
Couple of questions. I think you may have already addressed them, but I can't find them now : /

How high up do you need to flood the pots? Also, I think you said this, but do you use anything other than the Hydroton? I'm getting ready to buy the parts next week for my table, and just don't want to mess something up.


Well-Known Member
Couple of questions. I think you may have already addressed them, but I can't find them now : /

How high up do you need to flood the pots? Also, I think you said this, but do you use anything other than the Hydroton? I'm getting ready to buy the parts next week for my table, and just don't want to mess something up.
The overflow fitting is adjustable to flood about 2 inches deep. You can buy extenders that add an additional two inches. Or you can just partially unscrew the pieces of the fitting. You'll understand perfectly what I mean when you see it. I have an additional piece that give me about a 4 inch flood so

I don't use anything but hydroton unless I'm growing from seed, then I start the seed in rockwool plugs and put that in hydroton. For clones I just put the naked roots directly into hydroton. Works for me.

There are so few parts in flood and drain. That's the beauty of it. It's a pump a timer and two trays. Sure things can go wrong, but a kinked tube or a burnt pump is about the extent of worries

For example: I cut 25 Chronic clones yesterday and put them in my aerocloner. This morning they were all wilty. I look inside and the res is dry. There's a rubber plug in the side that the power cord for the pump runs through. If it isn't seated properly (and it wasn't) all the spray the hits it seeps out and it drains in twelve hours. So I fixed it and think the clones will snap back (otherwise I'll take another batch, no big deal). But there's strain on the pump running dry like that too. and it's not a cheap pump that I want to replace. I may seal up that hole and just run the cord through the top instead. This has happened a few times before. I could just be more careful, I suppose, but my point is, shit happens even when you think you have it all figured out.

I really like your setup, I am thinking about doing something similar to this really soon
so, make a list and get moving. Read Stinkbud and Al b Fuct.


Well-Known Member
just read ya thread from 1 to 21 and you got this ship runing NICE so did im currently growing in 1 gal coco hempy buckets handwatering 4 cups every other day im gonna change it up and grab two of these things so you show that you goe 11 oz from 13 plants do you thiink that you can hit the 1lb mark off of the same setup if it was enclosed in a tent and co2 was added


Well-Known Member
I think I can get one pound per unit now. I've got 12 White Russians up. After that, I've got 17 plants in each tub. So the question is; does my per plant yield go down when I put that many plants in? I'm betting no because there's plenty of light and air and nutes for all. With an tent and CO2 you should be able to hit a pound easy. I don't worry about that number toooo much because I know over the course of a calendar year if I don't take a break I will pull close to 200 oz. Baby steps :D


Well-Known Member
sweet ive already got a 60 site ez cloner 1 600 and 1 400 bouth are dual spects only the 600 is aircooled though so im thinkin i gotta just get another 600 and 3 tables and a new tent than im off to the races the only thing tho is changing the rez no place to drain out in the basement uhhh


Well-Known Member
I've got floor drains everywhere. You'll just have to hump it by the bucket. Make ya big n strong! If you got that licked it's the easiest way to grow volume and quality without a lot of fuss that I've tried.


Well-Known Member
whats up shnkrmn i got a few ?s just dropped some dough at the dro store for my dive into ebb n flo. so dig ive put my 4 30 gal ebb n flo tables together gonna toss them all under 1 600 in a 4.5 x4.5 tent. gonna do 10 a table lookin to harvest every 2 weeks. using house and garden nutes got a n b and bloom booster too thinkin bout useing hydroton as the medium how often would you say i should be flooding my table during the first week also should i add airstones to keep the nutes mixed in the rez


Well-Known Member
hydroton is a great medium. but washing it well is so important. It's highly reusable but you have to have a system to deal with it. How are you making clones? I assume you have your motherspace together too. Cloning and mother management are really the most laborious part of perpetual (well, that and trimming)

Airstones are pretty important. And you should go for as much power as you can afford in an airpump. right now I have a 30 watt pump covering 60 gallons of res volume. I'd like to double that. Your res should look like a jacuzzi, not just to keep your nutes mixed but to aerate as well. And it helps suppress pathogens.

You can't go wrong if you flood 4 times a day during the first week. Wtihout much roots the clones can get a little wilty under the HID, but once they get a little used to it, cut the floods to 3 or 2 times a day.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm also in the land of lakes. I'm in st Paul.
That would be tight if we were close. Lol
Well i'll be around man. Peace


Well-Known Member
yup got the mother/clone area. this harvest thats coming down is from a mother i had. lost my nl mother due to dog eatting it. papaya mum is do great. i use the 60 site ez cloner. i got clones that will be two weeks next saturday already have roots, but gonna give them another week. and i took some today so every two weeks clones will go in to flower room. i got 4 pumps that do 250 gal per hr in the rez are only 30 gal so it should work well. gonna pick up a air pump to run the airstones. how often do you have to vist the growroom. figure since i will be in there every sat taking clones hopefully i can just make the one trip a week. to take clones change rez only once a week. once its dialed in do you think 2 600 will work better in that area 4x4 or is one suffient in that space thanks for the info to


Well-Known Member

No worries from me, obviously. I can deal without capitalization, and often fail to capitalize sentences myself. But a complete lack of periods and commas can make it hard to read, especially for the person you are asking the questions of. I can ignore or troll it. He has to try and understand it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
okay just put the edit to it and added periods. hell yea its hard to read lol. i had trouble reading it myself.