and you believe the same can't be said about religion?so yea, evolution is just a great way to establish value of human life isn't it.
I'm so glad we have evolutiot to answer so many questions..
I can't think of one thing evolution has done for us but I'm sure you all can fill me in.
Make sure you mention comments like the following:
Evolution keeps us from believing in fairy tales like Santa Clause...... or maybe the Nebraska Man. (maybe he gave presents too!)
Evolution keeps us from fighting religious battles and killing every one. Because we don't fight over things like BOMBS or GOLD, or DRUGS right? Just religious people fight. The friendly thug in the alley is just making conversation when he demands your money.
Evolution keeps us from waisting our time.
Well that's the best one yet. I mean gambling, drinking, drug addiction, all could be avoided if we just didn't believe in Jesus right?
Oops, Turns out that RELIGION has established one of the BEST ways to kick those habits.
get the fuck off my porch.