Rude advice from somebody who doesn't care about your feelings - hydro only

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New Member
I know you don't know what you're talking about and your advice is piss poor. Newbies might not catch it but it's easy to spot for the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah ok. what are you like some 13 year old kid that has no life and thinks he knows everything? i can tell your mommy and daddy have their handsfull with you. i think you probably need some punishment in your life.

and no btw i know you get your jollies off by pissing people off and making them feel inferior. but your dumb ass game dont both me. just so you know.

edit:you just want to get a rise out of people cause it makes your little dick grow..just grow up dude really..
what did you have one successful grow and think you know everything now?
how about being nice to people for really is a joy and karma will love you


New Member
lol, yeah ok. what are you like some 13 year old kid that has no life and thinks he knows everything? i can tell your mommy and daddy have their handsfull with you. i think you probably need some punishment in your life.

and no btw i know you get your jollies off by pissing people off and making them feel inferior. but your dumb ass game dont both me. just so you know.

edit:you just want to get a rise out of people cause it makes your little dick grow..just grow up dude really..
what did you have one successful grow and think you know everything now?
how about being nice to people for really is a joy and karma will love you
If you're not bothered what's with all the typos and poor grammar? Maybe you're just stupid?


Well-Known Member
no i could really just chillin and typing.. i could type proper if i wanted too..

again..your come backs are lacking...and lashing out at people do nothing for you


New Member
GL in life? Dude I'm loaded, got lots of grass, hot wife, loving kids, and have been around the world twice. What the fuck have you accomplished besides bringing down the average I.Q. of where you live?


New Member
Ok the brownies are starting to kick in, hopefully somebody interesting will show up, till then I'll give a little speech about Aero.

Who here has heard somebody claim "Aero is fast" or "Aero is superior"? Complete and utter bullshit to the extreme, like i-phone antenna bullshit. Actually most people out there who say they have an aero system don't, they have an nft or dwc system with maybe a few inches of real aero space, and that's if they are those T.A.G. losers (True Aeroponic Growers) the EMOs of the growing world. Aero is just an over-worked sprinkler system really, no better than any other system out there. That being said I love aero. Super easy to run and hard to fuck up if you have some sense. Of course if you live any where that has had a black out or two within the last year a really stupid choose.


Well-Known Member
Pagans are religious but I get your point. Christmas is just a family time for us so it makes sense.
(for those of you that dont know this quote is from another thread that he posted on. just showing you how full of shit he is..
and btw im done

you said you lived in japan in one of your posts. i so wish i could find it..

and youre saying you celebrate 1% of Japanese people are christain and its not a national holiday like it is in the states. i doubt you are one of those people that just happen to celebrate it..just caught you in another lie.. lol nubby



New Member
you brag about lies. good job
No I don't but I understand your desire to believe so and I feel kind of sad for you. Till somebody says something really stupid again and again like you have I assume that they are smart people, but of course a lot of people are idiots by choice, they haven't been asked to think. Same thing with looks. I imagine all the people to be of average appearance and to have sex on a regular basis.

But I tend to believe people, not sure why they would lie and I'm not concerned about finding out the truth either, mostly because I get more sex and am better looking anyway.


New Member
(for those of you that dont know this quote is from another thread that he posted on. just showing you how full of shit he is..
and btw im done

you said you lived in japan in one of your posts. i so wish i could find it..

and youre saying you celebrate 1% of Japanese people are christain and its not a national holiday like it is in the states. i doubt you are one of those people that just happen to celebrate it..just caught you in another lie.. lol nubby

Most Japanese families celebrate Christmas. Of course it's the commercial and cultural aspects of the holiday and not the religious ones. Yes I live in Japan, was born in the states.

I also didn't know that things had to be national holidays to be celebrated. I celebrate birthdays and marriages all the time.

Brownies are kicking in and you're just making a fool of yourself but by all means, be my guest.


New Member

Japan has celebrated Christmas for a long time actually, at least since the end of the war. There are some differences though, first they eat KFC chicken on Christmas. We don't have ovens for the most part here and no turkeys anyway, some of the PR guys at KFC found a way to convince them that Christmas = Chicken, must be the C. And then there is the Christmas Cake, mostly layered sponge cake with strawberries and frosting.


Active Member
I have family in tokyo, I'm half japanese and normally I would want to slap someones shit for saying that only around 1% of japanese people are christian. I completely disagree with you. No offense.
Christmas is almost second nature to japanese people. They might not be into the religious stuff as much as us but that in now way means they don't celebrate, and fyi MY birthday is on christmas, and if its one thing I cant stand this time of year, its people with christmas trees stuck up their ass.

This thread is turning the same direction as that "8 plants 1 pot" thread, and all I can say is hopefully, people stop beings such assholes, and start something productive. God forbid that just because its the internet, we can't get along. especially during christmas.


New Member
We got this weird thing going on here now, people are going ape shit over fucking Christmas lights and in that aspect Japanese seem to be more like Texans, we're talking neighborhoods that can be seen from space. Like go big or go home. But you can't help but tits. Nice tits, ugly tits, saggy tits, old tits, mastectomy tits.

edit: tits


Active Member
We got this weird thing going on here now, people are going ape shit over fucking Christmas lights and in that aspect Japanese seem to be more like Texans, we're talking neighborhoods that can be seen from space. Like go big or go home. But you can't help but tits. Nice tits, ugly tits, saggy tits, old tits, mastectomy tits.

edit: tits
I know what you mean, they tend to make things way more extreme over there lol
Like seriously what other place do you know that sells things like live crabs in vending machines.
Back in 2004 I stayed at the hilton in shinjuku for a couple weeks during christmas time. I swear not even vegas can hold a candle to the city during this time of year. lol


New Member
They made them get rid of the sea food ufo catchers...animal cruelty. Now the place is light up, yesterday was the Emperors 77th birthday and people are in a good mood but the paper drivers (sunday drivers) are out in droons with their fucking priuses. What is the plural of Prius? Prisusses? Pussies? What the hell is it with the way those owners drive? I tell you the way the car companies sell their cars, tapped into the psyche of the people, they drive the part. Every legacy is screaming down the high way. Every Prius is doing like 20.


New Member
If anybody is not sure, the thread is also for advice, I'm serious about that. Anybody can hold me to any advice I give her. I'll only talk about shit I actually use or have experience with. No bullshit zone. But I'll also eat a brownie time to time.
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